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FMCG Pitch Deck Guide 2024 Insights (Best Pitch Deck Examples, Template And More)

Presentation and Pitch Expert. Ex Advertising.

$100mill In Funding. Bald Since 2010.

Are you ready to transform your FMCG startup into a market sensation? 

This guide is meticulously crafted, combining years of industry expertise with winning strategies that have already helped numerous FMCG startups secure substantial funding. 

Imagine presenting a pitch deck so compelling that investors are eager to be part of your journey, driving your brand to new heights. 

Hey, It’s Viktor, your pitch deck expert, presentation expert and burger lover. I’ve been pitching for the past 13 years and helped clients raise millions with my unique approach to creating pitch decks.

Think of me as your sommelier, guiding your taste buds through the robust, full-bodied world of FMCG. 

Lets start with the basics.

Book a free personalized pitch deck consultation and save over 20 hours of your time.

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.

Table Of Contents
  1. What Is An FMCG Pitch Deck? Is It An Investor Pitch Deck?
  2. How to Create An FMCG Slide Deck Presentation?
  3. What Does An FMCG Pitch Deck Include? The Exact Fmcg Pitch Deck Slide Structure You Can Steal And Use
  4. Secure Your Personalized FMCG Pitch Deck Structure Template That Aided Clients to Millions in Funding
  5. The Importance Of Understanding Your Audience When Creating An FMCG Pitch Deck
  6. 5 Reasons Why Crafting A Compelling Story Is Important When Creating An FMCG Pitch Deck
  7. 5 Reasons Why Design And Visuals Are Important When Creating An FMCG Pitch Deck
  8. 6 Tips To Help You Effectively Prepare For Questions And Objections When Presenting An FMCG Pitch Deck 
  9. 10 Best Practices When Creating A Real Estate Pitch Deck
  10. What nobody will tell you: Crucial considerations to keep in mind when developing your FMCG pitch deck and business
  11. How to creatively pitch your FMCG startup pitch deck?
  12. FMCG Best Pitch Deck Examples To Inspire You
  13. 10 Questions That Investors Ask FMCG Pitch Deck Owners When Fundraising:
  14. Last Words
  15. More Resources

What Is An FMCG Pitch Deck? Is It An Investor Pitch Deck?

fmcg pitch deck definition

An FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods) pitch deck is a presentation that entrepreneurs or business leaders create to illustrate their business strategy, product line, or marketing plans in the FMCG sector to potential investors, partners, or stakeholders. 

The purpose is to convince the audience that their business or project is valuable, viable, and likely to succeed in the highly competitive and fast-paced FMCG market. The pitch deck would typically include information about the company, the problem they are solving, their unique solution, market size, business model, competitive advantage, marketing strategy, team composition, financial projections, and the investment they’re seeking.

How to Create An FMCG Slide Deck Presentation?

Creating an effective FMCG pitch deck involves several steps that require a clear understanding of your business, its unique selling propositions, and the specific audience you’re presenting to. Here are some steps to consider:

  • Understand Your Audience: Before you start, research who you’re presenting to. Understand what interests them, what kind of language they respond to, and what they’re looking for in a pitch. Different stakeholders (investors, partners, clients) might have different concerns.
  • Tell a Story: Start with a compelling narrative that hooks your audience’s attention. Frame your company as the solution to a significant problem that exists in the FMCG market.
  • Define Your Value Proposition: Clearly articulate what makes your product or service unique. Highlight the benefits it offers and why it’s better than alternative solutions on the market.
  • Conduct Market Analysis: Show your understanding of the market, including its size, trends, and growth potential. Demonstrate the demand for your product and your target audience.
  • Identify Your Competitors: Recognize your competition and explain how your offering is different or superior. This helps to establish your business’s place in the market.
  • Explain Your Business Model: Describe how you make money. This includes your revenue streams, pricing strategy, cost structure, and scalability.
  • Detail Your Marketing & Sales Strategy: Outline how you plan to reach your target customers and what strategies you’ll use to retain them.
  • Present Your Financial Projections: Showcase your financial forecasts for the next three to five years. This provides a tangible measure of your business’s potential success.
  • Introduce Your Team: Highlight the expertise and qualifications of your team members. Show why they are the right people to make this business successful.
  • State Your Ask: Clearly state what you’re seeking from the audience, be it investment, partnership, or something else. Explain how the funds will be used and what they can expect in return.
  • Design Your Deck: Make your presentation visually appealing and easy to understand. Keep text to a minimum, use high-quality images, and ensure your design is consistent.
  • Practice Your Delivery: The presentation isn’t just about the slides—it’s also about how you deliver them. Practice your pitch until you’re comfortable, ensuring you can explain each point clearly and confidently.

