12 Slide bAiology Pitch Deck Template | Google Slides

ai in biology pitch deck template

You’re sitting on a breakthrough for biology—an AI-driven tool that could finally unravel the complexity of biological data, the sort that slows down entire research teams and keeps big discoveries just out of reach. But, as it stands, your pitch might feel like a few dry research papers cobbled together in a PowerPoint. Look, here’s … Read more

11 Slide Enterprise Data Solutions Pitch Deck Template | Google Slides

enterprise data solutions pitch deck template

Alright, here’s the scenario: Your company has loads of data, but instead of running like a smooth jazz tune, it sounds more like a broken record. You’ve got fragmented data from every department, chaotic reports piling up, and frankly, the only thing your team is gaining is a headache. The issue isn’t the data itself; … Read more

11 Slide Pharmaceutical Packaging Solutions Deck Template | Google Slides

_pharmaceutical packaging solutions pitch deck template

Alright, let’s talk packaging. Not the gift-wrapping kind, but the pharmaceutical kind – the serious stuff that protects meds from getting ruined before they even reach the hands that need them. Imagine being responsible for getting vital medications into those hands, and yet, every year, millions are wasted because traditional packaging just doesn’t cut it. … Read more

Blueprint for Success: The 13 Slide Pitch Deck Israeli Real Estate Startups Are Using to Secure Funding | Google Slides

Israel Real Estate Pitch Deck Template

So, you’ve got your sights set on the booming Israel real estate market, but investors keep giving you that polite nod—right before moving on. I hate to break it to you, but the problem isn’t the market or even your ideas. It’s your pitch deck. Trust me, I’ve seen more real estate deals fall through … Read more

13 Slide Conundrum House Pitch Deck Template

Conundrum House Pitch Deck Template

So, you’ve got this brilliant idea for an immersive neighborhood adventure, but no one seems to get it. The truth is, it’s not that your concept is lacking; it’s probably just your pitch deck that’s throwing folks off. But don’t sweat it—I’m here to help you turn that frown upside down. I’ve had my share … Read more

The Original Dropbox Pitch Deck That Helped Them Raise $1.2 mill Seed Round + Startup Insights 


Imagine being in a room filled with investors, your palms slightly sweaty, as you present a few slides that could shape your startup’s destiny. This is the pitch deck moment – where vision meets reality, and a few seconds can determine if your idea takes flight or crashes. Now, let’s talk about a legendary example: … Read more

12 Slide AI-Powered Buyer Intelligence Pitch Deck Template

ai powered buyer inteligence platform pitch deck template

So, you’re tired of hearing your sales team complain about the lack of quality buyer insights? Or maybe you’re just over the patchwork of reports and assumptions that somehow pass as “intelligence.” The problem isn’t your product, your team, or even your target audience (contrary to what some might say). The real culprit? A lack … Read more

11 Slide Skincare Innovation Pitch Deck Template: Like a Magic Serum—But for Your Investor Pitch | Google Slides

skincare innovation pitch deck template

So, you’ve got a skincare breakthrough that could finally make the perfect moisturizer feel like a myth of the past. But every time you pitch, it feels like potential investors are just seeing another face cream. Here’s the harsh truth: it’s not the formula, it’s the story you’re telling. I know how to make audiences … Read more

The 12 slide pitch deck framework that got my clients $500m in funding.

I’ve developed 12 simple formulas that will save 40 hours of your time and show you how to craft content that makes investors invest. 

Start using these formulas by downloading my detailed framework through the link below. Promo price available for the first 40 buyers. Few downloads remaining.