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SaaS Pitch Deck Guide | Updated Dec, 2023 (Investor Ready Guide + Template)

Presentation and Pitch Expert. Ex Advertising.

$100mill In Funding. Bald Since 2010.

Pitching a SaaS to investors nowadays feels like your ex telling you back then that you were the only one, there are just too many. SaaS products have become a standard and so has getting funding for them – and for some founders, investors just don’t give a damn.

Sup, I’m Viktor, a pitch deck expertpresentation expert and burger lover. I’ve been a pitch deck expert for the past 13 years and helped clients raise millions and win pitches, with my unique approach to creating pitch decks.

I’ve pitched my own startups and know how frustrating this part can get, particularly when you don’t have the right deck.

With this quick guide, you’ll be able to create a bulletproof SaaS pitch deck, or use my own template, depending on how fast you need to get funded.

Let’s begin.

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Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.

Table Of Contents
  1. What is SaaS Pitch Deck?
  2. What do SaaS Pitch Decks Consist of?
  3. How to Build a Successful SaaS Pitch Deck?
  4. What Slides Should You Include in Your SaaS Pitch Deck? 
  5. What Should Not Be Included in Your SaaS Pitch Deck?
  6. What is The Best Way to Design a Precise SaaS Pitch Deck for a Startup?
  7. Get Your Copy Of The Pitch Deck Template
  8. Pitch Deck Examples
  9. An Example SaaS Pitch Deck For You To Get Inspired
  10. What nobody will tell you: Crucial considerations to keep in mind when developing your SAAS pitch deck and business
  11. How to creatively pitch your SaaS Startup?
  12. 10 Tips To Create An Amazing SaaS Pitch Deck
  13. 5 Tips To Create A Visually Stunning SaaS Pitch Deck
  14. What Investors Would Ask A SaaS Owner
  15. SaaS Owners Also Ask
  16. Final Thoughts
  17. More Resources

What is SaaS Pitch Deck?

A SaaS pitch deck is a visual presentation that aims to convince investors to fund a software as a service (SaaS) company. This type of deck typically includes information about the product or service, the target market, the business model, the marketing strategy, the team, and financial projections.

A SaaS pitch deck aims to showcase the company’s potential and the value it could bring to the market.

It is important to create a strong and compelling deck that captures the attention of investors and provides a clear understanding of the business. It may also include customer testimonials, revenue projections, and product demos.

The ultimate goal of a SaaS pitch deck is to persuade the audience to invest in or use the SaaS product or service. A well-crafted SaaS pitch deck can be the key to securing funding and taking a SaaS company to the next level.

What do SaaS Pitch Decks Consist of?

Like any other pitch deck, SaaS pitch decks aim to convince potential investors to back a startup or business. However, SaaS startups have unique characteristics and target audience; therefore, their pitch decks must be tailored to convey their value proposition effectively.

Generally, a SaaS pitch deck will begin with an overview of the problem the startup aims to solve, followed by a clear and concise explanation of its solution.

They go on to discuss their business model, the team behind the product, and their marketing strategy.

A product demo is highly recommended, highlighting the product’s unique features and attributes, enabling potential investors to visualize the product’s use and effectiveness.

Financial projections and expected growth trajectories are commonly included. Finally, concluding with potential investor returns or exit strategy. Overall, SaaS pitch decks aim to communicate a clear understanding of how their product meets a market need and how it will generate significant returns for investors.

How to Build a Successful SaaS Pitch Deck?

To build a winning pitch deck, first focus on understanding your target audience’s perspective and tailoring your approach accordingly. To help you improve your narrative, check this selection on the best books for pitching. The authors have won billions in $ thanks to their ability to create stories when pitching and are sharing their methods with you.

You’ll also want to make sure that your pitch includes key information, such as an overview of your product, a clear value proposition, and a viable business model.

Visual elements, such as graphs and charts, can help to illustrate important data and increase engagement.

Hold on. You might want to check my list on the best presentation books. Why?

It’s 1O crucial books that will help you improve the design and structure of your presentations, besides improving its delivery. Check it out below.

Additionally, anticipate potential objections or questions your audience may have and address them upfront in your pitch.

Finally, practice your pitch to ensure that you can effectively communicate your message with enthusiasm and confidence.

By following these guidelines, you can create a compelling and effective pitch deck that can help you secure funding and grow your business.

What Slides Should You Include in Your SaaS Pitch Deck? 

Your pitch deck should include slides that effectively communicate your product, market, business model, competition, and growth potential.

Start with an attention-grabbing introduction slide that summarizes your product and what problem it solves. Follow up with a slide that defines your target market, your current traction, and your ideal customer profile.

Then, introduce your business model, pricing, and revenue projections. Competitor analysis, including a slide addressing how you differentiate from competitors, is also necessary.

Lastly, show financials, milestones, and growth plans that prove your company’s sustainability and scalability. Keep your visuals simple, your messaging clear, and your pitch concise to ensure that your pitch deck impresses potential investors or partners.

When creating a pitch deck for your SaaS product, it is crucial to include slides that effectively communicate your key points.

Some of the slides that should be included in your deck are:

Title Slide:

  1. Company Name and Logo
  2. Tagline or Slogan
  3. Presenter’s Name and Title
  4. Date

Slide 1: The Problem

  1. Define the challenges or gaps in the market your SaaS product aims to address
  2. Highlight the pain points experienced by your target customers
  3. Use statistics or real-life examples to emphasize the magnitude of the issue

Slide 2: The Solution

  1. Introduce your SaaS product as the answer to the problem
  2. Describe its unique features and benefits
  3. Explain how it differentiates from existing solutions in the market

Slide 3: Market Opportunity

  1. Present the size of the target SaaS market
  2. Explain the growth potential and trends within the industry
  3. Identify your target customer segments

Slide 4: Business Model

  1. Describe how your company generates revenue (e.g., subscription plans, freemium model)
  2. Outline your pricing strategy and tiers
  3. Provide an overview of any partnerships or strategic alliances

Slide 5: Product Demo or Screenshots

  1. Showcase key features and functionalities of your SaaS product
  2. Provide a brief walkthrough or demo to highlight the user experience
  3. Use screenshots or visuals to support your presentation

Slide 6: Traction and Milestones

  1. Share key metrics that demonstrate market validation and traction (e.g., user growth, ARR, churn rate)
  2. Highlight notable customer successes or testimonials
  3. Outline significant milestones achieved and future milestones planned

