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Airline Pitch Deck Presentation Guide For Startups 2024 Insights | Template Included

Presentation and Pitch Expert. Ex Advertising.

$100mill In Funding. Bald Since 2010.

Welcome aboard, fellow high-flyers! If you’ve ever dreamed of soaring through the skies with your very own airline, you’ve come to the right place. Buckle up and get ready for a turbulent journey through the world of airline pitch decks. 

In this guide, I’ll navigate you through the wild blue yonder of crafting a pitch deck that will have investors lining up for a one-way ticket to success.

I’m Viktor, a pitch deck expertpresentation expert and frequent flyer. I’ve been a pitch deck expert for the past 13 years and helped clients raise millions with my unique approach to creating decks.

So, fasten your seatbelts – we’re about to take off into the world of creating a standout airline pitch deck.

Next, we’ll delve into understanding what this pitch deck is all about.

Book a free personalized pitch deck consultation and save over 20 hours of your time.

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.

Table Of Contents
  1. What is an Airline Pitch Deck?
  2. How to Create an Airline Pitch Deck Presentation?
  3. What Does An Airline Pitch Deck Include? The Exact Airline Pitch Deck Slide Structure You Can Steal And Use
  4. Get Your Copy Of My Pitch Deck Template That Helped Clients Get Millions In Funding
  5. Why is it important to understand your audience when creating an airline pitch deck?
  6. Why is it important to craft a compelling story when creating an airline pitch deck?
  7. How important are design and visuals when creating an airline pitch deck?
  8. How to prepare for questions and objections when presenting an airline pitch deck?
  9. What are the best practices when creating an airline pitch deck?
  10. What nobody will tell you: Crucial considerations to keep in mind when developing your airline pitch deck and business
  11. Creative Pitch Techniques To Stay Top Of Mind During and After The Pitch
  12. Airline Pitch Deck Examples
  13. Questions That Investors Ask Airline Pitch Deck Owners:
  14. My Last Thoughts
  15. More Resources:

What is an Airline Pitch Deck?

airline pitch deck definition

An airline pitch deck is a presentation or document that outlines the key aspects of a proposed airline business to potential investors, partners, or stakeholders. It serves as a tool to communicate the value proposition, market opportunity, growth strategy, and financial projections of the airline venture.

An effective airline pitch deck should be concise, visually engaging, and compelling, capturing the audience’s attention and conveying the business’s potential for success. It should articulate a compelling story, supported by data, market research, and a solid business plan, to inspire confidence and generate interest from potential investors or partners.

How to Create an Airline Pitch Deck Presentation?

Creating an effective airline pitch deck presentation requires careful planning and attention to detail. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create an impactful presentation:

  1. Understand Your Audience: Identify your target audience, whether it’s investors, potential partners, or stakeholders. Understand their interests, expectations, and what they’re looking for in an airline business.
  2. Define Your Key Message: Clearly define the core message you want to convey about your airline business. What sets you apart? What problem are you solving? Craft a compelling value proposition that captures the essence of your venture.
  3. Structure Your Presentation: Create a logical and organized structure for your pitch deck. Typically, it includes sections such as an introduction, problem statement, solution, market analysis, business model, team, financials, and a conclusion.
  4. Craft Engaging Slides: Design visually appealing slides that enhance your message. Use high-quality images, graphs, charts, and infographics to convey information effectively and engage your audience. Keep the text concise and use bullet points to highlight key points.
  5. Tell a Compelling Story: Weave your presentation into a compelling narrative. Use storytelling techniques to captivate your audience, evoke emotions, and make your pitch memorable. Connect the dots between the problem, your solution, market opportunity, and the potential impact of your airline business.
  6. Present Key Data and Metrics: Include relevant data and metrics to support your claims. This could include market research, customer insights, revenue projections, and key performance indicators. Ensure the data is accurate, up-to-date, and clearly presented.
  7. Showcase Your Team: Introduce your key team members and their relevant experience. Highlight their expertise and how their skills contribute to the success of your airline business. Investors often look for a strong and capable team to invest in.
  8. Address Potential Concerns: Anticipate questions and objections your audience may have and address them proactively. Be prepared to explain potential risks and challenges, along with your mitigation strategies. Show that you’ve thought through potential roadblocks and have contingency plans in place.
  9. Practice and Refine: Practice your presentation multiple times to ensure a smooth and confident delivery. Seek feedback from trusted advisors or colleagues and incorporate their suggestions to improve your presentation. Refine your slides, content, and overall delivery based on the feedback received.
  10. End with a Strong Conclusion: Summarize the key points of your pitch and end with a clear call to action. Specify what you’re seeking, whether it’s investment, partnerships, or further discussions. Provide your contact information and invite your audience to reach out.

Remember to keep your presentation concise, focused, and tailored to your audience. Capture attention from the start, maintain a confident and engaging delivery, and highlight the unique aspects of your airline business. A well-crafted and compelling airline pitch deck presentation will increase your chances of success in securing support and investment for your venture.

What Does An Airline Pitch Deck Include? The Exact Airline Pitch Deck Slide Structure You Can Steal And Use

An airline pitch deck typically includes several key components that provide a comprehensive overview of the proposed airline business. While the specific content may vary depending on the company and target audience, here are the common elements typically found in an airline pitch deck:

  1. Title Slide: Introduce your airline business and include your company name, logo, and a captivating tagline.
  2. Problem Statement: Identify the key challenges or pain points in the airline industry that your business aims to address.
  3. Solution: Present your unique solution and value proposition, highlighting how it solves the identified problems and meets the needs of customers.
  4. Market Analysis: Provide an overview of the target market, including size, growth potential, and relevant trends. Showcase your understanding of market dynamics and the potential for your airline business.
  5. Business Model: Explain your revenue streams, pricing strategy, and operational approach. Outline how your business will generate revenue and achieve profitability.
  6. Competitive Landscape: Analyze the competitive landscape and showcase how your airline differentiates itself from existing players. Highlight your competitive advantages and any unique features that set your business apart.
  7. Marketing and Customer Acquisition: Describe your marketing strategies and customer acquisition plans. Discuss how you will attract and retain passengers, including your branding, advertising, and customer engagement strategies.
  8. Team and Expertise: Showcase your key team members, highlighting their expertise and relevant experience in the aviation industry. Demonstrate that you have the right team in place to execute your business plan successfully.
  9. Financial Projections: Present your projected financials, including revenue forecasts, cost structures, and key financial metrics. Provide a clear picture of the expected financial performance and return on investment.
  10. Funding Requirements: Outline your funding requirements and explain how the investment will be utilized to support the growth and expansion of your airline business.
  11. Milestones and Roadmap: Present the key milestones and development stages of your business. Show the progress you have made and the future roadmap for achieving your goals.
  12. Risk Assessment: Identify potential risks and challenges that could impact your airline business. Demonstrate your understanding of these risks and outline mitigation strategies to address them.
  13. Conclusion and Call to Action: Summarize the key points of your pitch and end with a strong conclusion. Clearly state the desired next steps, whether it’s investment, partnerships, or further discussions. Provide your contact information for interested parties to reach out.