Remember to tailor your pitch deck to your audience and keep it concise, engaging, and straightforward. Also, be prepared to answer questions about your presentation.

What Does An FMCG Pitch Deck Include? The Exact Fmcg Pitch Deck Slide Structure You Can Steal And Use

  • Cover: Your company’s name, your name, title, and contact information.
  • Mission: A catchy one-liner summarizing your company’s mission and what it stands for.
  • Problem: Description of the problem your product/service addresses. Use statistics and facts to back your points.
  • Solution: Detailed information on your product/service and how it solves the problem outlined in the previous slide.
  • Product Demo: Depending on your product, include images, diagrams, or a short demo. Show your product in action.
  • Market Opportunity: Use facts and figures to show the size and potential of your target market.
  • Business Model: Explain how you plan to make money. Highlight your sources of revenue, pricing strategy, and how it compares to your competitors.
  • Go-To-Market Strategy: Outline your marketing and sales strategy, including how you’ll reach your target market and acquire customers.
  • Competitive Landscape: A comparison of your product/service with key competitors. Show your unique selling propositions.
  • Financial Projections: A slide with graphs and charts showing your revenue, cash flow, and profitability projections for the next 3-5 years.
  • Current Status & Milestones: Highlight your current position, key accomplishments, and future milestones.
  • Team: A showcase of your team members and their qualifications. Highlight their expertise and why they’re the right people for the job.
  • The Ask: Clearly state what you’re seeking, whether it’s a specific amount of investment, strategic partnerships, etc.
  • Exit Strategy: Indicate potential exit strategies for investors, such as a buyout or an IPO.
  • Contact/Thank You: Your contact information for follow-up and a note of thanks for their time and consideration.

Remember, this is an fmcg pitch deck template; you may need to modify it to better fit your business and audience. Use it as a starting point and adapt it to make it truly yours.

Secure Your Personalized FMCG Pitch Deck Structure Template That Aided Clients to Millions in Funding

When presenting your FMCG venture to potential investors or partners, having a well-structured, persuasive pitch deck is indispensable. 

While numerous ready-to-use templates are available on platforms like Canva or Google Slides, tailoring these to fit your unique brand narrative and value proposition can become a laborious task. 

Here’s your solution: a customized, professionally designed template offers a faster and more streamlined approach. Clients have utilized this technique to craft compelling FMCG pitch decks in a fraction of the usual time, securing deals and investments.

So, if you’re looking for a more effective method for building your FMCG pitch deck, let’s collaborate. You’ll receive access to the proven template structure that has already propelled success for others in the FMCG sector. It’s time to elevate your pitch deck game to unprecedented heights!

The Importance Of Understanding Your Audience When Creating An FMCG Pitch Deck

Understanding your audience when creating an FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods) pitch deck is crucial for a number of reasons:

Tailored Message

Different audiences have different priorities and concerns. Investors may be interested in financial forecasts and exit strategies, while potential partners might focus more on your products, market positioning, and shared synergies. By understanding your audience, you can tailor your pitch to address their specific interests and concerns.

Appropriate Language and Tone

The language and tone you use should resonate with your audience. For instance, a technical audience may appreciate more jargon and detailed product specifications, while a non-technical audience might prefer simpler, more accessible language.

Engagement and Connection

Knowing your audience helps you create a narrative that connects with them on a personal level. If you can engage your audience emotionally, they’re more likely to be invested in your story and remember your pitch.

Anticipating Questions

Understanding your audience can help you anticipate the questions they’re likely to ask. You can address some of these in your pitch and be better prepared to answer others in the Q&A session.

Building Trust

When your audience feels understood, they’re more likely to trust you and your business. This trust can be crucial in convincing them to invest, partner, or otherwise engage with your company.

Overall, knowing your audience allows you to create a pitch deck that is more persuasive, relevant, and impactful.

