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16 Slide Health Sector Pitch Deck Template That’s Clinching Millions in Funding

Presentation and Pitch Expert. Ex Advertising.

$100mill In Funding. Bald Since 2010.

So, you’re looking to make waves in the health sector with a killer pitch deck? Smart move! The health sector is booming, and there’s no better time to jump in.

But, let’s be real – crafting the perfect pitch deck can feel like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Don’t sweat it; I’ve got your back.

It’s Viktor, your pitch deck expert, presentation expert and burger lover. I’ve been a pitch deck expert for the past 13 years and helped clients raise millions, and win pitches, with my unique approach to creating pitch decks.

Here’s a straightforward template to help you hit all the right notes and maybe, just maybe, get a chuckle or two from your audience. Ready to rock this? Let’s go!

Book a free personalized pitch deck consultation and save over 20 hours of your time.

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.


16 Slide Health Sector Pitch Deck Template

Want a similar template for your pitch? Book a call free below to discuss more, or reach out through email.

Write me an email at viktor at viktori.net

Slide 1: Cover Slide


  • Background: A subtle gradient or an image related to healthcare (e.g., a stethoscope, hospital, or medical professionals).
  • Centered company logo at the top.
  • Below the logo: A concise, impactful tagline.
  • Bottom right corner: Date and location of the pitch.


  • Company Name: “MedTech Innovators”
  • Tagline: “Revolutionizing Healthcare Through Technology”
  • Date & Location: “October 25, 2023 | San Francisco, CA”

Slide 2: Introduction


  • Background: A light, neutral color for readability.
  • High-quality image on the left, representing the company’s mission or product.
  • Text content on the right.


  • Header: “Welcome to MedTech Innovators”
  • Brief Overview: “At MedTech Innovators, we’re committed to bridging the gap between medical expertise and technological innovation. Our mission is to enhance patient care, streamline medical procedures, and make healthcare accessible to all.”
  • Highlight: “Addressing the pressing challenges of the 21st-century health sector.”

Slide 3: Problem Statement


  • Background: A contrasting color to emphasize the gravity of the problem.
  • A relevant image or infographic on the right, illustrating the problem.
  • Text content on the left.


  • Header: “The Challenge We Face”
  • Description: “Despite advancements in medical science, millions globally lack access to timely and quality healthcare. Inefficient systems, outdated practices, and a lack of technological integration result in delayed treatments, misdiagnoses, and escalating costs.”
  • Statistics: “Over 50% of rural areas lack immediate access to advanced medical facilities. 30% of diagnosed cases are delayed due to outdated systems.”

Slide 4: Solution


  • Background: A hopeful or positive color, indicating the introduction of a solution.
  • A dynamic image or animation on the left, showcasing the product/service.
  • Text content on the right.


  • Header: “Our Revolutionary Solution”
  • Key Features:
    • “AI-Powered Diagnostics: Faster, accurate, and reliable medical diagnoses using advanced AI algorithms.”
    • “Telemedicine Integration: Bringing specialist consultations to the remotest areas.”
    • “Real-time Data Analysis: Instant patient data analysis for timely interventions.”
  • Impact Statement: “With MedTech Innovators, we’re not just introducing a product; we’re pioneering a healthcare transformation.”

Slide 5: Market Opportunity


  • Background: A light, neutral color to maintain focus on the data.
  • A pie chart or bar graph on the left, showcasing the market size and potential.
  • Text content on the right.


  • Header: “Tapping into a Vast Market”
  • Market Size: “The global healthcare market is valued at $8.45 trillion, with a CAGR of 8.9%.”
  • Potential: “With the rise of telemedicine and AI diagnostics, the tech-health sector is poised to capture 20% of this market in the next five years.”
  • Trends: “Increasing acceptance of telehealth, growing investment in AI research, and a shift towards patient-centric solutions.”

Slide 6: Business Model


  • Background: A subtle gradient or pattern for visual interest.
  • An infographic or flowchart in the center, illustrating the business model.
  • Key points listed below the graphic.


  • Header: “Our Sustainable Business Model”
  • Monetization Strategy:
    • “Subscription-based access for clinics and hospitals.”
    • “Tiered pricing for individual users based on features.”
    • “Collaborative research and data partnerships.”
  • Revenue Projections: “Projected to reach $500 million in revenue by year 5 with a 35% profit margin.”

Slide 7: Competitive Landscape


  • Background: A contrasting color to differentiate from previous slides.
  • A matrix or spider chart in the center, comparing the company with competitors.
  • Text content on the sides.


  • Header: “Standing Out in the Crowd”
  • Unique Value Proposition: “While many offer telehealth or AI diagnostics, our integrated platform ensures seamless patient care from diagnosis to treatment.”
  • Competitors: “Major players include HealthAI, MedConnect, and CureTech.”
  • Differentiators: “Our advanced algorithms, user-friendly interface, and end-to-end healthcare solutions set us apart.”

Slide 8: Go-to-Market Strategy


  • Background: A hopeful or positive color, indicating forward movement and growth.
  • A roadmap or timeline graphic on the right, showcasing the go-to-market phases.
  • Text content on the left.


  • Header: “Our Path to Market Dominance”
  • Phases:
    • “1. Pilot Phase: Partner with three major hospitals for real-world testing and feedback.”
    • “2. Launch Phase: Roll out to metropolitan areas with targeted marketing campaigns.”
    • “3. Expansion Phase: Broaden reach to rural areas and explore international markets.”
    • “4. Diversification Phase: Introduce additional features and integrations based on user feedback.”
  • Engagement: “Collaborations with health influencers, webinars, and free trials to drive early adoption.”