An airline pitch deck should be clear, concise, and visually appealing, effectively conveying the business’s value proposition, market opportunity, and growth potential. It should provide a compelling story supported by data, market research, and a well-structured business plan to capture the interest of potential investors, partners, or stakeholders.

Get Your Copy Of My Pitch Deck Template That Helped Clients Get Millions In Funding

Crafting a compelling pitch deck that captures the attention of potential buyers and investors in the airline industry is crucial.

While pre-made templates are available on platforms like Canva and Google Slides, they might not fully align with your brand identity, necessitating significant customization efforts.

Thankfully, there’s a superior alternative.

Utilizing a custom-written template not only saves time but also ensures that your deck resonates with your brand. By adopting this approach, my clients have successfully developed exceptional airline pitch decks in half the time, resulting in securing funding, deals, and investments exceeding 8 figures.

If you seek an efficient solution for creating a pitch deck tailored to your airline-related business, reach out to access my winning template structure that has propelled others toward remarkable success.

Why is it important to understand your audience when creating an airline pitch deck?

Understanding your audience is crucial when creating an airline pitch deck for several reasons:

  1. Tailoring the Message: Different audiences have different interests, priorities, and expectations. By understanding your audience, you can tailor your message to resonate with their specific needs and preferences. This customization allows you to highlight the aspects of your airline business that are most relevant and appealing to the specific group you are presenting to.
  2. Addressing Concerns and Objections: Each audience may have unique concerns, objections, or questions about your airline business. By understanding their perspective, you can anticipate these concerns and proactively address them in your pitch deck. This demonstrates that you have thoroughly considered their potential reservations and have viable solutions or strategies in place.
  3. Showing Relevance: Understanding your audience allows you to showcase how your airline business aligns with their specific industry, market, or investment interests. By tailoring your pitch deck to their needs, you can demonstrate the relevance and potential impact of your venture in a way that resonates with them. This increases the likelihood of capturing their attention and generating interest in your proposal.
  4. Building Rapport: When you demonstrate a deep understanding of your audience’s challenges, goals, and aspirations, it helps build rapport and trust. They feel that you have taken the time to understand their perspective, which can create a positive impression and enhance the credibility of your pitch.
  5. Adjusting Communication Style: Different audiences may respond better to different communication styles. Some may prefer a more technical and data-driven approach, while others may appreciate a more storytelling or visual approach. Understanding your audience allows you to adapt your communication style and presentation format to effectively engage and connect with them.

Ultimately, understanding your audience helps you create a pitch deck that is specifically tailored to their needs, concerns, and interests. This increases the chances of capturing their attention, resonating with them on a deeper level, and ultimately securing their support, whether it be investment, partnerships, or other forms of collaboration.

Why is it important to craft a compelling story when creating an airline pitch deck?

Here’s why a story is crucial:

  1. Capturing Attention: A well-crafted story captures the attention of your audience right from the start. It creates an emotional connection and engages them on a deeper level. In a competitive pitch environment, a compelling story sets you apart and makes your airline business memorable.
  2. Creating a Narrative: A story helps you create a narrative that ties together different elements of your pitch deck. It allows you to present your airline business in a cohesive and coherent manner, guiding your audience through a logical and captivating journey. A narrative structure helps them understand the purpose, vision, and impact of your venture.
  3. Demonstrating Value: A compelling story allows you to demonstrate the unique value of your airline business. Through storytelling, you can showcase how your solution addresses a specific problem or fulfills a need in the market. By illustrating the benefits and impact of your business in a narrative format, you make it easier for your audience to grasp and appreciate its value.
  4. Building Emotional Connection: Stories evoke emotions and help build a connection with your audience. By weaving a narrative that resonates with their experiences, challenges, or aspirations, you create a sense of empathy and relatability. This emotional connection can be a powerful tool in influencing their decision-making process and generating interest in your airline venture.
  5. Enhancing Memorability: People remember stories far better than raw data or information. By presenting your airline business in the form of a story, you make it more memorable and increase the chances of your pitch leaving a lasting impact on your audience. A compelling story sticks in their minds and helps them recall the key points of your pitch deck long after the presentation.
  6. Engaging and Persuading: Stories are inherently engaging and persuasive. They have the power to captivate and hold the attention of your audience throughout your pitch. By presenting your airline business in a storytelling format, you create a more immersive and persuasive experience, increasing the likelihood of convincing your audience of the merits of your venture.

To help you improve your narrative, check this selection on the best books for pitching. The authors have won billions in $ thanks to their ability to create stories when pitching and are sharing their methods with you.

By harnessing the power of storytelling, you can make your pitch more compelling, persuasive, and ultimately increase your chances of success in securing investment, partnerships, or support for your airline business.

How important are design and visuals when creating an airline pitch deck?