Slide 7: Marketing and Sales Strategy

  1. Detail your customer acquisition strategy, including marketing channels and tactics
  2. Describe your sales process and customer retention initiatives
  3. Provide an overview of your marketing budget and expected return on investment

Slide 8: Competitive Landscape

  1. Identify your main competitors in the SaaS market
  2. Analyze their strengths and weaknesses
  3. Explain how your product differentiates from the competition

Slide 9: Management Team

  1. Introduce key team members, their roles, and their relevant experience
  2. Highlight any industry experts or advisors involved
  3. Describe how the team is positioned to lead the company to success

Slide 10: Financial Projections

  1. Provide a summary of key financial metrics (revenue, profit, expenses, etc.)
  2. Present a 3-5 year financial forecast
  3. Explain any assumptions or risks associated with your projections

Slide 11: Funding Request and Use of Funds

  1. State the amount of investment you are seeking
  2. Detail how the funds will be allocated (e.g., product development, marketing, hiring, etc.)
  3. Explain how the investment will help your company achieve its goals

Slide 12: Exit Strategy

  1. Outline potential exit scenarios for investors (e.g., acquisition, IPO, etc.)
  2. Provide examples of recent exits within the SaaS industry
  3. Estimate a timeline for a potential exit

Slide 13: Thank You and Contact Information

  1. Express gratitude for the audience’s time and consideration
  2. Provide contact details for further discussion or follow-up
  3. Include any relevant social media handles or website URLs

Overall, your pitch deck should be clear, concise, and visually appealing, while effectively conveying your key points and unique selling proposition to potential investors or customers.

What Should Not Be Included in Your SaaS Pitch Deck?

When preparing a SaaS pitch deck, there are certain things that shouldn’t be included to ensure that the presentation is concise and effective.

Firstly, don’t include too much text on each slide. Instead, opt for visuals and bullet points to convey your message. Secondly, don’t include irrelevant information about your company, such as the founding story or detailed financial projections.

Focus on the product or solution you are offering and the benefits it will provide to potential customers.

Thirdly, avoid using industry jargon or buzzwords that may confuse or alienate your audience. Keep the language simple and easy to understand.

Lastly, don’t forget to include a clear and compelling call to action at the end of your pitch deck to encourage potential customers to take action.

What is The Best Way to Design a Precise SaaS Pitch Deck for a Startup?

Designing a precise SaaS pitch deck for a startup requires careful planning and execution.

The first step in the process is clearly identifying the problem the startup aims to solve. A thorough examination of the target market, including the size of the market, the competition, and the potential customer base should follow this.

Once these details have been established, the next step is to highlight the startup’s unique value proposition, such as the innovative technology, the team’s expertise, and the potential ROI for investors. It is important to ensure that the pitch deck is visually appealing, easy to read, and highlights the key points of the project.

By following these steps, startups can create a precise and effective SaaS pitch deck communicating their vision and attracting investors.

Get Your Copy Of The Pitch Deck Template

If you’re pitching a SaaS, you need a strong pitch deck to grab the attention of buyers and investors.

The good news is you don’t have to make decks from scratch. Creating an effective SaaS pitch deck is all about knowing what slides to include. You can find tons of templates on sites like Canva, Slidesgo and Google Slides, but none of them will align with the brand you represent.

What will happen is you’ll need to spend hours adjusting these templates to fit your brand guidelines. 

There’s a better way.

My clients have used my written template to craft a stellar SaaS pitch deck in half the time and designed a deck that secured their new funding.

Pitch Deck Examples






An Example SaaS Pitch Deck For You To Get Inspired

Slide 1: Elevator Pitch Slide

  • SaaS Product Name: “ProjectPro”
  • Subtitle: “Streamlining Project Management for Efficient Collaboration”

Slide 2: SaaS Concept

  • Problem: Inefficient project management processes, lack of collaboration, and difficulty tracking project progress.
  • Solution: “ProjectPro” is a comprehensive project management platform that simplifies task management, enhances team collaboration, and provides real-time project tracking.
  • Key Features: Task assignment, Gantt chart visualization, team messaging, file sharing, and integrations with popular productivity tools.

Slide 3: Target Audience

  • Demographics: Small to medium-sized businesses, remote teams, and project managers seeking a user-friendly project management solution.
  • Potential Reach: Projected user base based on market research and targeted marketing strategies.

Slide 4: Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

  • USP: “ProjectPro” combines powerful project management features with an intuitive user interface, making it the go-to platform for efficient project execution.
  • Competitive Advantage: Seamless team collaboration, robust reporting and analytics, and customizable workflows that adapt to any project.

Slide 5: Monetization Strategy

  • Subscription Model: Offer tiered pricing plans based on the number of users, storage space, and additional features.
  • Enterprise Solutions: Tailor enterprise-level packages for larger organizations, including custom integrations and dedicated support.
  • Premium Support and Training: Provide additional services such as priority support, onboarding assistance, and training programs for a premium fee.

Slide 6: Growth Strategy

  • User Acquisition: Outline strategies to attract new users, such as targeted marketing campaigns, content marketing, and partnerships with complementary SaaS platforms.
  • User Retention: Detail plans to engage and retain users through product updates, continuous customer support, and user feedback implementation.

Slide 7: Market Potential and Competition

  • Market Size: Present market research data on the growth and potential of the project management software market.
  • Competitive Landscape: Identify key competitors and highlight how “ProjectPro” differentiates itself through unique features, user experience, and customer support.

Slide 8: Product Demo and User Interface

  • Showcase screenshots or a product demo video to provide a visual representation of the platform’s user interface and key features.
  • Emphasize the platform’s simplicity, ease of use, and visual appeal.

Slide 9: Security and Data Protection

  • Detail the security measures in place to protect user data, including encryption, regular audits, and compliance with data protection regulations.
  • Highlight any relevant certifications or partnerships with trusted security providers.

Slide 10: Next Steps

  • Call to Action: Schedule a meeting to discuss potential partnerships, investment opportunities, or collaborations with businesses in need of a project management solution.

Remember, these examples are purely hypothetical, and you can adapt them to fit your unique SaaS business idea. The key is to clearly communicate your SaaS concept, identify your target audience, showcase your unique selling proposition, and outline your monetization and growth strategies.