5 Reasons Why Crafting A Compelling Story Is Important When Creating An FMCG Pitch Deck

fmcg pitch deck guide

Crafting a compelling story in an FMCG pitch deck is critical for several reasons:

Engages the Audience

Storytelling captures the audience’s attention and makes your presentation more memorable. It provides an emotional connection that plain facts and figures cannot, making your audience more invested in what you’re presenting.

Simplifies Complexity

Stories can simplify complex ideas and make them easier to understand. By explaining your business or product through a narrative, you can help your audience understand it more intuitively.

Demonstrates Value

A well-crafted story can vividly illustrate the problem your product solves and the value it offers. This can make it easier for your audience to see why your product is needed and how it stands out from the competition.

Shows your Journey

A story can convey your company’s journey, including the challenges you’ve overcome and the milestones you’ve achieved. This can help to build credibility and show your commitment and resilience.

Humanizes Your Business

Sharing a story about your business helps humanize it. It provides a glimpse into the people behind the company and their passion, making it easier for your audience to relate to and trust your business.

To help you improve your narrative, check this article on the best books for pitching. The authors have won billions in $$$ thanks to their ability to create stories when pitching and are sharing their methods with you

In essence, storytelling is a powerful tool that can make your pitch more impactful, relatable, and persuasive. It’s not just about what your product is, but why it matters and how it came to be.

5 Reasons Why Design And Visuals Are Important When Creating An FMCG Pitch Deck

The design and visuals of your FMCG pitch deck are crucial and can significantly impact how your presentation is received. Here’s why:

  • Grab Attention
    • A well-designed pitch deck with engaging visuals can grab and hold the attention of your audience. It can make your presentation more engaging and enjoyable to follow.
  • Clarify Complex Information
    • Visuals like infographics, charts, and diagrams can help simplify complex information and make it more digestible. This can aid understanding and help your audience to remember key points.
  • Convey Professionalism
    • A polished, consistent design can convey a sense of professionalism and competence. It shows you’ve invested time and effort into your presentation, which can reflect positively on your business.
  • Reinforce Brand Identity
    • Your pitch deck should reflect your company’s brand identity in its color scheme, fonts, and imagery. This can help to build brand recognition and create a consistent, memorable image of your company.
  • Evoke Emotion
    • Visuals can evoke emotions more effectively than text. The right image or color can create an emotional connection with your audience and make your story more compelling.
  • Increase Retention
    • Studies have shown that people remember information better when it’s presented visually. Using visuals in your pitch deck can therefore increase the likelihood that your audience will remember your presentation.

Hold on. You might want to check my list on the best presentation books. Why?

It’s 1O crucial books that will help you improve the design and structure of your presentations, besides improving its delivery. Check it out below.

In summary, while content is certainly vital, don’t underestimate the power of design and visuals when creating your FMCG pitch deck. They can make your presentation more impactful, memorable, and persuasive.

6 Tips To Help You Effectively Prepare For Questions And Objections When Presenting An FMCG Pitch Deck 

Preparing for questions and objections when presenting your FMCG pitch deck is crucial to demonstrate your command over your business plan and the market you’re targeting. Here are some strategies you can use:

Anticipate Questions

Think about the potential questions that might arise from each slide in your presentation. Consider aspects like market size, business model, competition, revenue projections, and your team. It might be helpful to have a colleague or mentor go through your pitch and pose possible questions.

Understand Your Data

Be sure you fully understand all the data and information presented in your pitch. If you’re presenting financial projections or market data, for instance, you should be able to explain how you arrived at those figures.

Practice Responses

Once you’ve anticipated potential questions, practice your responses. This will help ensure you can answer smoothly and confidently.

Prepare a FAQ Document

Having a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document can be useful. You may not have time to cover everything in your presentation, and an FAQ can provide additional information if required.

Address Objections Head-On

If you know there are potential objections to your plan, address them directly during your presentation. This shows you’ve thought through the challenges and have a plan to overcome them.

Be Honest

If you don’t know the answer to a question, it’s okay to admit it. It’s much better to say you’ll find out and follow up later than to guess or provide inaccurate information.

Stay Calm and Composed

Regardless of the nature of the questions or objections, always stay calm and composed. This will project confidence and control, which can reassure your audience about your ability to lead your business.

Remember, the Q&A is an opportunity to demonstrate your deep knowledge of your business and your market, and to build confidence in your ability to execute your plan.

