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15 Slide ERP Pitch Deck Template

Presentation and Pitch Expert. Ex Advertising.

$100mill In Funding. Bald Since 2010.

Crafting a pitch deck goes beyond just piecing together slides; it’s about cohesively weaving the inherent values and capabilities of your ERP solution into a narrative that resonates with potential investors.

Sup, I’m Viktor, a pitch deck expert, and a presentation expert. I’ve helped businesses secure over $100 million in funding thanks to my approach and I’m sharing it here in this ERP pitch deck outline.

In this ERP pitch deck template, we’ll navigate through the essentials, from establishing the market need to eloquently demonstrating your solution’s unique position to answer that call.

Let’s dive in!

Book a free personalized pitch deck consultation and save over 20 hours of your time.

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.


ERP Pitch Deck Template

Want a similar template for your pitch? Book a call free below to discuss more, or reach out through email.

Write me an email at viktor at viktori.net

1. Cover Slide:

Title: Revolutionizing Business with [Your Company Name]


  • Large, centered company logo.
  • High-quality background image that subtly hints at technology, innovation, or business growth.


  • Tagline: “Bringing Efficiency and Precision to Your Operations.”
  • Date: MM/DD/YYYY
  • Presenter’s Name: [Your Name]

2. Introduction:

Title: Navigating the Business Landscape with [Your Company Name]


  • A dynamic collage or montage of businesses in action – board meetings, warehouses in operation, data centers, etc.


  • “Founded in [Year], [Your Company Name] began with a simple vision: to revolutionize the way businesses operate and grow.”
  • “Our mission? To harness the power of comprehensive data, seamless integration, and intuitive design.”
  • Brief mention: “Our ERP solution, designed for modern enterprises, speaks this language of innovation.”

3. Problem Statement:

Title: The Business Maze: Challenges in a Modern Era


  • Split screen: One side showing a complex, tangled wire or maze (symbolizing challenges) and the other showing a straight, illuminated path (representing the solution).


  • Bullet points outlining common challenges:
    • Inefficient processes leading to lost revenue.
    • Disparate systems causing data silos.
    • Time-consuming manual tasks reducing productivity.
    • Stat: “According to [Research Source], 65% of businesses struggle with data integration, leading to an average revenue loss of 20% annually.”

4. Solution Overview:

Title: The [Your Product Name]: Illuminating the Path Forward


  • A sleek graphic or animation of your ERP solution interface or a metaphorical visual representing a beacon or lighthouse.


  • “Introducing [Your Product Name] – where efficiency meets innovation.”
  • Features at a glance:
    • Unified Data Management: “No more silos. One source of truth for all.”
    • Automated Workflows: “Reclaim your time and let automation handle the routine.”
    • Real-time Analytics: “Make decisions powered by real-time insights.”
  • “Crafted for businesses ready to leap into the future, our ERP is the partner you’ve been waiting for.”

5. Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

Title: Standing Tall in a Sea of Solutions


  • Side-by-side comparison. On one side, faded generic ERP icons; on the other, a vivid, glowing icon representing your ERP solution.


  • “In an age of countless ERP options, what makes [Your Product Name] the game-changer?”
  • Key Differentiators:
    • Customization Flexibility: “Tailored to your business DNA, not the other way around.”
    • AI-Powered Predictions: “Beyond real-time analytics; we offer foresight.”
    • Seamless Integrations: “Connect with your favorite tools effortlessly.”
    • Unparalleled Support: “We’re not just a solution; we’re your partner.”

6. Market Size & Opportunity:

Title: A Vast Ocean of Opportunity


  • A rising bar graph or pie chart showcasing the growing ERP market.


  • “The ERP market is booming, and here’s the proof:”
    • Current Market Size: “$[Value] Billion in 2023.”
    • Projected Growth: “$[Higher Value] Billion by 2026.”
    • Target Segment: “Focusing on the [specific segment, e.g., ‘SMEs in North America’].”
  • “With only [Percentage, e.g., ‘25%’] of our target segment currently using advanced ERP solutions, the potential is immense.”

7. Business Model:

Title: The Blueprint of Our Ambition


  • Infographic or flowchart detailing how the business operates and generates revenue.


  • “How do we turn innovation into revenue?”
    • Subscription Models: “Flexible plans tailored to diverse business needs.”
    • Licensing: “One-time fees for lifetime value.”
    • Add-on Modules: “Expand as you grow; pay for what you need.”
    • Training & Consultation: “Empowering businesses to utilize the full power of [Your Product Name].”

8. Traction & Milestones:

Title: Our Journey So Far


  • A dynamic timeline or roadmap showcasing the company’s significant milestones.