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Market Size and Growth Potential in SaaS Pitch Decks

Importance in Pitch Decks: Understanding and presenting the market size and growth potential is crucial in a SaaS pitch deck for several reasons:

  1. Investor Confidence: Demonstrating a large and growing market assures investors that there’s a substantial opportunity for return on their investment.
  2. Feasibility and Scalability: It shows the feasibility of your business model and the scalability of your SaaS product in the current and future market landscape.
  3. Strategic Planning: Reflects your understanding of the market dynamics, helping investors gauge your strategic planning and foresight.

Research Insights:

  • According to a report by Gartner, the global SaaS market is expected to grow exponentially, reaching new heights in the next few years. This indicates a thriving and expanding market.
  • MarketsandMarkets research highlights that specific sectors within SaaS, like AI, CRM, and ERP, are witnessing higher growth rates, suggesting niche opportunities.

Actionable Steps:

  1. Conduct Thorough Market Research:
    • Utilize resources like Gartner, Forrester, and MarketsandMarkets for the latest market reports.
    • Identify growth trends in sub-sectors of SaaS relevant to your product.
  2. Define Your Target Market:
    • Narrow down your target market within the broader SaaS industry.
    • Use data to support the size and growth potential of this specific segment.
  3. Analyze Market Trends:
    • Look into emerging trends in the SaaS industry, like the rise of AI integration or the shift towards vertical SaaS.
    • Relate these trends to how your product fits into the future of the market.
  4. Competitor Benchmarking:
    • Identify key players in your niche and analyze their market share and growth.
    • Use this data to position your product and highlight untapped opportunities.
  5. Quantify the Opportunity:
    • Present statistics and forecasts that quantify the market size and growth potential.
    • Use graphs and charts for a clear visual representation of this data in your pitch deck.
  6. Articulate Market Needs and Your Solution:
    • Clearly articulate the specific market needs and how your SaaS product addresses them.
    • Link market growth potential to the unique benefits and features of your product.
  7. Future Outlook:
    • Provide a future outlook of the market based on current trends and forecasts.
    • Show how your SaaS business is positioned to evolve and grow with the market.

By focusing on these aspects, your pitch deck will not only demonstrate a solid understanding of the market size and growth potential but also showcase how your SaaS product is uniquely positioned to capitalize on these opportunities. This approach will help in building a compelling case for potential investors, highlighting both the current value and future potential of your SaaS business.

Unique Value Proposition (UVP) and Differentiation in SaaS Pitch Decks

Importance in Pitch Decks: Articulating a clear and compelling Unique Value Proposition (UVP) is pivotal in a SaaS pitch deck for several key reasons:

  1. Standing Out in a Crowded Market: The SaaS industry is highly competitive. A well-defined UVP helps differentiate your product from numerous similar offerings.
  2. Investor Attraction: Investors are inundated with pitches. A strong UVP can capture their interest by clearly stating what sets your SaaS product apart.
  3. Customer-Centric Focus: It demonstrates an understanding of your target customers’ needs and how your product uniquely meets those needs.

Research Insights:

  • A study by Bain & Company highlights that companies with a clearly defined UVP tend to retain and attract more customers and enjoy higher customer loyalty.
  • According to Harvard Business Review, businesses that successfully differentiate based on unique features or services can command a price premium.

Actionable Steps:

  1. Identify Key Differentiators:
    • Analyze your product features, benefits, and services that are not offered by competitors.
    • Focus on aspects like superior technology, unique pricing models, customer service excellence, or innovative features.
  2. Understand Customer Pain Points:
    • Conduct market research to understand the challenges and needs of your target audience.
    • Tailor your UVP to address these specific pain points.
  3. Benchmark Against Competitors:
    • Perform a competitive analysis to understand how competitors position themselves.
    • Highlight what you do better or differently in your pitch deck.
  4. Craft a Concise UVP Statement:
    • Develop a clear, concise statement that encapsulates the essence of your product’s unique value.
    • Ensure it is easily understandable and resonates with both investors and potential customers.
  5. Integrate UVP into Your Storytelling:
    • Weave your UVP into the narrative of your pitch deck, making it a central theme of your presentation.
    • Use storytelling to illustrate how your product uniquely solves problems or adds value.
  6. Validate with Testimonials or Case Studies:
    • Include customer testimonials or case studies that reinforce your UVP.
    • Real-world examples can powerfully demonstrate the effectiveness of your solution.
  7. Highlight Future Potential:
    • Discuss how your UVP will continue to set you apart as the market evolves.
    • Show how your product is scalable and adaptable to future market changes.

By focusing on these steps, your SaaS pitch deck will effectively communicate a strong Unique Value Proposition, setting the stage for a compelling argument to investors. It’s not just about being different; it’s about being strategically different in ways that matter to your target market and resonate with investors. This approach will help in establishing a clear market position and showcasing the unique value your SaaS product brings to the table.

Revenue Model and Monetization Strategy in SaaS Pitch Decks

Importance in Pitch Decks: A well-defined revenue model and monetization strategy are crucial in a SaaS pitch deck for several reasons:

  1. Demonstrating Financial Viability: Investors need to understand how your SaaS business will generate revenue and become profitable.
  2. Aligning with Market Expectations: Different SaaS segments have varying monetization norms. Your strategy should align with these to be credible.
  3. Long-term Sustainability: Showcasing a robust monetization strategy indicates the long-term sustainability and growth potential of your SaaS business.

Research Insights:

  • According to a report by Forrester, subscription-based models are predominant in SaaS, but usage-based pricing is gaining traction due to its alignment with customer value perception.
  • McKinsey & Company’s research suggests that SaaS companies with flexible monetization models can adapt better to market changes and customer needs.

Actionable Steps:

  1. Choose the Right Pricing Model:
    • Evaluate different models like subscription-based, freemium, or usage-based pricing.
    • Consider your target market, product type, and competitive landscape in choosing the most suitable model.
  2. Define Pricing Tiers and Structures:
    • Develop tiered pricing structures that cater to different segments of your market.
    • Ensure clarity in what each tier offers and its value proposition.
  3. Analyze Cost and Value Drivers:
    • Understand the cost of delivering your service and the value it provides to customers.
    • Price your product in a way that reflects this value while ensuring profitability.
  4. Incorporate Market Research:
    • Use market research to validate your pricing strategy.
    • Compare with competitors to ensure your pricing is competitive yet profitable.
  5. Plan for Scalability:
    • Design your monetization strategy to be scalable as your customer base grows.
    • Consider how pricing can evolve with product development and market expansion.
  6. Highlight Revenue Projections:
    • Include detailed revenue projections in your pitch deck.
    • Use data to back up these projections, showing realistic and attainable goals.
  7. Showcase Customer Acquisition and Retention Strategies:
    • Explain how your monetization strategy ties into customer acquisition and retention.
    • Highlight any unique approaches that enhance customer lifetime value.
  8. Discuss Adaptability:
    • Address how your revenue model can adapt to changes in the market or customer needs.
    • Show foresight in planning for potential market shifts.