Here’s why design and visuals are important:

  1. Visual Appeal: Design and visuals contribute to the overall visual appeal of your pitch deck. A well-designed presentation with visually pleasing elements captures the attention of your audience and makes a positive first impression. It sets the tone for your pitch and creates a professional and polished image for your airline business.
  2. Enhanced Understanding: Visuals help convey information in a more digestible and memorable way. They can simplify complex concepts, data, or processes, making it easier for your audience to understand and retain the information. Infographics, charts, and diagrams can illustrate market trends, financial projections, or operational processes, helping to reinforce your key messages.
  3. Branding and Identity: Design elements, such as colors, typography, and imagery, allow you to incorporate your airline’s branding and identity into the pitch deck. Consistent branding helps create a cohesive and recognizable visual identity, reinforcing your company’s image and differentiation. It also builds trust and credibility with your audience.
  4. Storytelling and Engagement: Visuals can enhance storytelling by creating a more immersive and engaging experience. They can evoke emotions, create a sense of excitement, or visually represent your airline’s value proposition. Imagery can showcase the travel experience, destinations, or the unique features of your airline, capturing the imagination of your audience and making your pitch more memorable.
  5. Professionalism and Attention to Detail: A well-designed pitch deck demonstrates professionalism and attention to detail. It shows that you have invested time and effort in crafting a visually appealing presentation, which reflects positively on your airline business. Attention to design enhances the perceived quality and professionalism of your venture.
  6. Differentiation: Design and visuals can help differentiate your pitch deck from others. A visually striking and well-executed design can make your presentation stand out and leave a lasting impression. It creates a memorable visual experience that sets you apart and increases the chances of your pitch being remembered among a sea of other presentations.

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It’s 1O crucial books that will help you improve the design and structure of your presentations, besides improving its delivery. Check it out below.

While design and visuals are important, it’s essential to strike a balance. Ensure that the visuals complement and enhance the content of your pitch deck, rather than overwhelming or distracting from it. Keep the design clean, consistent, and aligned with your airline’s branding. Remember, the purpose of design and visuals is to support and amplify your message, making it more engaging, understandable, and memorable for your audience.

How to prepare for questions and objections when presenting an airline pitch deck?

Here are 8 steps you should take, that will help you effectively anticipate and address any questions and objections:

  1. Know Your Pitch Deck Inside Out: Thoroughly understand every aspect of your pitch deck, including the content, data, and key messages. Be familiar with the supporting evidence, market analysis, financial projections, and any other information presented. This will enable you to confidently respond to questions and objections raised by your audience.
  2. Identify Potential Questions and Objections: Put yourself in the shoes of your audience and anticipate the questions or objections they may have. Consider factors such as market competition, scalability, financial viability, operational challenges, or regulatory considerations. Brainstorm with your team or seek feedback from trusted advisors to identify potential areas of concern.
  3. Prepare Clear and Concise Answers: Craft well-prepared responses to address each potential question or objection. Keep your answers clear, concise, and supported by relevant data or evidence. Anticipate follow-up questions and have additional information ready, if necessary. Strive to provide solutions, mitigations, or counterarguments that address the concerns raised.
  4. Practice Responding: Practice delivering your responses to questions and objections in a confident and concise manner. Conduct mock Q&A sessions with colleagues, mentors, or industry experts to simulate the actual presentation environment. This will help refine your answers, improve your delivery, and build your confidence in responding to different scenarios.
  5. Showcase Confidence and Knowledge: During the presentation, exude confidence and display your deep knowledge of the airline industry and your business. Be proactive in addressing potential concerns before they are raised, demonstrating that you have thoroughly considered all aspects of your venture. Confidence in your responses will help instill trust and credibility in your audience.
  6. Stay Calm and Objective: When faced with challenging questions or objections, remain calm and composed. Listen attentively to the question, take a moment to gather your thoughts, and respond in an objective and professional manner. Avoid becoming defensive or confrontational. Instead, focus on providing well-reasoned and fact-based responses that address the underlying concerns.
  7. Emphasize Strengths and Solutions: Use questions and objections as opportunities to highlight the strengths of your airline business and showcase your problem-solving abilities. Emphasize how your business model, team expertise, or market positioning effectively mitigate the concerns raised. Pivot the conversation toward the positive aspects of your venture and the potential value it offers.
  8. Seek Feedback and Learn: After the presentation, ask for feedback from your audience, especially if there were challenging questions or objections. Use this feedback to improve your pitch deck, refine your responses, and strengthen your overall presentation. Continuously learning from these interactions will help you enhance your pitch and address concerns more effectively in future presentations.

The goal is not to simply overcome objections but to engage in meaningful dialogue, build trust, and address any genuine concerns your audience may have. Preparation, confidence, and a customer-centric approach will help you navigate questions and objections smoothly, leaving a positive impression and increasing your chances of securing support for your airline business.

What are the best practices when creating an airline pitch deck?

When creating an airline pitch deck, there are several best practices to keep in mind. Here are some key recommendations:

  1. Clear and Concise Messaging: Craft a clear and concise message that effectively communicates the value proposition of your airline business. Focus on highlighting the unique features, benefits, and differentiation of your venture. Avoid jargon or technical language that may confuse or alienate your audience.
  2. Engaging Opening: Start your pitch deck with a compelling opening that captures the attention of your audience. Use a captivating story, statistic, or problem statement to create an immediate interest in your airline business. The opening should set the tone for the rest of the presentation and generate curiosity.
  3. Visual Appeal: Utilize professional and visually appealing design elements to enhance the overall look of your pitch deck. Incorporate your airline’s branding and colors while ensuring consistency throughout the presentation. Use visuals, such as images, infographics, and charts, to convey information in a visually appealing and easily understandable format.
  4. Focus on the Customer: Clearly articulate how your airline meets the needs of your target customers. Showcase the benefits and unique experiences passengers will enjoy when choosing your airline. Highlight customer-centric features, such as exceptional service, innovative amenities, or convenient travel options.
  5. Market Analysis: Conduct a thorough market analysis to demonstrate your understanding of the airline industry. Showcase industry trends, market size, growth potential, and key opportunities. Present a comprehensive competitive analysis that highlights how your airline stands out from existing players.
  6. Strong Business Model: Clearly outline your airline’s business model, revenue streams, cost structure, and growth projections. Present a realistic and well-supported financial forecast that demonstrates the potential profitability and return on investment. Highlight any unique aspects of your business model that contribute to its success.
  7. Team Expertise: Showcase the expertise and experience of your management team. Highlight key team members and their relevant backgrounds in the aviation industry. Present their accomplishments, skills, and qualifications to instill confidence in your ability to execute the business plan.
  8. Scalability and Growth Strategy: Present a clear plan for scaling your airline and expanding its market reach. Outline your growth strategy, including new routes, partnerships, or innovative service offerings. Demonstrate that your airline has a scalable and sustainable business model.
  9. Real-World Examples and Testimonials: Incorporate real-world examples, success stories, or testimonials from satisfied customers, industry experts, or partners. These provide social proof and add credibility to your pitch, reinforcing the viability and potential of your airline business.
  10. Proofread and Edit: Before finalizing your pitch deck, thoroughly proofread and edit the content. Ensure there are no spelling or grammatical errors that could undermine the professionalism and credibility of your presentation. Review the flow and logical progression of the slides to ensure a cohesive and well-structured pitch.
  11. Practice and Refine: Practice your pitch deck presentation multiple times to ensure a smooth delivery. Seek feedback from trusted advisors, colleagues, or mentors, and make necessary refinements based on their input. Aim for a polished and confident presentation that effectively communicates your airline’s value proposition.