  • “From an idea to a revolution, our journey in numbers:”
    • Users: “Over [Number, e.g., ‘10,000’] satisfied businesses and counting.”
    • Revenues: “$[Value] in revenue for the fiscal year [Year].”
    • Partnerships: “Collaborations with industry leaders like [Company1], [Company2], and more.”
    • Upcoming: “Looking ahead: Expanding to [new region/market], launching [new feature/module], and more in [Year/Quarter].”

9. Product Demo & Features:

Title: The Powerhouse Behind Our Promise


  • A few dynamic screen grabs of your ERP software in action or a brief video walkthrough.


  • “Let’s peel back the curtain on [Your Product Name]:”
    • Dashboard Overview: “Your operations pulse, all in one glance.”
    • Inventory Management: “Say goodbye to stockouts and wastage.”
    • Real-time Reporting: “Data-driven decisions on demand.”
    • Collaboration Tools: “Bringing teams closer, even if they’re worlds apart.”

10. Customer Testimonials & Case Studies:

Title: In Their Words…


  • Quotes from satisfied clients with their logos or photos, possibly a short video clip.


  • “Don’t just take our word for it:”
    • “[Customer Name from a reputed company]: ‘With [Your Product Name], our efficiency skyrocketed by 60% in just 6 months!'”
    • “[Another Customer Name]: ‘The support team is just as impressive as the software itself. Five stars!'”
    • Brief Case Study Highlight: “How [Well-known Company] reduced operational costs by 30% using [Your Product Name].”

11. Competitive Landscape:

Title: Navigating the Marketplace


  • A graph or matrix showcasing where your product stands compared to competitors. Think of it as a 2×2 matrix with axes like ‘Innovation’ and ‘Customer Support’.


  • “While the ERP sea is vast, here’s how we shine brighter:”
    • Top Right (High Innovation & Support): “[Your Product Name]”
    • Other quadrants: “[Competitor A]”, “[Competitor B]”, etc.
    • Highlighted Stat: “[Your Product Name] boasts a 98% customer retention rate, the highest in our segment.”

12. Financial Projections & Ask:

Title: Gazing Into The Crystal Ball


  • Projections graph showcasing potential growth in the next 5 years or a pie-chart displaying the distribution of funds.


  • “We’re on an upward trajectory, and here’s a glimpse of our future:”
    • Year 1: “$[Value] in revenues with a 20% profit margin.”
    • Year 2: “$[Higher Value] with a projected 25% profit margin.”
    • The Ask: “We’re seeking $[Investment Amount] in exchange for [Equity Percentage] equity to fuel our next growth phase.”
    • Use of Funds: “40% in product development, 30% in marketing, 20% in team expansion, 10% in R&D.”

13. Marketing & Go-to-Market Strategy:

Title: Our Roadmap to Dominance


  • A multi-step funnel or roadmap detailing your market entry and expansion strategy.


  • “Here’s how we plan to capture and captivate our audience:”
    • Phase 1: “Digital Awareness: Leveraging PPC campaigns, SEO optimization, and targeted social media advertising.”
    • Phase 2: “Strategic Partnerships: Collaborations with complementary businesses and industry influencers.”
    • Phase 3: “Expanding Horizons: Entry into newer markets, backed by data-driven research and localizations.”
    • Retention: “Engaging webinars, user training sessions, and responsive support to ensure customer loyalty.”

14. Team & Leadership:

Title: The Dream Team


  • Photos or caricatures of key team members, with brief title tags.


  • “Meet the minds behind [Your Product Name]:”
    • [CEO Name]: “Serial entrepreneur with 15+ years in tech. Led [Previous Company] to a successful acquisition.”
    • [CTO Name]: “Tech wizard with a passion for innovation. Previously spearheaded R&D at [Tech Giant].”
    • [CMO Name]: “Marketing maven with a track record of 10x growth campaigns. Former head of marketing at [Industry Leader].”
    • “Together, we’ve got the experience, passion, and drive to make [Your Product Name] a genre-defining product.”

15. Thank You & Next Steps:

Title: Let’s Shape The Future Together!


  • A backdrop of a handshake or a team photo, symbolizing partnership and collaboration.


  • “Thank you for taking this journey with us!”
    • Immediate Next Steps: “1-on-1 deep dives, product demos, or financial deep-dives – we’re here to answer.”
    • Engagement: “Let’s discuss synergies, potential collaborations, or investment opportunities at your convenience.”
    • Contact: “Reach out to [Your Name, Your Email, and Your Phone Number].”
    • Humorously: “And if you’re still on the fence, just remember: great opportunities don’t send calendar invites. They knock… occasionally over a cup of coffee!”

You got this.

But if you don’t got it:

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.

Want more guidance? Go back to my ERP pitch deck guide or get inspired by some in-depth ERP Startup pitch deck examples.

If you want to really dive into the world of pitch decks, check out our complete collection of pitch deck guidespitch deck outlines and pitch deck examples.

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