By focusing on these steps, your SaaS pitch deck will effectively communicate a well-thought-out revenue model and monetization strategy. This approach not only assures investors of your business’s financial viability but also demonstrates a deep understanding of the market and customer needs. It’s crucial to convey that your monetization strategy is not just about making money, but about creating value for customers in a way that drives sustainable, long-term growth for your SaaS business.

Customer Acquisition and Retention Strategies in SaaS Pitch Decks

Importance in Pitch Decks: In a SaaS pitch deck, outlining effective customer acquisition and retention strategies is vital for several reasons:

  1. Demonstrating Market Penetration Capability: Investors need to see a clear plan for how you’ll attract and retain customers in a competitive SaaS market.
  2. Reflecting on Customer Lifecycle Value: It’s crucial to show an understanding of the customer lifecycle and how you’ll maximize lifetime value (LTV).
  3. Indicating Sustainable Growth: Effective acquisition and retention strategies are key indicators of your business’s potential for sustainable growth.

Research Insights:

  • Research by Bain & Company indicates that a 5% increase in customer retention can increase company revenue by 25% to 95%.
  • According to Harvard Business Review, the cost of acquiring a new customer can be anywhere from 5 to 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one.

Actionable Steps:

  1. Identify Target Customer Segments:
    • Clearly define your target customer segments based on market research.
    • Tailor your acquisition strategies to these specific segments.
  2. Develop a Multi-Channel Acquisition Plan:
    • Utilize a mix of channels like content marketing, SEO, PPC, and social media.
    • Align these channels with where your target customers are most active.
  3. Leverage Inbound Marketing:
    • Focus on inbound marketing strategies to draw customers with valuable content, tools, and resources.
    • Use lead magnets and content marketing to attract potential customers.
  4. Implement Effective Onboarding Processes:
    • Develop an onboarding process that educates new users and demonstrates immediate value.
    • Use automated workflows and personalized guidance to enhance user experience.
  5. Focus on Customer Success and Support:
    • Invest in a robust customer support system to resolve issues promptly.
    • Implement customer success programs to ensure users achieve their desired outcomes.
  6. Utilize Data-Driven Insights:
    • Analyze customer data to understand behavior patterns and preferences.
    • Use these insights to refine your acquisition and retention strategies.
  7. Engage in Continuous Feedback Loops:
    • Regularly collect and act on customer feedback to improve your product and services.
    • Use surveys, user testing, and feedback tools to gather insights.
  8. Showcase Retention Metrics in Your Pitch:
    • Include key metrics like churn rate, customer lifetime value, and repeat purchase rate in your pitch deck.
    • Use these metrics to demonstrate the effectiveness of your retention strategies.
  9. Highlight Case Studies or Testimonials:
    • Share success stories or case studies that show how you’ve successfully acquired and retained customers.
    • Testimonials can add a layer of credibility and real-world proof.

By focusing on these steps, your SaaS pitch deck will effectively communicate a comprehensive strategy for acquiring and retaining customers. This approach not only assures investors of your ability to grow and maintain a customer base but also demonstrates a deep understanding of the importance of customer lifecycle management in the SaaS industry. It’s essential to convey that your strategies are designed to create a sustainable growth trajectory by maximizing customer value and minimizing churn.

Technology and Product Innovation in SaaS Pitch Decks

Importance in Pitch Decks: In a SaaS pitch deck, emphasizing technology and product innovation is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Showcasing Competitive Edge: In the rapidly evolving SaaS market, showcasing cutting-edge technology or innovative features can set your product apart from competitors.
  2. Building Investor Confidence: Investors are often attracted to SaaS companies that demonstrate a commitment to innovation, as it suggests long-term growth and adaptability.
  3. Reflecting Market Responsiveness: Highlighting ongoing innovation indicates your company’s ability to respond to changing market demands and customer needs.

Research Insights:

  • A study by Deloitte reveals that companies prioritizing innovation tend to have higher growth rates and are more likely to lead in their respective markets.
  • According to PwC’s Innovation Benchmark Report, 55% of companies investing in innovation are more successful in achieving rapid growth.

Actionable Steps:

  1. Detail Your Core Technology:
    • Clearly explain the technology behind your SaaS product, focusing on unique or proprietary aspects.
    • Highlight how your technology is advanced compared to existing solutions.
  2. Emphasize Unique Features and Capabilities:
    • Identify and present the innovative features of your product that solve problems in ways competitors do not.
    • Use case scenarios or user stories to illustrate these features in action.
  3. Discuss Ongoing R&D Efforts:
    • Share insights into your research and development efforts, showing commitment to continuous improvement and innovation.
    • Mention any patents, if applicable, to underscore the uniqueness of your technology.
  4. Highlight Scalability and Flexibility:
    • Demonstrate how your technology is scalable and can adapt to growing customer needs and market changes.
    • Discuss the flexibility of your product in integrating with other systems or platforms.
  5. Showcase User-Centric Design and Experience:
    • Focus on how your product design and user experience are tailored to meet user needs innovatively.
    • Include user feedback or testimonials to validate your claims.
  6. Present a Roadmap for Future Development:
    • Provide a clear roadmap of future product enhancements and innovations.
    • Show how these developments will continue to keep your product at the forefront of the market.
  7. Use Data and Metrics to Support Claims:
    • Include relevant metrics or data that demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of your technology.
    • Metrics could include performance improvements, user engagement rates, or reduction in operational costs.
  8. Leverage Visuals for Complex Concepts:
    • Use diagrams, flowcharts, or videos to explain complex technological concepts in an easily digestible format.
    • Visual aids can help convey your message more effectively than text-heavy slides.