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Market Analysis and Trends: Key Insight for Airline Pitch Decks

Market analysis and understanding current trends are crucial in crafting an effective airline pitch deck. This section should demonstrate your deep understanding of the airline industry’s dynamics, challenges, and opportunities. It’s not just about presenting data but interpreting it in a way that underscores the viability and potential of your airline venture.

Why It’s Important:

  1. Identifying Growth Opportunities: Market analysis helps identify emerging trends and growth areas in the airline industry, such as the increasing demand for low-cost travel or luxury private charters.
  2. Understanding Customer Needs: Keeping abreast of trends allows you to tailor your airline services to evolving customer preferences, such as enhanced safety measures or a focus on sustainability.
  3. Competitive Positioning: A thorough market analysis enables you to position your airline strategically against competitors, highlighting your unique selling propositions.
  4. Risk Mitigation: Trends can also point to potential risks, allowing you to develop strategies to mitigate them, such as diversifying routes to avoid over-dependence on a single market.

Research Insights:

  • According to a recent study by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), there’s a rising trend in eco-conscious travel, with passengers increasingly favoring airlines with sustainable practices.
  • A report by Deloitte highlights that digital transformation, including AI and IoT, is reshaping customer service and operational efficiency in airlines.

Actions to Take:

  1. Analyze Customer Demographics and Preferences: Dive into the latest consumer research to understand what specific demographics (e.g., millennials, business travelers) are looking for in airline services.
  2. Monitor Competitors: Regularly review your competitors’ strategies and performance. Identify any gaps in their offerings that your airline can fill.
  3. Assess Economic and Regulatory Impacts: Stay updated on economic trends and regulatory changes that could affect the airline industry, such as fuel price fluctuations or new air travel policies.
  4. Leverage Technology Trends: Integrate the latest technology trends into your services, such as implementing a robust digital booking system or using AI for personalized customer service.
  5. Sustainability Focus: Given the growing importance of eco-friendly practices, develop and highlight your airline’s initiatives towards sustainability, such as investing in fuel-efficient aircraft or implementing carbon offset programs.

Incorporating these insights and actions into your pitch deck will demonstrate not only your thorough understanding of the market but also your strategic approach to capitalizing on these trends. Next, we’ll explore the Innovative Revenue Streams section, detailing how diversifying income sources can significantly enhance your airline’s financial stability and appeal to investors.

Innovative Revenue Streams: Essential for Airline Pitch Decks

In the airline industry, relying solely on ticket sales can be risky due to fluctuating demand and intense competition. Innovative revenue streams can provide additional financial stability and growth potential. In your airline pitch deck, this section should articulate how you plan to diversify your revenue sources, making your business model more robust and appealing to investors.

Why It’s Important:

  1. Reducing Dependency on Core Operations: Diversifying revenue helps mitigate risks associated with the core business, like seasonal fluctuations in passenger travel.
  2. Enhancing Profit Margins: Additional revenue streams often come with higher profit margins, especially when they leverage existing assets and capabilities.
  3. Attracting a Broader Customer Base: By offering diverse services, you can attract a wider range of customers, including those who may not typically choose your airline for travel.
  4. Staying Competitive: Innovative revenue strategies can give you a competitive edge in a crowded market.

Research Insights:

  • The Skytrax World Airline Awards showed that ancillary revenues, such as baggage fees and premium seating, have become significant profit drivers for airlines.
  • An industry report by AT Kearney highlighted that airlines are increasingly partnering with non-travel brands to offer unique customer experiences, boosting brand loyalty and revenue.

Actions to Take:

  1. Develop Ancillary Services: Explore services like priority boarding, extra baggage allowance, in-flight Wi-Fi, and premium seat selection. These add value for customers and can significantly boost revenue.
  2. Leverage Frequent Flyer Programs: Enhance your loyalty programs to increase customer retention and spending. Consider partnerships with hotels, car rental services, and retail brands for a wider range of redemption options.
  3. Explore Cargo Opportunities: Utilize unused cargo space in passenger flights or consider dedicated cargo services, especially on routes with high demand for freight transport.
  4. Innovate with In-Flight Experiences: Offer unique in-flight experiences, such as gourmet meals, in-flight entertainment options, or branded merchandise, which can attract premium pricing.
  5. Harness Data for Personalized Offers: Use customer data to create personalized service offers, like tailored travel packages or targeted promotions, enhancing customer satisfaction and revenue.

Including these innovative revenue streams in your pitch deck will show potential investors that you have a forward-thinking approach to business growth and sustainability. Up next, let’s delve into how Digital Transformation in Airlines is revolutionizing the industry and how it can be a game-changer for your business.

Digital Transformation in Airlines: A Key Element for Pitch Decks

Digital transformation in the airline industry is not just a trend; it’s a fundamental shift that is redefining how airlines operate and engage with their customers. In your airline pitch deck, emphasizing how your company plans to integrate digital technologies can significantly enhance your proposition to investors.

Why It’s Important:

  1. Enhancing Customer Experience: Digital innovations can dramatically improve the customer journey, from booking to post-flight, making it more convenient and personalized.
  2. Operational Efficiency: Digital tools can streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve service reliability – key factors for profitability.
  3. Data-Driven Decision Making: Leveraging big data and analytics helps in making informed decisions, from route planning to personalized marketing.
  4. Competitive Edge: In a tech-driven market, airlines that embrace digital transformation can stay ahead of the curve.