Slide 9: Traction


  • Background: A light, neutral color to emphasize growth and progress.
  • A rising line graph or bar chart on the left, showcasing user growth or milestones.
  • Text content on the right.


  • Header: “Our Growing Impact”
  • User Base: “Over 50,000 registered users within the first six months.”
  • Milestones Achieved:
    • “Successfully integrated with 10 major hospitals.”
    • “Achieved a 98% patient satisfaction rate.”
    • “App downloads surpassed 100,000 in the first quarter.”
  • Testimonials: “Dr. Jane Smith, Head of Cardiology at MedCity: ‘A game-changer in patient care and diagnostics.'”

Slide 10: Technology and IP


  • Background: A tech-inspired pattern or gradient.
  • A schematic or flowchart in the center, illustrating the technology stack or process.
  • Key points listed around the graphic.


  • Header: “Innovation at Our Core”
  • Technology Overview: “Utilizing deep learning algorithms, cloud computing, and real-time data analytics.”
  • Intellectual Property:
    • “3 patents filed for our unique diagnostic algorithms.”
    • “Proprietary telehealth platform with end-to-end encryption.”
  • Future Enhancements: “R&D focused on integrating wearable tech for continuous patient monitoring.”

Slide 11: Regulatory and Compliance


  • Background: A soft, contrasting color to emphasize safety and trust.
  • Icons or symbols on the left, representing different regulatory bodies or standards.
  • Text content on the right.


  • Header: “Commitment to Compliance”
  • Regulatory Landscape: “Fully compliant with HIPAA, GDPR, and other major health data protection regulations.”
  • Data Privacy: “State-of-the-art encryption and data anonymization techniques ensure patient data security.”
  • Challenges & Strategies: “Continuous monitoring of regulatory changes, with a dedicated team for compliance and periodic audits.”

Slide 12: Financial Projections


  • Background: A corporate blue or green for a financial theme.
  • Pie charts, bar graphs, or line charts showcasing revenue projections, costs, and profit margins.
  • Text content below each chart.


  • Header: “A Promising Financial Outlook”
  • Revenue Projections:
    • “Year 1: $5 million”
    • “Year 2: $15 million”
    • “Year 3: $30 million”
  • Key Financial Metrics:
    • “35% projected profit margin by Year 3.”
    • “20% YoY growth in user subscriptions.”
  • Funding Ask: “Seeking $2 million in funding for a 10% equity stake, to accelerate growth and R&D.”

Slide 13: Team


  • Background: A light, neutral color for a professional feel.
  • Circular profile photos of key team members aligned horizontally.
  • Name, title, and a brief description below each photo.


  • Header: “The Minds Behind MedTech Innovators”
  • Team Members:
    • “Dr. Alex Johnson – CEO: A seasoned healthcare professional with 15 years in medical tech innovation.”
    • “Linda Reyes – CTO: Expert in AI and cloud computing, with a track record of successful tech startups.”
    • “Raj Mehta – COO: Operations guru with a knack for streamlining processes and maximizing efficiency.”
    • “Sophie Turner – CMO: Marketing maven with a deep understanding of the healthcare sector and consumer behavior.”
  • Advisory Board: “Guided by industry veterans from top medical institutions and tech companies.”

Slide 14: Vision and Future Plans


  • Background: A hopeful or inspiring gradient or pattern.
  • A roadmap or timeline graphic on the right, showcasing future milestones.
  • Text content on the left.


  • Header: “Shaping the Future of Healthcare”
  • Long-term Vision: “To be the global leader in integrated healthcare solutions, making quality care accessible to all.”
  • Expansion Plans:
    • “Enter Asian and European markets by 2025.”
    • “Collaborate with pharmaceutical giants for integrated care solutions.”
    • “Introduce AI-driven preventive care modules.”
  • Challenges & Strategies: “Anticipate regulatory challenges in new markets; strategy involves early engagement with local health authorities.”

Slide 15: Q&A Slide


  • Background: A soft, contrasting color to invite interaction.
  • A large question mark icon or image in the center.
  • “Q&A” written prominently.


  • Header: “Your Questions, Our Answers”
  • Prompt: “We’re here to address any queries or concerns you might have. Let’s discuss!”

Slide 16: Thank You & Contact Information


  • Background: A gradient matching the company’s branding colors.
  • Company logo centered at the top.
  • Contact details listed below in a clear, readable font.


  • Header: “Thank You for Your Time & Consideration”
  • Contact Details:
  • Closing Note: “We’re excited about the journey ahead and hope you’ll join us in revolutionizing healthcare.”

Health Sector Pitch Deck Outline Wrap Up

Alright, team! That wraps up our deep dive into the health sector pitch deck template. Remember, the health world is vast, and there’s room for everyone with passion and a solid plan. So, take this template, sprinkle in your unique touch, and let’s make some healthy changes out there.

And hey, if all else fails, at least we gave it our best shot, right? Here’s to making an impact and maybe getting a few high-fives along the way. Cheers, you got this!

But if you don’t got it:

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.

If you want to really dive into the world of pitch decks, check out our complete collection of pitch deck guides, pitch deck outlines and pitch deck examples.

Want more guidance? Go back to my health sector pitch deck guide, medical healthcare pitch deck guide, drug development pitch deck template, medtech pitch deck template, or get inspired by some in-depth health sector pitch deck examples.

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