10 Best Practices When Creating A Real Estate Pitch Deck

Creating an effective FMCG pitch deck involves a number of best practices. Here are some key tips:

  • Simplicity is Key: Your pitch deck should be concise, clear, and easy to understand. Avoid using jargon or overly technical language, unless you’re sure your audience will understand it.
  • Visual Appeal: Make your pitch deck visually appealing with a clean, consistent design. Use visuals like charts and infographics to simplify complex information and increase retention.
  • Tell a Story: Use a narrative structure to make your pitch more engaging and memorable. Frame your business as the solution to a significant problem in the FMCG market.
  • Know Your Audience: Tailor your pitch to your specific audience. Different stakeholders (e.g., investors, partners, customers) have different concerns and interests.
  • Focus on Benefits, Not Features: Don’t just list your product’s features. Instead, highlight the benefits it offers and the value it provides to customers.
  • Showcase Your Team: Your team is one of your biggest assets. Highlight their skills, experience, and achievements to show why they’re the right people to execute your business plan.
  • Provide Solid Data: Back up your claims with solid data and evidence. This could include market data, financial projections, or case studies.
  • Address the Competition: Recognize your competitors and clearly articulate your unique selling proposition—what sets you apart from them.
  • Clear Ask: Be clear about what you’re asking for—whether it’s investment, partnership, or something else. Explain how the funds or resources will be used and what the audience can expect in return.
  • Practice Your Delivery: Remember that a pitch deck is not just a set of slides—it’s a presentation. Practice your delivery to ensure you can present confidently and handle any questions that arise.

By adhering to these best practices, you can create a compelling FMCG pitch deck that engages your audience, clearly communicates your value proposition, and effectively persuades them to take the desired action.

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Go-To-Market Strategy

Creating a Go-To-Market (GTM) strategy slide in your FMCG pitch deck is essential to convey a clear, actionable plan for reaching your target audience and achieving a market advantage over competitors. Here’s how you can make this section insightful and action-oriented:

  1. Understand Your Audience: Start by creating and understanding personas for your target audience. This involves researching and defining the demographics, behaviors, pain points, and geolocations of your ideal customer profiles. For instance, if your FMCG product is a healthy snack, your target audience might include health-conscious consumers, busy professionals seeking convenient nutrition, and parents looking for healthy snack options for their children.
  2. Choose the Right Channels: Decide on the most effective distribution and sales channels based on your updated Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). In the FMCG sector, this might include direct-to-consumer channels, retail partnerships, or online marketplaces. For example, an organic food product might be distributed through health food stores and online platforms focusing on wellness products.
  3. Develop a Pricing Strategy: Determine your product’s value proposition and choose a pricing model that aligns with your market niche, cost of production, and customer expectations. FMCG products often use cost-plus pricing or value-based pricing. For instance, a premium organic skincare brand may opt for value-based pricing to reflect its quality and unique benefits.
  4. Sales and Marketing Synergy: Ensure a cohesive strategy between sales and marketing efforts. Your marketing strategy should cover aspects like lead generation, branding, and content marketing, while the sales strategy focuses on tools, resources, and tactics. For example, in the FMCG sector, a marketing campaign might focus on educating consumers about the unique benefits of a product, while the sales strategy could involve in-store promotions and demos.
  5. Design the GTM Slide Effectively: Keep your GTM slide simple and visually appealing. Use high-resolution images, clear font styles, and visual elements to present your strategy effectively. Include graphs and charts to represent data like market segmentation.
  6. Timeline for Execution: Include a timeline showing when and how you plan to implement various aspects of your GTM strategy. For example, you might start with online sales to build brand awareness and then expand to retail distribution.
  7. Avoid Common Mistakes: Be wary of common pitfalls such as focusing on too many customer segments at once or trying too many channels without mastering one.

By following these steps, you can create a compelling GTM strategy slide that not only demonstrates your understanding of the FMCG market but also clearly communicates your plan to potential investors and stakeholders​​​​​​.