Research Insights:

  • A report by SITA, an IT provider for the air transport industry, indicates that airlines are investing in AI, biometric identification, and mobile services to enhance passenger experience.
  • According to IATA, airlines are increasingly using big data and analytics for dynamic pricing and revenue management.

Actions to Take:

  1. Implement AI and Machine Learning: Use AI for various applications like predictive maintenance, dynamic pricing, and personalized customer service.
  2. Adopt Biometric Technologies: Integrate biometric systems for faster and more secure check-ins and boarding processes.
  3. Enhance Mobile Capabilities: Develop a robust mobile app that offers seamless booking, check-in, real-time notifications, and in-flight services.
  4. Utilize Big Data and Analytics: Harness data to understand customer preferences and behavior, optimize routes, and tailor marketing efforts.
  5. Invest in Cybersecurity: With digital transformation, ensuring data security is paramount. Implement strong cybersecurity measures to protect customer data and company information.

Incorporating a well-thought-out digital transformation strategy in your pitch deck will demonstrate to investors that your airline is prepared for the future and focused on sustainable growth. Next, we will examine the importance of Customer Experience and Loyalty Programs, and how enhancing these aspects can be a significant differentiator for your airline in the market.

Customer Experience and Loyalty Programs: Essential for Airline Pitch Decks

In the competitive airline industry, exceptional customer experience and robust loyalty programs are not just amenities – they are critical differentiators. Showcasing a strong commitment to these areas in your airline pitch deck can significantly bolster your appeal to investors.

Why It’s Important:

  1. Building Brand Loyalty: A great customer experience can turn a one-time flyer into a loyal customer, while loyalty programs encourage repeat business.
  2. Differentiating from Competitors: In an industry where many offerings are similar, a unique customer experience can set you apart.
  3. Enhancing Revenue: Satisfied customers are more likely to spend more, both on ancillary services and future flights.
  4. Generating Positive Word-of-Mouth: Happy customers often become brand ambassadors, recommending your airline to others.

Research Insights:

  • A study by Deloitte found that airlines with superior customer experience metrics outperform their peers in terms of revenue and profitability.
  • According to a report by Bain & Company, loyalty program members typically spend more and show a higher degree of brand loyalty.

Actions to Take:

  1. Personalize the Flying Experience: Use customer data to offer personalized services, such as tailored in-flight entertainment, meal preferences, and seating options.
  2. Streamline the Customer Journey: Simplify and enhance each step of the journey, from booking to post-flight, using digital tools for convenience and efficiency.
  3. Revamp Loyalty Programs: Create a loyalty program that rewards frequent flyers meaningfully and offers real value, such as free upgrades, lounge access, or partner rewards.
  4. Train Staff for Excellence: Ensure your staff, from ground crews to cabin attendants, are trained to provide exceptional, attentive service.
  5. Solicit and Act on Feedback: Regularly gather customer feedback and use it to continually improve your service offerings.

Including a detailed plan for customer experience and loyalty programs in your pitch deck will demonstrate a customer-centric approach, which is key to winning over investors. Up next, we’ll delve into Operational Efficiency and Cost Management, exploring how optimizing these areas can significantly impact your airline’s profitability and operational success.

Operational Efficiency and Cost Management: Vital for Airline Pitch Decks

Operational efficiency and cost management are cornerstones for any successful airline. Demonstrating proficiency in these areas in your airline pitch deck can significantly strengthen your case to investors, showing that you have a solid grasp on managing resources and maximizing profitability.

Why It’s Important:

  1. Boosting Profit Margins: Efficient operations and cost control directly contribute to healthier profit margins.
  2. Ensuring Competitive Pricing: Operational efficiency allows for competitive pricing strategies without sacrificing service quality.
  3. Adapting to Market Changes: Efficient operations provide flexibility to adapt to market fluctuations, such as varying fuel costs or seasonal demand.
  4. Building Investor Confidence: Investors are more likely to support an airline that exhibits strong control over its operations and costs.

Research Insights:

  • A report by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) highlights operational efficiency as a key driver for airline profitability, especially in competitive markets.
  • Studies show that fuel-efficient aircraft and optimized flight routes can significantly reduce operational costs.

Actions to Take:

  1. Invest in Fuel-Efficient Aircraft: Utilize newer, more fuel-efficient models to reduce one of the largest operational costs – fuel.
  2. Optimize Route Planning: Use data analytics to develop optimal flight routes and schedules, enhancing fuel efficiency and reducing costs.
  3. Implement Lean Management Practices: Apply lean management principles to streamline operations, reduce waste, and improve productivity across all departments.
  4. Automate Processes: Embrace automation in areas like ticketing, check-in, and baggage handling to reduce labor costs and increase efficiency.
  5. Regularly Review Suppliers and Contracts: Continuously evaluate and negotiate supplier contracts, including for maintenance, catering, and ground services, to ensure cost-effectiveness.
  6. Develop a Robust Maintenance Program: A well-maintained fleet reduces the likelihood of costly repairs and delays, contributing to operational efficiency.

Incorporating a detailed strategy for operational efficiency and cost management into your pitch deck will show potential investors that your airline is not only geared for excellent service but is also financially prudent and sustainable. Coming up next, we’ll explore Safety Protocols and Compliance, and why prioritizing these aspects is crucial for your airline’s reputation and operational integrity.

Safety Protocols and Compliance: A Critical Focus for Airline Pitch Decks

In the airline industry, safety is not just a priority; it’s the backbone of operations. Demonstrating a strong commitment to safety protocols and regulatory compliance in your pitch deck is crucial to gain the confidence of investors, regulatory bodies, and customers.

Why It’s Important:

  1. Building Trust with Passengers and Partners: A stellar safety record is essential for building trust and maintaining a positive brand image.
  2. Compliance with Regulatory Standards: Adhering to international and national aviation safety standards is mandatory to operate legally.
  3. Risk Mitigation: Effective safety protocols reduce the risk of accidents, which can have significant financial and reputational repercussions.
  4. Investor Confidence: Investors are more likely to back an airline that demonstrates a serious commitment to safety, as it implies responsible management.

Research Insights:

  • The Aviation Safety Network data shows that airlines with rigorous safety protocols have significantly lower incident rates.
  • Research by the Flight Safety Foundation suggests that continuous training and technology upgrades are key to maintaining high safety standards.