By focusing on these steps, your SaaS pitch deck will effectively communicate the strength and uniqueness of your technology and product innovation. This approach not only showcases your product’s current capabilities but also assures investors of its potential to stay relevant and competitive in the future. It’s crucial to convey that your technology is not just advanced but also strategically aligned with market needs and customer expectations, driving both current success and future growth.

Competitive Analysis in SaaS Pitch Decks

Importance in Pitch Decks: Incorporating a thorough competitive analysis in a SaaS pitch deck is essential for several key reasons:

  1. Demonstrating Market Awareness: Shows investors that you have a deep understanding of the market landscape and where your product fits within it.
  2. Highlighting Competitive Edge: Clearly articulates how your SaaS solution is different and potentially superior to existing alternatives.
  3. Strategic Positioning: Helps in strategically positioning your product in the market, showcasing how it addresses gaps left by competitors.

Research Insights:

  • A report by CB Insights states that “lack of market need” is a top reason for startup failure, underscoring the importance of understanding the competitive landscape.
  • According to Harvard Business School, businesses that conduct regular competitive analysis are better positioned to adapt to market changes and innovate effectively.

Actionable Steps:

  1. Identify Key Competitors:
    • Compile a list of direct and indirect competitors in your SaaS niche.
    • Include both established players and emerging startups.
  2. Analyze Competitor Offerings:
    • Conduct a detailed analysis of competitors’ products, focusing on features, pricing, customer base, and market positioning.
    • Identify any gaps or weaknesses in their offerings.
  3. Evaluate Their Market Strategy:
    • Look into competitors’ marketing strategies, sales approaches, and customer engagement tactics.
    • Assess their strengths and weaknesses in these areas.
  4. Gather Customer Feedback on Competitors:
    • Collect feedback from users of competitor products to understand their satisfaction levels and pain points.
    • Use this information to refine your value proposition.
  5. Benchmark Against Industry Standards:
    • Compare your product against industry benchmarks and best practices.
    • Highlight areas where your product excels or offers something unique.
  6. Present a SWOT Analysis:
    • Conduct a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) for your product in relation to competitors.
    • Present this analysis in your pitch deck to demonstrate strategic awareness.
  7. Showcase Your Unique Selling Points (USPs):
    • Clearly articulate your USPs that set you apart from competitors.
    • Focus on how these USPs translate into real benefits for users.
  8. Discuss Future Strategies to Stay Ahead:
    • Outline your strategies for maintaining a competitive edge in the evolving market.
    • Include plans for innovation, market expansion, or customer engagement.
  9. Use Visuals for Comparative Analysis:
    • Employ charts, graphs, or matrices to visually compare your product with competitors.
    • Visual comparisons can be more impactful and easier to grasp.

By focusing on these steps, your SaaS pitch deck will effectively communicate a comprehensive understanding of the competitive landscape. This approach not only demonstrates your product’s strengths and market fit but also reassures investors of your strategic foresight and ability to navigate and excel in a competitive environment. It’s crucial to convey that your competitive analysis is not just a snapshot of the current market but a tool for ongoing strategic planning and innovation.

Financial Projections and Key Metrics in SaaS Pitch Decks

Importance in Pitch Decks: In a SaaS pitch deck, presenting well-structured financial projections and key metrics is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Demonstrating Financial Health and Potential: Investors need to understand the current financial status and future potential of your SaaS business.
  2. Building Credibility: Accurate and realistic financial projections show that you have a solid grasp of your business model and market dynamics.
  3. Assessing Risk and Return: Investors use these projections and metrics to assess the risk and potential return on their investment.

Research Insights:

  • According to a study by McKinsey, startups with clear financial projections are more likely to secure funding, as they demonstrate a thorough understanding of their business model.
  • A report by Forbes suggests that SaaS companies with strong metrics in customer acquisition costs (CAC), lifetime value (LTV), and churn rates are more attractive to investors.

Actionable Steps:

  1. Develop Realistic Revenue Projections:
    • Create revenue projections for the next 3-5 years, based on your current growth rate, market size, and sales pipeline.
    • Factor in realistic assumptions about market penetration and customer acquisition.
  2. Outline Cost Structures:
    • Detail your cost structure, including fixed and variable costs.
    • Highlight how economies of scale might reduce costs over time.
  3. Focus on SaaS-Specific Metrics:
    • Emphasize key SaaS metrics such as Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR), Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR), Lifetime Value (LTV), Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), and Churn Rate.
    • Explain how these metrics are critical for evaluating the health and scalability of your SaaS business.
  4. Break-Even Analysis:
    • Include a break-even analysis to show when your company expects to become profitable.
    • This helps investors understand the timeline for return on investment.
  5. Cash Flow Projections:
    • Present a cash flow forecast, highlighting how and when cash is expected to flow in and out of your business.
    • This is crucial for understanding the working capital needs of your business.
  6. Scenario Analysis:
    • Provide best-case, worst-case, and most likely financial scenarios.
    • This demonstrates preparedness for different market conditions.
  7. Use of Funds:
    • Clearly articulate how any investment will be used and its impact on growth and financial projections.
    • This shows investors the strategic thinking behind fund allocation.
  8. Graphical Representations:
    • Use graphs and charts to make financial data more accessible and understandable.
    • Visuals can help convey complex financial information more effectively.
  9. Historical Performance (if applicable):
    • If your company has been operating for a while, include historical financial performance.
    • This provides a baseline for your projections and can build credibility.

By focusing on these steps, your SaaS pitch deck will effectively communicate the financial viability and growth potential of your business. This approach not only assures investors of the soundness of your financial planning but also demonstrates a deep understanding of the key metrics that drive success in the SaaS industry. It’s crucial to convey that your financial projections are not just optimistic estimates but are grounded in market realities and strategic planning.

Case Studies or Success Stories in SaaS Pitch Decks

Importance in Pitch Decks: Incorporating case studies or success stories in a SaaS pitch deck is vital for several reasons:

  1. Building Credibility and Trust: Real-world examples of your product’s success can significantly boost credibility with potential investors.
  2. Demonstrating Product Efficacy: Success stories provide tangible evidence of your product’s value and effectiveness in solving real-world problems.
  3. Illustrating Market Adoption: They showcase customer satisfaction and market adoption, which are key indicators of potential for future success.

Research Insights:

  • A survey by B2B Marketing Zone found that case studies are among the top three most influential types of content for B2B buyers.
  • According to the Content Marketing Institute, 73% of B2B marketers say that case studies are the best way to generate leads.