Competitive Landscape

The Competitive Landscape section of an FMCG pitch deck is crucial for showcasing your understanding of the market and differentiating your product or service from others. Here are key aspects to consider and actions to take:

  1. Research Your Target Market and Trends: Begin by gaining a deep understanding of your market, including size, segments, and trends. This foundational knowledge is critical for positioning your FMCG product effectively against competitors​​.
  2. Identify and Evaluate Your Competition: Determine who your direct and indirect competitors are. Analyze their product, price, place, and promotion strategies. Understand their unique selling proposition, reputation, and partnerships. This detailed analysis helps in identifying gaps in the market that your product can fill​​.
  3. Highlight Unique Values: Identify and articulate what makes your FMCG product unique. This could be anything from customer service, user experience, innovative distribution strategy, or a unique pricing model. Clearly presenting these unique values will help set your product apart in the competitive landscape​​.
  4. Keep It Customer-Oriented: Emphasize how your product or service addresses customer needs more effectively than competitors. Showcase any advantages your product has in meeting customer demands, which is particularly important in the FMCG sector where customer preferences can rapidly change​​.
  5. Determine Your Strategic Advantage: Identify what gives you an edge over the competition. This could be a unique feature, a market niche, or a competitive pricing strategy. Remember, the focus should be on how you are different or better, not just on what competitors are lacking​​.
  6. Use Effective Tools for Analysis: Utilize online analytics tools, SWOT analysis, and competitor analysis tools to gather comprehensive data about your competitors. This includes demographic information, market share, product features, pricing, and more​​.
  7. Apply Collected Information Effectively: After evaluating the competitive information, decide how to apply it to your deck. This could include a slide comparing your offering with the competition, highlighting your unique features or value proposition, and showcasing how you’re different from the competition​​.
  8. Visually Represent the Competitive Landscape: Use creative design elements to visually represent the competitive landscape. Avoid simple bullet points and instead opt for visually engaging tables or graphs that compare your product with competitors in terms of features, benefits, and market positioning​​.

In summary, a well-crafted Competitive Landscape section in your FMCG pitch deck should convincingly showcase how your product stands out in the market, its unique value propositions, and how it addresses customer needs more effectively than competitors. This section is not just about presenting data but about telling a compelling story of your product’s place in the market.

Financial Projections

In an FMCG pitch deck, financial projections play a crucial role in demonstrating the viability and potential of your business to investors. They provide a quantifiable representation of anticipated revenue, expenses, profitability, and key metrics, typically for a period of three to five years. This information is essential for investors to assess the financial health and future prospects of your business.

To create effective financial projections for an FMCG pitch deck, consider the following actions:

  1. Include Revenue Projections: Outline the expected income generated from the sale of products or services. This should reflect the scalability and potential of the startup in generating revenue.
  2. Detail Expense Forecasts: Provide anticipated costs and expenditures related to running the business, including operational expenses and growth investments.
  3. Present Cash Flow Statements: Track cash movements into and out of the company, highlighting the ability to sustain healthy cash flows.
  4. Show Profit and Loss (P&L) Projections: Deduct expenses from anticipated revenue to showcase projected profitability.
  5. Incorporate Key Metrics: Early-stage companies should include assumptions like gross margin, net income, and various operational metrics. Relevant metrics might include customer acquisition cost (CAC), lifetime value of a customer (LTV), conversion rates, daily active users (DAU), monthly active users (MAU), churn rate, EBITDA, net profit, and gross margin.
  6. Avoid Common Mistakes: Be cautious about projecting unrealistically high revenue growth, confusing gross merchandise value (GMV) with net revenue, focusing on user growth without corresponding revenue growth, omitting customer acquisition cost, or basing lifetime value (LTV) on inaccurate churn rates.
  7. Tailor Projections to Your Fundraising Stage: The depth and detail of financial projections will vary depending on the stage of your fundraising. For example, a pre-seed round might focus on high-level revenue projections and key profit margins, while later stages would require more detailed revenue breakdowns and specific KPIs.

Financial projections should not only demonstrate potential profitability but also indicate that your business model is sustainable and scalable, particularly important in the dynamic FMCG market. Remember, the goal of these projections is to provide a realistic picture of your fiscal responsibility and future growth, not to create an exact forecast of your financial future. It’s about establishing credibility with investors and showing that your business is a worthy investment opportunity.

For further insights and detailed guidance on crafting financial projections for your pitch deck, you can refer to the resources provided by Waveup Blog​​, Alejandro Cremades​​, and Built In​​.

Current Status & Milestones

In an FMCG pitch deck, the Current Status & Milestones slide is pivotal for illustrating the growth journey and future objectives of your company. It functions like a roadmap, showcasing both past achievements and future plans, thereby instilling investor confidence and demonstrating your company’s progress and strategic direction.