Actions to Take:

  1. Implement Rigorous Training Programs: Regularly train staff, including pilots, cabin crew, and ground personnel, on the latest safety protocols and emergency response procedures.
  2. Invest in Safety Technologies: Equip your fleet with advanced safety features and regularly update them to comply with the latest safety standards.
  3. Conduct Regular Safety Audits: Regular internal and external audits ensure compliance with safety regulations and help identify areas for improvement.
  4. Establish a Safety Management System (SMS): Develop an SMS that integrates safety into every aspect of airline operations, from ground handling to in-flight services.
  5. Stay Updated with Regulatory Changes: Keep abreast of changes in international and local aviation regulations and adjust your operations accordingly.
  6. Foster a Safety-First Culture: Create a company culture where safety is ingrained as a core value at every level of the organization.

Incorporating a strong focus on safety protocols and compliance in your pitch deck will not only illustrate your airline’s commitment to operational integrity but also underscore your dedication to passenger and staff welfare. Up next, we’ll delve into the significance of Sustainability and Eco-friendly Practices, highlighting how incorporating these into your operations can enhance your airline’s appeal and responsibility towards the environment.

Fleet Management and Expansion Strategies: A Core Component of Airline Pitch Decks

Effective fleet management and strategic expansion are key elements for the success and scalability of any airline. Demonstrating a well-thought-out approach to managing and expanding your fleet in your pitch deck is essential to assure investors of your airline’s potential for growth and operational efficiency.

Why It’s Important:

  1. Optimizing Costs and Performance: Efficient fleet management can significantly reduce operational costs while improving performance.
  2. Scalability and Market Adaptability: A strategic approach to fleet expansion allows an airline to adapt to market changes and seize growth opportunities.
  3. Sustainability and Compliance: Modern fleet management also involves ensuring environmental compliance and pursuing sustainability goals.
  4. Enhancing Customer Experience: A well-managed and modern fleet can improve customer satisfaction through better reliability and enhanced in-flight experiences.

Research Insights:

  • According to Boeing’s Market Outlook, airlines will need more fuel-efficient, environmentally friendly aircraft to meet future demand and regulatory requirements.
  • Data from the Air Transport Action Group (ATAG) suggests that newer aircraft are up to 25% more fuel-efficient than older models.

Actions to Take:

  1. Evaluate Fleet Composition: Assess the current fleet and identify the need for newer, more efficient aircraft models that align with your routes and market demands.
  2. Implement Fleet Modernization Plans: Plan for gradual replacement of older aircraft with newer, more efficient models to reduce maintenance costs and environmental impact.
  3. Leverage Technological Advancements: Incorporate the latest technology in your fleet for enhanced safety, efficiency, and passenger comfort.
  4. Develop a Scalable Expansion Strategy: Have a clear plan for scaling up your fleet size based on projected market growth and route expansion opportunities.
  5. Optimize Aircraft Utilization: Use data analytics to optimize flight schedules and aircraft utilization, maximizing revenue potential and reducing idle time.
  6. Focus on Maintenance and Safety: Ensure a rigorous maintenance regime to keep the fleet in top condition, prioritizing safety and reliability.
  7. Consider Leasing Options: Explore aircraft leasing as a flexible way to manage the fleet size, especially for responding to seasonal demand or testing new routes.

By showcasing a comprehensive strategy for fleet management and expansion in your pitch deck, you will demonstrate a mature understanding of one of the most critical aspects of airline operations. This strategic approach indicates to investors and stakeholders that your airline is poised for sustainable growth and operational excellence. Next, we will explore how to effectively implement Branding and Marketing Strategies to create a strong, recognizable brand that resonates with passengers and strengthens your market position.

Branding and Marketing Strategies: Crucial for Airline Pitch Decks

In an industry as competitive as aviation, effective branding and marketing strategies are essential. They differentiate your airline in the marketplace, create customer loyalty, and drive revenue growth. Including a well-crafted branding and marketing section in your airline pitch deck can significantly strengthen your appeal to investors and stakeholders.

Why It’s Important:

  1. Establishing a Unique Identity: Strong branding sets your airline apart and communicates your unique value proposition to customers.
  2. Building Customer Loyalty: Effective marketing strategies can foster customer loyalty and repeat business.
  3. Driving Revenue: Good branding and marketing directly influence customer choice, impacting ticket sales and ancillary revenues.
  4. Adapting to Market Dynamics: Agile marketing allows you to quickly adapt to market changes, such as shifts in travel preferences or economic conditions.

Research Insights:

  • A study by Deloitte highlights the importance of digital marketing in the airline industry, with an increasing number of customers engaging with brands online.
  • According to a report by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), airlines with strong brand presence and customer engagement strategies see higher passenger satisfaction and loyalty.

Actions to Take:

  1. Develop a Strong Brand Identity: Create a distinctive brand identity that reflects your airline’s values and appeals to your target market. This includes a memorable logo, a consistent color scheme, and an engaging brand story.
  2. Leverage Digital Marketing: Utilize digital platforms for marketing campaigns, targeting potential customers through social media, search engines, and email marketing. Emphasize the use of SEO and content marketing to improve online visibility.
  3. Focus on Customer Experience: Use marketing to highlight unique aspects of your customer experience, like premium in-flight services, exceptional comfort, or efficient customer support.
  4. Engage in Partnership Marketing: Collaborate with complementary brands or tourism boards to co-create marketing campaigns that can expand your reach and appeal.
  5. Utilize Data for Personalized Marketing: Collect and analyze customer data to tailor marketing efforts and offers, increasing relevance and effectiveness.
  6. Monitor and Adapt to Market Trends: Regularly review market trends and customer feedback to adapt your marketing strategies, ensuring they remain effective and relevant.

By incorporating these branding and marketing strategies into your pitch deck, you demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of how to attract and retain customers in the competitive airline industry. Up next, we’ll delve into the significance of Investor Relations and Funding Strategies, showcasing how to attract and secure the financial backing necessary for your airline’s growth and success.

Investor Relations and Funding Strategies: Key to Airline Pitch Deck Success

Effective investor relations and funding strategies are crucial for any airline seeking to secure the necessary capital for growth and operations. In your airline pitch deck, this section should convincingly outline how you plan to attract and manage investments, a critical aspect that can make or break investor confidence.