Actionable Steps:

  1. Select Relevant Success Stories:
    • Choose case studies that are most relevant to your target investors and highlight different aspects of your product.
    • Ensure these stories resonate with the challenges and needs of your potential customers.
  2. Detail the Problem and Solution:
    • Clearly articulate the specific problem your customer faced and how your SaaS solution provided a resolution.
    • This helps in painting a picture of your product’s utility in real-world scenarios.
  3. Quantify the Impact:
    • Include quantifiable results such as increased revenue, cost savings, improved efficiency, or enhanced customer satisfaction.
    • Metrics and numbers add weight to your claims.
  4. Incorporate Customer Testimonials:
    • Use direct quotes from customers to add authenticity and a personal touch to the case studies.
    • Testimonials can be powerful in conveying customer satisfaction and product value.
  5. Visualize Success Stories:
    • Use visuals like graphs, charts, or before-and-after scenarios to illustrate the impact of your solution.
    • Visual aids can make the success stories more engaging and easier to understand.
  6. Discuss the Broader Implications:
    • Highlight how these success stories are indicative of broader market trends or opportunities.
    • Show how your solution can be scaled or adapted to similar problems or industries.
  7. Include a Variety of Cases:
    • Present a range of case studies that cover different industries, company sizes, or use cases.
    • This demonstrates the versatility and broad appeal of your product.
  8. Link to Long-Term Vision:
    • Connect the success stories to your long-term vision and strategy for the company.
    • Show how these early successes are stepping stones towards larger goals.
  9. Update with Ongoing Successes:
    • Keep your pitch deck updated with new and relevant success stories.
    • This shows continuous growth and market traction.

By focusing on these steps, your SaaS pitch deck will effectively leverage case studies and success stories to build trust and demonstrate the real-world value of your product. This approach not only validates your product’s market fit but also showcases its proven track record, making a compelling case for potential investment. It’s crucial to convey that these success stories are not just isolated incidents but are reflective of the consistent and scalable impact your SaaS solution can deliver.

Team and Leadership in SaaS Pitch Decks

Importance in Pitch Decks: The team and leadership section is a cornerstone of a SaaS pitch deck for several critical reasons:

  1. Investor Confidence: Investors often bet on the team as much as the idea. A strong team indicates the capability to execute the business plan and adapt to challenges.
  2. Expertise and Experience: Demonstrating the team’s expertise and experience in SaaS or related fields can significantly boost credibility.
  3. Leadership and Vision: Showcasing the leadership’s vision and commitment can be a decisive factor in securing investment.

Research Insights:

  • Harvard Business Review reports that startups with a balanced and experienced management team have a significantly higher chance of success.
  • According to Forbes, many venture capitalists consider the team as the most important factor when deciding to invest.

Actionable Steps:

  1. Highlight Key Team Members:
    • Focus on the founders and key team members, outlining their roles and relevance to the business.
    • Include brief bios that highlight their expertise, experience, and past successes, especially in the SaaS industry or in roles critical to company growth.
  2. Showcase Relevant Experience:
    • Emphasize any previous entrepreneurial successes, industry experience, or technical expertise.
    • Highlight experiences that directly relate to the challenges and needs of running a SaaS business.
  3. Illustrate the Team’s Cohesion and Commitment:
    • Provide examples or stories that demonstrate the team’s ability to work cohesively, especially in challenging situations.
    • Mention any long-term commitments or sacrifices made by team members, indicating their dedication to the company’s success.
  4. Include Advisors and Mentors:
    • If you have industry advisors or mentors, mention them and their credentials.
    • This can add an extra layer of credibility and support to your team’s profile.
  5. Demonstrate Diversity of Skills:
    • Show how your team’s diverse skill set complements each other, covering all critical areas of the business (e.g., technical, marketing, sales, financial).
    • This diversity indicates a well-rounded and capable team.
  6. Link Team Strengths to Business Goals:
    • Connect the team’s skills and experiences directly to your business goals and strategies.
    • Explain how the team’s composition is strategically aligned with the company’s roadmap.
  7. Use Professional Photos and Consistent Formatting:
    • Include professional photos of team members to add a personal touch.
    • Use consistent formatting for each member’s profile to maintain a professional look.
  8. Share Team Achievements and Milestones:
    • Mention any significant milestones or achievements the team has accomplished, especially those relevant to building or growing a SaaS business.
    • This can include successful product launches, key partnerships, or notable growth metrics.
  9. Highlight Ongoing Development:
    • Indicate any ongoing training or development initiatives the team is undertaking to stay ahead in the industry.
    • This shows a commitment to continuous improvement and adaptation.

By focusing on these steps, your SaaS pitch deck will effectively communicate the strength and capability of your team and leadership. This approach not only builds investor confidence in your team’s ability to execute the business plan but also highlights the strategic alignment of their skills with the company’s long-term vision. It’s crucial to convey that your team is not just skilled but also passionately committed to the success of the SaaS venture.

Exit Strategy or Future Vision in SaaS Pitch Decks

Importance in Pitch Decks: Articulating a clear exit strategy or future vision in a SaaS pitch deck is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Investor Perspective: Investors are interested in understanding the potential return on their investment, and an exit strategy provides a roadmap for this.
  2. Long-term Planning: It demonstrates strategic foresight and the ability to think long-term, which is crucial for sustainable business growth.
  3. Alignment of Goals: A well-defined future vision or exit strategy ensures that the company’s goals are aligned with those of its investors.

Research Insights:

  • A study by Harvard Business School indicates that startups with a clear long-term vision and exit strategy tend to attract more seasoned investors.
  • According to Forbes, companies with a well-defined exit strategy are often more disciplined and focused, leading to better performance.