To effectively create this slide, follow these steps:

  1. Define a Clear Objective: Establish what you aim to communicate with the milestone slide.
  2. Outline Key Achievements: List significant milestones and accomplishments of your company.
  3. Highlight Future Milestones: Show your upcoming objectives and milestones.
  4. Organize in a Timeline Format: Present your milestones in a chronological timeline for clarity.
  5. Use Visuals and Graphics: Enhance engagement using charts, graphs, icons, or images.
  6. Keep it Concise: Focus on delivering your message succinctly.
  7. Data-Driven Approach: Support your milestones with relevant data and metrics.
  8. Review and Iterate: Refine your slide to ensure effective communication of your company’s journey.

Remember, specificity and focus on key metrics are crucial to making this slide impactful. Avoid vague milestones and overwhelming details. Align each milestone with your overall pitch and contribute to your company’s growth story.

For more detailed guidance on crafting an impressive Current Status & Milestones slide, PitchBob provides comprehensive insights and examples​​.

Team Showcase

In an FMCG pitch deck, the team slide is vital as it highlights the strengths and experiences of team members, crucial for driving business success. This slide should visually represent each team member, showcasing their backgrounds, roles, and why they are suitable for these roles. It’s important to balance providing sufficient detail with keeping the slide concise and engaging.

You can opt for various formats like full bios, combined experience, or a minimal approach, each with its pros and cons. Full bios provide comprehensive information but can be text-heavy, combined experience focuses on team achievements, and minimal slides are clean but may lack detailed information.

The choice of style depends on the context of the presentation and the audience. Overall, the team slide should effectively communicate the collective capabilities and qualifications of the team, reflecting their potential to fulfill the company’s objectives in the FMCG sector​​.

The Ask

In an FMCG startup pitch deck, the “Ask” slide is crucial as it clearly communicates to investors the funding requirements and how the funds will be utilized. This slide should answer three key questions:

  1. How Much are You Raising?: Clearly state the amount of funding you are seeking. It’s important to strike a balance between raising too little, which might limit growth, and raising too much, which could dilute ownership or set unrealistic expectations.
  2. Where Will the Money be Spent?: Provide a breakdown, ideally in the form of a pie chart, showing how the funds will be allocated (e.g., product development, sales, marketing). This demonstrates thoughtful planning and a clear understanding of your business needs.
  3. What are Your Terms?: Outline the key terms of the investment opportunity, including valuation, type of investment instrument, minimum ticket size, expected runway, and monthly cash burn.

Remember, at the earliest stages of negotiation, it may be prudent to avoid including specific terms in the pitch deck and instead discuss them during negotiations.

For more detailed insights on crafting the ‘Ask’ slide in your FMCG pitch deck, you can refer to the article on SharpSheets​​.

Exit Strategy

In an FMCG pitch deck, the Exit Strategy slide is essential as it outlines how investors can realize returns on their investment. This strategy is a plan for the startup’s founders and investors to cash out their equity and exit the business, typically through acquisition, IPO, or buyout by private equity firms.

Including an exit strategy demonstrates to investors that you understand the risks associated with the startup journey and have a safety net in place. It also shows market awareness and strategic foresight. Key components of an effective exit strategy in a pitch deck include financial projections, potential exit scenarios, and case studies of successful exits in similar companies.

It’s important to tailor this strategy to different investor profiles and address potential concerns upfront. Avoid overpromising and ensure the exit strategy aligns with the overall pitch narrative​​.

Contact Information

In an FMCG pitch deck, the Contact Information slide is a simple yet crucial element. It provides potential investors or partners with direct channels to reach you for further discussions, queries, or investment decisions. Essential details include:

  1. Company Name and Logo: Clearly display the name and logo for brand recognition.
  2. Primary Contact Person: Name and title of the person to contact, usually a founder or CEO.
  3. Email Address: A professional email address for formal communication.
  4. Phone Number: A direct line for more immediate or detailed discussions.
  5. Company Address: The physical address, especially important if you have a manufacturing or retail presence.
  6. Website and Social Media Links: Include your website and relevant social media handles for more information about your company and its products.
  7. QR Code: A QR code linking to your website or a digital copy of your pitch deck can be a modern, convenient touch.