Why It’s Important:

  1. Securing Essential Capital: Airlines require substantial capital for operations, expansion, and fleet acquisition. Effective funding strategies are key to securing this capital.
  2. Building Investor Confidence: Strong investor relations help build trust and credibility, crucial for long-term financial partnerships.
  3. Facilitating Sustainable Growth: Access to capital allows for sustainable growth, helping airlines expand routes, upgrade fleets, and improve services.
  4. Navigating Market Volatility: The airline industry is subject to economic fluctuations. A solid funding strategy helps navigate these challenges.

Research Insights:

  • A report by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) indicates that airlines with diversified funding sources and strong investor relations are better positioned to weather market volatility.
  • According to aviation industry analysts, strategic investment in technology and sustainability initiatives can make airlines more attractive to modern investors.

Actions to Take:

  1. Develop a Compelling Investment Story: Craft a narrative that highlights the uniqueness of your airline, its market potential, and the strength of your management team.
  2. Diversify Funding Sources: Explore various funding options such as equity financing, loans, bonds, and leasing arrangements to reduce risk.
  3. Highlight Financial Prudence: Show clear, realistic financial projections and a strong plan for revenue generation and cost management.
  4. Emphasize Commitment to Innovation and Sustainability: Investors are increasingly interested in companies that prioritize sustainability and innovation. Showcase your initiatives in these areas.
  5. Maintain Transparency: Be transparent with potential investors about risks, challenges, and opportunities. Regular, honest communication builds trust.
  6. Engage with Potential Investors: Actively seek and engage with potential investors, from aviation-specific venture capitalists to traditional financiers, and tailor your pitch to their interests.
  7. Monitor and Adapt to Regulatory Changes: Stay informed about regulatory changes that could impact funding options or investor relations.

Incorporating these investor relations and funding strategies into your pitch deck demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of what it takes to secure and manage airline funding. This level of detail will help reassure investors of your airline’s potential for success and profitability. Next, we will explore the integration of Digital Transformation in Airlines, a pivotal aspect that is reshaping the operational landscape of the aviation industry.

Use these insights and make a winning pitch. If you want to talk about them, reach out to me and book a call.

Creative Pitch Techniques To Stay Top Of Mind During and After The Pitch

Pitching your airline startup requires creativity and audacity to stand out. Here are some novel and imaginative ideas that can captivate your audience and make a lasting impression:

  1. Virtual Reality Experience: Provide each audience member with a VR headset for a brief, immersive journey that showcases your airline’s unique in-flight experience, cabin design, or destinations.
  2. Live In-Flight Entertainment Demo: Bring in your crew to perform a live sample of the in-flight entertainment or safety demonstration. This could be anything from a mini-concert to an engaging and humorous safety talk.
  3. Theme-Based Pitch: Style your presentation around a specific theme related to your airline’s branding or key destinations. Dress in cultural attire or use props and backdrops that evoke the essence of your airline’s primary routes.
  4. Interactive Seat Selection: Set up a mock airplane seating chart and allow investors to ‘choose their seat’ as they enter. Each seat could have unique information or swag related to different aspects of your business plan.
  5. Augmented Reality Infographics: Utilize AR technology to make your financials and operational data come to life. Investors can use their smartphones or tablets to view 3D models of data projections and stats as you present.
  6. Storytelling with Passenger Personas: Create fictional passenger personas and narrate their journey with your airline, from booking to landing. This can vividly illustrate the customer experience and your airline’s value proposition.
  7. Mock-Up Cabin Section: If space and resources allow, set up a section of an airplane cabin to give investors a real feel of the comfort and style you’re offering. Include seats, overhead bins, and even a galley.
  8. Flash Mob: Coordinate a flash mob with dancers or singers disguised as audience members to energetically convey your airline’s culture and energy.
  9. Incorporate Scent and Taste: Engage the senses by introducing the scents of destinations (like tropical or floral scents) or offering cuisine samples that will be featured on your flights.
  10. Use a Flight Simulator: Let investors experience a flight simulator session, perhaps even letting them ‘fly’ a route, to demonstrate your commitment to pilot training and safety.
  11. A Live Customer Testimonial: Bring a ‘customer’ on stage to give a heartfelt testimonial about their experience with a prototype of your service or concept.
  12. Countdown Launch Sequence: Begin your presentation with a launch sequence, complete with countdown and visuals, to symbolize the takeoff of your new airline venture.

Remember, the key is to align these creative ideas with your airline’s brand identity and the core message of your pitch. This ensures that while your presentation is memorable and engaging, it also effectively communicates your business’s potential and value proposition.

Airline Pitch Deck Examples

SkyEco: The First Zero Emissions Airline

  1. Slide 1: The Vision
    1. SkyEco, the first fully electric, zero-emissions airline
    2. Transforming air travel to be clean, green, and efficient
  2. Slide 2: The Problem
    1. Traditional aviation is a significant contributor to global carbon emissions
    2. Current airlines are not taking significant action to reduce this impact
  3. Slide 3: The Solution
    1. SkyEco’s electric-powered aircraft, charged by renewable energy sources
    2. Partnering with leading battery manufacturers for efficient, long-lasting, and green technology
  4. Slide 4: The Market
    1. Increasing consumer demand for eco-friendly travel options
    2. Potential to disrupt a multi-billion dollar industry
  5. Slide 5: Revenue Streams
    1. Flight ticket sales
    2. Carbon offset programs
    3. Partnerships with green-focused corporations
  6. Slide 6: The Team
    1. Experienced founders with backgrounds in aviation, sustainability, and tech
    2. Strategic partnerships with leading technology and aviation companies
  7. Slide 7: Milestones & Roadmap
    1. Technology development timeline
    2. Pilot program and initial routes
    3. Expansion and scaling plans
  8. Slide 8: Funding Request & Use
    1. Capital required to finalize tech development, certify safety, and launch initial routes
    2. Breakdown of investment usage