Actionable Steps:

  1. Define Your Long-Term Vision:
    • Clearly articulate where you see your SaaS company in the next 5-10 years.
    • This vision should include market positioning, potential growth areas, and how you plan to evolve with industry trends.
  2. Outline Potential Exit Scenarios:
    • Present potential exit strategies such as acquisition, merger, IPO, or passing the business to a successor.
    • Tailor these scenarios to what is realistic and attractive in the SaaS industry.
  3. Discuss Investor ROI:
    • Explain how each exit scenario could potentially provide a return on investment for your investors.
    • Include estimated timelines and potential valuation at exit.
  4. Highlight Industry Trends and Benchmarks:
    • Use industry benchmarks and trends to support your proposed exit strategy.
    • This might include citing examples of recent acquisitions or IPOs in the SaaS sector.
  5. Showcase Scalability and Market Potential:
    • Demonstrate how your business model and technology are scalable and can capture a significant market share, making it an attractive target for exit scenarios.
    • Investors are keen on backing businesses with high scalability potential.
  6. Align Exit Strategy with Business Goals:
    • Ensure that your exit strategy aligns with your overall business goals and growth strategies.
    • This alignment shows coherence and strategic planning in your business approach.
  7. Prepare for Different Outcomes:
    • Be prepared to discuss different exit outcomes and how you plan to navigate each scenario.
    • This preparation indicates flexibility and adaptability, which are key in the dynamic SaaS industry.
  8. Communicate the Impact on Stakeholders:
    • Discuss how your exit strategy will impact various stakeholders, including employees, customers, and investors.
    • This shows a comprehensive understanding of the business ecosystem.
  9. Update as the Business Evolves:
    • Keep your exit strategy and future vision updated as your business grows and the market evolves.
    • An evolving strategy indicates responsiveness to market changes and business growth.

By focusing on these steps, your SaaS pitch deck will effectively communicate a well-thought-out exit strategy or future vision. This approach not only aligns with investor interests but also demonstrates your commitment to the long-term success and sustainability of your business. It’s crucial to convey that your exit strategy or future vision is not just a formal requirement but a strategic component of your business planning.

Use these insights and make a winning pitch. If you want to talk about them, reach out to me and book a call.

How to creatively pitch your SaaS Startup?

Pitching a SaaS startup requires creativity and a memorable approach to stand out. Here are some novel and slightly unconventional ideas that can make a pitch unforgettable:

  1. Interactive Product Demo:
    • Turn your pitch into an interactive experience by integrating a live product demo.
    • Engage the audience by letting them interact with your product in real-time through their smartphones or tablets.
  2. Storytelling with a Twist:
    • Craft a narrative around a fictional yet relatable character who faces challenges solved by your product.
    • Elevate this by incorporating elements of theater, like costume or props, to bring the story to life.
  3. Augmented Reality Presentation:
    • Use augmented reality (AR) technology to present your product features and market data in a 3D space around you.
    • This can be especially impactful in showing complex data or how your product fits into the user’s world.
  4. Pitch in Reverse:
    • Start your pitch by outlining the future vision of your company after achieving success, then work backward to the present, detailing the steps and strategies to get there.
    • This reverse storytelling can be a refreshing change from the typical pitch structure.
  5. Incorporate a Flash Mob:
    • Organize a flash mob that suddenly appears during your presentation to perform a short, relevant act or dance.
    • This can be a metaphor for your product’s impact or a creative way to demonstrate user engagement.
  6. Virtual Reality Journey:
    • Use VR headsets to take investors on a virtual journey through a day in the life of your user before and after using your product.
    • This immersive experience can powerfully convey your product’s value proposition.
  7. Gamify Your Pitch:
    • Turn your pitch into a short, interactive game where the audience makes decisions based on scenarios where your product could be used.
    • This interactive approach can make your pitch more engaging and memorable.
  8. Use a Mini-Series Approach:
    • Break your pitch into “episodes”, each focusing on a different aspect of your business (market, product, financials, etc.).
    • This can keep the audience intrigued and waiting for what’s next, like a TV series.
  9. Live Customer Testimonials:
    • If feasible, bring in a real customer to share their experience and the impact your product has had on their life or business.
    • Authentic testimonials can be very persuasive.
  10. Pitch with a Social Experiment:
    • Conduct a live social experiment with the audience to demonstrate a problem your product solves.
    • This can be a powerful visual representation of the need for your solution.
  11. Time Travel Theme:
    • Dress as a time traveler and present your pitch as if you’re from the future, showing how your product has changed the world. Use futuristic props and visuals to enhance the theme.
  12. Interactive Theater:
    • Turn your pitch into a short play, with actors portraying the problem your software solves. This theatrical representation can make the problem and solution more relatable and memorable.
  13. Musical Pitch:
    • Compose a catchy song or jingle about your product and perform it. Music can be a powerful tool to make your message stick in the audience’s mind.
  14. Escape Room Challenge:
    • Create an escape room-style challenge that the audience can participate in, which metaphorically represents the problem your SaaS solves. It’s engaging and can effectively demonstrate the value of your solution.
  15. Mock News Report:
    • Set up your presentation as a mock news report or documentary, complete with interviews, reports, and breaking news segments about your product and its impact on the industry.
  16. Product as a Superhero:
    • Create a superhero character that embodies your product. Use a comic strip or animated video to tell the story of how this superhero solves major problems, akin to how your product works.
  17. Silent Movie Style:
    • Present your pitch in the style of a silent movie, using music, exaggerated expressions, and text placards. This can be a unique way to convey your message and stand out.
  18. Magic Show:
    • Incorporate magic tricks or illusions that metaphorically represent your product’s features and benefits. This can add an element of surprise and entertainment to your pitch.
  19. Science Experiment:
    • Conduct a live science experiment on stage that visually demonstrates the problem your product addresses or the effectiveness of your solution.
  20. Interactive Polls and Quizzes:
    • Use live polls or quizzes during your presentation to engage the audience and collect real-time feedback or opinions related to your product or market.
  21. Virtual Host or AI Assistant:
    • Use a virtual AI assistant or hologram to co-present with you, showcasing the technological innovation and futuristic approach of your company.
  22. Product-Related Fashion Show:
    • Host a mini fashion show where each outfit or accessory represents a feature or benefit of your product, combining style with storytelling.
  23. Cooking Show Format:
    • Present your pitch as if you’re hosting a cooking show, where each ingredient represents a component of your product or business model, culminating in the “final dish” which is your complete product.
  24. Interactive Art Installation:
    • Create an art piece or installation that represents your product or the problem it solves. Invite the audience to interact with it before or after your pitch.
  25. Choose Your Own Adventure:
    • Let the audience make choices at key points in your presentation, leading to different outcomes or paths. This can illustrate the flexibility and adaptability of your product.

These ideas are designed to make your pitch not just a presentation, but an experience that captivates and stays with the audience. Remember, the key is to tie these creative elements back to the core message and value of your SaaS product.