Ensure this information is current and accurate to facilitate smooth communication and maintain professionalism.

Use these insights and make a winning pitch. If you want to talk about them, reach out to me and book a call.

How to creatively pitch your FMCG startup pitch deck?

For a creative and attention-grabbing FMCG startup pitch, consider these novel ideas:

  1. Product Demonstration: Start with a live, engaging demo of your product, showing its unique features.
  2. Customer Testimonial Videos: Integrate brief, powerful testimonials from satisfied customers.
  3. Interactive Polls: Use technology to conduct live polls with the audience, making them part of your presentation.
  4. Virtual Reality Experience: If applicable, provide a VR experience of your product or store environment.
  5. Storytelling with Props: Use props related to your FMCG products to tell a compelling story.
  6. Augmented Reality Presentation: Integrate AR into your presentation to showcase your product in a futuristic way.
  7. Flash Mob: Organize a flash mob related to your product’s theme before or after your presentation.
  8. Theme Dressing: Dress according to your product theme to make a lasting impression.

Remember, the key is to align these ideas with your product’s core message and your audience’s interests.

FMCG Best Pitch Deck Examples To Inspire You

1. Vegan and Organic Snack Food Company

  • Slide 1 – Company Introduction: “Earth Bites: Your Go-To for Vegan, Organic Snacks. Pioneering a new era in snack foods, combining health and flavor in every bite.”
  • Slide 2 – Problem Statement: “The market is flooded with unhealthy, processed snacks. Consumers struggle to find tasty, vegan, and organic snack options.”
  • Slide 3 – Solution: “Earth Bites offers a range of delicious, nutritious, vegan, and organic snacks. Good for you, good for the planet.”
  • Slide 4 – Market Opportunity: “With the global vegan food market projected to reach $31.4 billion by 2026, the opportunity for vegan snacks is ripe.
  • Slide 5 – Product Range: “Our diverse product range includes vegan granola bars, fruit and nut mixes, plant-based protein shakes, and more.
  • Slide 6 – Target Audience: “Health-conscious consumers, vegans, vegetarians, and those with dietary restrictions looking for tasty, nutritious snack options.”
  • Slide 7 – Go-to-Market Strategy: “Launch online through our website and major e-commerce platforms. Partner with health and fitness centers for retail opportunities.”
  • Slide 8 – Financials: “Financial projections including sales, revenues, and profitability over the next 5 years.”
  • Slide 9 – Team: “Our team combines industry experience in food technology, nutrition, and business management.”
  • Slide 10 – Ask: “Seeking $1M in funding for product development, marketing initiatives, and scaling production.”

I might even become vegan after creating this. 

2. Eco-friendly Cleaning Products Startup

  • Slide 1 – Company Introduction: “CleanGreen: Eco-Friendly Cleaning for a Better Tomorrow. We make products that are tough on dirt and gentle on the earth.”
  • Slide 2 – Problem Statement: “Traditional cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that harm the environment and can cause health issues.”
  • Slide 3 – Solution: “CleanGreen’s range of eco-friendly, non-toxic cleaning products delivers powerful cleaning without the harmful side effects.”
  • Slide 4 – Market Opportunity: “With the global green cleaning products market expected to reach $27.83 billion by 2027, now is the time for CleanGreen.”
  • Slide 5 – Product Range: “Our products include all-purpose cleaners, dish soaps, laundry detergents, and bathroom cleaners, all made with eco-friendly ingredients.”
  • Slide 6 – Target Audience: “Eco-conscious households, commercial cleaning services, and businesses committed to sustainable practices.”
  • Slide 7 – Go-to-Market Strategy: “Distribution through online channels, local eco-friendly stores, and partnerships with green-oriented businesses.”
  • Slide 8 – Financials: “Presenting financial projections that highlight revenue growth, profitability margins, and ROI over the next 5 years.”
  • Slide 9 – Team: “Our dedicated team brings together expertise in chemical engineering, business development, and environmental science.”
  • Slide 10 – Ask: “Requesting $2M in investment for product line expansion, marketing, and scaling distribution channels.”