CityLink: Affordable Short-Haul Air Travel**

  1. Slide 1: The Vision
    1. CityLink: Connecting neighboring cities with affordable and convenient air travel
  2. Slide 2: The Problem
    1. Regional travel is dominated by road and rail, often time-consuming
    2. Existing short-haul flights are expensive and infrequent
  3. Slide 3: The Solution
    1. CityLink’s low-cost, high-frequency short-haul flights
    2. Turn regional travel into a fast, affordable, and hassle-free experience
  4. Slide 4: The Market
    1. Huge market of commuters, students, and short-term travelers
    2. Potential to shift dynamics of regional travel
  5. Slide 5: Revenue Streams
    1. Affordable flight tickets
    2. Ancillary services: luggage, in-flight services, and seat selection
  6. Slide 6: The Team
    1. Founders with strong backgrounds in airline management, finance, and operations
    2. Strategic alliances with airports and travel agencies
  7. Slide 7: Milestones & Roadmap
    1. Establishing initial routes and flight schedules
    2. Marketing and customer acquisition strategy
    3. Scaling and expansion to new regions
  8. Slide 8: Funding Request & Use
    1. Funding needed to acquire aircraft, establish operations, and market the service
    2. Detailed breakdown of investment usage

FlyLux: The Ultimate Luxury Airline

  1. Slide 1: The Vision
    1. FlyLux: Redefining luxury in the skies
  2. Slide 2: The Problem
    1. Existing luxury air travel options lack personalization and exclusivity
    2. Service quality inconsistent across airlines and flights
  3. Slide 3: The Solution
    1. FlyLux’s bespoke, ultra-luxurious air travel experience
    2. Personalized services, top-tier amenities, privacy, and exclusivity
  4. Slide4:The Market
    1. High net worth individuals, corporate executives, and luxury tourists
    2. Niche market with high revenue potential
  5. Slide 5: Revenue Streams
    1. High-priced flight tickets
    2. Custom add-ons: gourmet meals, spa services, ground transportation, etc.
  6. Slide 6: The Team
    1. Experienced team with backgrounds in luxury hospitality, aviation, and customer service
    2. Strategic partnerships with luxury brands and hospitality services
  7. Slide 7: Milestones & Roadmap
    1. Finalizing the luxury flight experience
    2. Launch of initial routes and services
    3. Building brand recognition and clientele
  8. Slide 8: Funding Request & Use
    1. Funding required to curate luxury experiences, acquire and retrofit aircraft, and establish brand
    2. Breakdown of investment usage

Questions That Investors Ask Airline Pitch Deck Owners:

When investors review an airline pitch deck, they may have various questions to gain a deeper understanding of the business and evaluate its potential. Here are some common questions that investors may ask:

  1. Market and Competition:
    1. What is the size and growth potential of the target market?
    2. How does your airline differentiate itself from competitors?
    3. What is your market penetration strategy?
  2. Business Model and Financials:
    1. How do you generate revenue? What are your main revenue streams?
    2. What are your projected financials, including revenue projections and cost structure?
    3. How do you plan to achieve profitability and sustain it in the long term?
  3. Growth Strategy and Expansion:
    1. What are your plans for expanding your route network and market reach?
    2. Do you have partnerships or alliances in place to support growth?
    3. How do you plan to attract and retain customers in a competitive industry?
  4. Operational Considerations:
    1. What is the status of your regulatory approvals and licenses?
    2. How do you plan to manage operational costs and optimize efficiency?
    3. What measures have you taken to ensure safety and security for passengers?
  5. Customer Acquisition and Retention:
    1. How do you plan to attract and retain customers in a highly competitive market?
    2. What marketing and branding strategies do you have in place?
    3. What measures have you taken to enhance the customer experience?
  6. Risk Assessment and Mitigation:
    1. What are the main risks and challenges your airline faces?
    2. How do you plan to mitigate operational, financial, or market risks?
    3. Are there any regulatory or political factors that may impact your business?
  7. Team and Expertise:
    1. What is the background and experience of your management team?
    2. Do you have advisors or industry experts supporting your venture?
    3. How does your team’s expertise align with the needs of the airline industry?
  8. Exit Strategy and Investor Return:
    1. What is your exit strategy for investors? Are you planning an IPO or acquisition?
    2. How do you plan to generate a return on investment for your investors?
    3. Are there any potential exit opportunities in the airline industry?

These are just some examples of the questions investors may ask when reviewing an airline pitch deck. It’s essential to thoroughly prepare and have comprehensive answers that address these inquiries, demonstrating a strong understanding of your business and industry, as well as your ability to navigate challenges and capitalize on opportunities.

My Last Thoughts

In the thrilling world of airline pitch decks, the sky’s the limit! Armed with this comprehensive guide, you now possess the wings of knowledge to soar above the competition.

Remember, a successful pitch deck is like a well-crafted flight plan – concise, captivating, and ready for takeoff. So buckle up and let your imagination reach new altitudes as you navigate through the slides of creativity and persuasion.

Whether you’re aiming to revolutionize eco-friendly travel, disrupt regional commuting, or redefine luxury in the skies, your pitch deck will be your passport to success. And while others may struggle with generic templates, you’ll be flying high with a custom-made masterpiece that perfectly reflects your brand identity.

So, fellow aviators of the entrepreneurial world, let your ideas take flight, and may your airline pitch decks soar with wit, charm, and undeniable persuasive power. 

You got this!

But if you don’t got it:

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

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The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.

More Resources:

Discover my ultimate pitch deck guide, the cornerstone of success that has propelled my clients to secure funding exceeding millions:

This comprehensive and foolproof step-by-step manual will equip you with the essential knowledge to craft a compelling pitch deck. You will uncover invaluable insights, including

  • The art of constructing impactful slides such as the elevator pitch slide, financials slide, and more.
  • Delve into real-life startup pitch deck examples, unraveling the secrets of captivating investors.
  • Gain a profound understanding of what investors truly seek and learn the characteristics that define a remarkable pitch deck.
  • Equally vital, grasp the boundaries that a pitch deck must not cross.
  • Unlock an array of invaluable tips and tricks to elevate your pitch presentation to new heights.

For a treasure trove of additional pitch deck guides, be sure to explore the myriad resources available here. Prepare to embark on your journey towards pitch deck mastery!

Also don’t miss out on my massive presentation specialist guide, last minute presentations and best business projector buyers guide.

If you want to really dive into the world of pitch decks, check out our complete collection of pitch deck guidespitch deck outlines and pitch deck examples.

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