10 Tips To Create An Amazing SaaS Pitch Deck

Here are 10 tips to help you create a compelling pitch deck:

  1. Start with a clear and concise value proposition: Begin your pitch deck with a single sentence or phrase that describes the core value your SaaS product offers. This statement should be easy to understand and communicate the problem your product solves.
  2. Address the problem: Clearly explain the problem or pain point your target audience faces, and demonstrate your deep understanding of their needs. Use relevant data or anecdotes to emphasize the importance of addressing this problem.
  3. Present your solution: Describe how your SaaS product solves the problem you’ve identified, and highlight its unique features and benefits. Use visuals, such as screenshots or demo videos, to help your audience understand how your product works.
  4. Define your target market: Provide a clear and specific description of your target customers, including their demographics, industries, and any other relevant characteristics. Show that you’ve done thorough market research and understand the size and potential of your market.
  5. Explain your business model: Clearly outline how your SaaS company generates revenue, such as through subscription plans, tiered pricing, or freemium models. Be sure to include details about pricing, customer acquisition, and retention strategies.
  6. Showcase your competitive advantage: Identify your key competitors and explain how your product stands out. Highlight your unique selling points, such as innovative features, exceptional customer service, or a superior user experience.
  7. Share your go-to-market strategy: Describe your marketing and sales strategies for acquiring new customers, such as content marketing, social media, paid advertising, or partnerships. Also, discuss your plans for scaling your business and expanding into new markets.
  8. Provide traction and metrics: Share any key performance indicators (KPIs) or milestones you’ve achieved, such as user growth, revenue, or customer testimonials. These metrics help demonstrate your product’s value and potential to investors.
  9. Introduce your team: Highlight the experience, skills, and expertise of your founding team and key employees. Show that your team has the necessary background and passion to execute your vision and drive your company’s success.
  10. Financial projections and ask: Provide a realistic forecast of your company’s financial performance, including projected revenue, expenses, and profit margins. Clearly state the funding amount you’re seeking and how you plan to use the investment to grow your business.

5 Tips To Create A Visually Stunning SaaS Pitch Deck

To create a visually stunning SaaS pitch deck, consider the following design tips:

  1. Use a consistent color scheme: Choose a color scheme that reflects your brand identity and stick to it throughout the pitch deck. Using consistent colors helps create a cohesive look and feel and makes your presentation appear more professional. Limit your palette to 2-4 main colors and use them strategically to highlight key points or differentiate sections.
  2. Emphasize simplicity and clarity: Avoid clutter and overcrowding your slides with too much text or visuals. Keep your slides clean and straightforward, focusing on one main idea per slide. Use bullet points or short phrases instead of lengthy paragraphs to convey your message. Choose a clear, easy-to-read font and maintain a consistent font size and style across all slides.
  3. Use visuals to support your message: Incorporate images, icons, and diagrams that complement your content and help convey your message more effectively. Use high-quality, relevant visuals, such as screenshots of your product, charts showing growth, or simple infographics to illustrate complex ideas. Be mindful of image resolution and avoid stretching or distorting visuals.
  4. Apply a consistent layout and hierarchy: Create a consistent layout for your slides, using a grid system or templates to ensure elements are aligned and well-organized. Establish a visual hierarchy by using different font sizes, weights, or colors to distinguish between headings, subheadings, and body text. This approach makes your content easier to follow and digest for your audience.
  5. Utilize white space effectively: Don’t be afraid to leave empty spaces on your slides, as white space helps create balance and prevents your presentation from looking cluttered. White space can guide the viewer’s eye, emphasize important elements, and improve overall readability.

What Investors Would Ask A SaaS Owner

Some of the questions you might encounter when presenting your SaaS, are:

  1. Are you selling a SaaS solution to B2B customers?
  2. Do you offer both a desktop and mobile app, or just desktop?
  3. Do you have angel investors with significant experience who advise you on strategy?
  4. What is your MRR today?
  5. What is the story?
  6. Will you spend the bulk of it on product development to build your MVP?
  7. Where do you position yourself vs. the competition?
  8. What about your tech stack? Is it competitive?

SaaS Owners Also Ask

How long should a SaaS pitch deck be?

A SaaS pitch deck should ideally be between 10-20 slides. This length allows you to present your key points effectively while maintaining your audience’s attention. 

Is there a difference when creating a SaaS pitch deck for series a, series b, or series c funding round?

Yes, there are differences when creating a SaaS pitch deck for Series A, Series B, or Series C funding rounds. As your company progresses through funding stages, the focus and expectations of investors change. Here’s a brief overview of the differences:

  1. Series A: In this early-stage round, investors are interested in your product-market fit, the size of your target market, and your business model. Focus on presenting a clear value proposition, demonstrating market potential, and outlining plans for growth and scaling.
  2. Series B: At this stage, your company has likely shown significant progress and traction. Investors want to see how you’ve utilized previous funding, achieved key milestones, and improved your key performance indicators (KPIs). Emphasize growth strategy, customer acquisition, and plans to expand your team or enter new markets.
  3. Series C: For this more mature funding stage, investors expect to see a proven track record of success, solid financials, and a clear path to profitability or exit strategy (e.g., IPO, acquisition). Focus on presenting detailed financial projections, showcasing your market dominance, and highlighting any strategic partnerships or acquisitions.

Final Thoughts

There’s my take on creating a pitch deck for a SaaS. There are a-lot of different things to take into account, but if used correctly, you’ll be securing your next round for sure.

For more details about creating and structuring the ideal and effective deck, feel free to check out the main page. I got tips, tricks, mistakes and more for you to use and abuse!

You got this!

But if you don’t got it:

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

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The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.

Or visit my pitch deck service page for more info.

More Resources

Check my cornerstone guide on pitch decks that helped my clients win more than 4,000,000$ in funding:

You’ll learn how to create a pitch deck by following my bulletproof step-by-step guide that helped my clients get $4+mill in funding. It includes:

  • How to build the slides (including elevator pitch slide, financials slide, and more)
  • Startup pitch deck examples
  • What investors need to see
  • What a pitch deck needs to be
  • What a pitch deck can’t be
  • Tips and tricks when creating a pitch presentation

Check out all the other pitch deck guides here:

Also don’t miss out on my massive presentation specialist guide, last minute presentations and best business projector buyers guide.

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