3. Natural Skincare Brand

  • Slide 1 – Company Introduction: “NatureGlow: Embrace the Power of Nature for Beautiful Skin. We offer natural skincare products, free from harmful chemicals.”
  • Slide 2 – Problem Statement:* “Many skincare products in the market are loaded with harmful chemicals that can damage the skin in the long run.”
  • Slide 3 – Solution: “NatureGlow offers a range of natural, chemical-free skincare products that nourish your skin and help it glow.”
  • Slide 4 – Market Opportunity: “The global organic skincare market is expected to reach $22.3 billion by 2025, signaling a huge opportunity for NatureGlow.”
  • Slide 5 – Product Range: “Our products embrace nature’s best, offering a range of face creams, serums, cleansers, body lotions, and more – all made with 100% natural ingredients.”
  • Slide 6 – Target Audience: “Nature enthusiasts, skincare aficionados, and health-conscious consumers looking for natural, chemical-free skincare products.”
  • Slide 7 – Go-to-Market Strategy: “Distribution through our e-commerce platform, beauty retail chains, and collaboration with well-established spas and wellness centers.”
  • Slide 8 – Financials: “Detailed financial projections featuring revenue growth, cost analysis, and profitability expectations over the next five years.”
  • Slide 9 – Team: “Our robust team amalgamates expertise from dermatology, cosmetic science, and business management, unified by a shared vision for natural beauty.”
  • Slide 10 – Ask: “We are seeking an investment of $2.5M to amplify our product line, boost our marketing efforts, and extend our distribution reach.”

10 Questions That Investors Ask FMCG Pitch Deck Owners When Fundraising:

Investors typically have a set of key questions they ask when considering an investment in an FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods) company. Here are some common ones:

  1. What problem does your product solve? They want to understand the need for your product in the market and how it provides a solution to a real problem.
  2. Who are your target customers? They’ll want to understand your market segment and whether you have a clear understanding of who your customers are.
  3. What is your unique selling proposition (USP)? They are keen to know what sets you apart from the competition. What makes your product unique?
  4. Who are your competitors? Investors will want to know the competitive landscape and how you plan to differentiate and stay ahead.
  5. What is your go-to-market strategy? They will be interested in how you plan to market and distribute your product, and whether it’s a cost-effective strategy.
  6. What is your business model? They’ll want to understand how you plan to make money and whether it’s a sustainable model in the long run.
  7. What are your financial projections? Investors will want to see your sales, revenue, and profit forecasts, and understand the assumptions behind them.
  8. Who is on your team? They’re interested in the people who will be executing the business plan. The skills, experience, and commitment of the team are often key factors in an investor’s decision.
  9. What is your funding need and how will the funds be used? Investors will want to know how much capital you need, how you plan to use it, and what milestones it will help you reach.
  10. What are the exit strategies? While this can sometimes be overlooked in the early stages, savvy investors will want to know your thoughts on potential exit strategies.

Keep in mind that every investor may have their unique questions or areas of focus, so it’s important to know your audience and prepare accordingly.

Last Words

As we wrap up, remember, in the fast-paced world of FMCG, standing still is akin to moving backwards. To leap forward, you’ll need more than just a good product—you’ll need an FMCG pitch deck that doesn’t just communicate, but captivates! Whether you’re wooing investors or enticing partners, your pitch deck is your passport to success.

Why scramble through a sea of generic templates when a proven, customizable blueprint awaits? Our game-changing template, a catapult for over $10 million in funding, is your golden ticket. If crafting a compelling narrative were a sport, we’re offering you the equivalent of rocket-powered roller skates.

So let’s connect, craft, and catapult your FMCG venture to the front lines of the market battleground. Because remember, in this arena, fortune doesn’t just favor the brave—it favors the well-prepared!

You got this!

But if you don’t got it:

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.

More Resources

Discover my foundational guide on pitch decks that have propelled my clients to secure millions in funding:

You’ll gain the knowledge to design a pitch deck by following my fail-safe, step-by-step methodology that has assisted my clients in raising millions. The guide covers:

  • The process of constructing the slides (encompassing the elevator pitch slide, financials slide, and more)
  • Examples of successful startup pitch decks
  • Essential information that investors look for
  • The integral elements of a successful pitch deck
  • Aspects to avoid in your pitch deck
  • Helpful hints and insider strategies for crafting a persuasive pitch presentation

Don’t miss out on the plethora of other insightful pitch deck guides available here:

Also don’t miss out on my massive presentation specialist guide, last minute presentations and best business projector buyers guide.

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