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15 Slide ERP Pitch Deck Template

Presentation and Pitch Expert. Ex Advertising.

$100mill In Funding. Bald Since 2010.

So, you’ve got this genius idea for revolutionizing the educational scene. The next big thing in ERP, right? But, let’s face it, a groundbreaking idea alone won’t win over the room.

I’m Viktor, a pitch deck expert, and a presentation expert. Over the past 13 years, I’ve helped businesses secure millions of $ in funding thanks to my approach and I’m sharing it here in this pitch deck guide.

Picture this: Your ERP system isn’t just a tool, it’s the heart of a school’s operations, beating strong with every slide you present. With my proven ERP pitch deck template, you’re not just outlining software; you’re scripting the future of educational management.

Stick with me, and I’ll show you how to craft a pitch deck that makes stakeholders want to invest, not just listen. Let’s roll up our sleeves and dive into creating your standout ERP pitch deck.

Book a free personalized pitch deck consultation and save over 20 hours of your time.

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.


15 Slide ERP Pitch Deck Template

Want a similar template for your pitch? Book a call free below to discuss more, or reach out through email.

Write me an email at viktor at viktori.net

1. Cover Slide


  • A prominent company logo centered on the slide.
  • A high-quality background image that resonates with the theme of digital transformation and modern business.


  • Tagline: “Digital Transformation, Realized”
  • Subtitle: “Empowering Businesses in the Digital Age”

2. Introduction


  • A montage or collage of businesses transitioning to digital platforms, showcasing before-and-after scenarios.


  • About the Company: “We are a leading IT consulting firm, specializing in guiding businesses through the intricate journey of digital transformation. Our expertise lies in streamlining business processes and implementing robust ERP systems.”
  • Mission Statement: “Our mission is to bridge the digital divide, enabling businesses to harness the power of technology, driving efficiency, and fostering growth.”

3. Problem Statement


  • Infographics or illustrations showing statistics about businesses struggling with outdated systems, inefficiencies, or the challenges of digital adaptation.
  • A split-screen comparison: one side showing a business bogged down by manual processes and the other side a digitally transformed, efficient business.


  • Current Challenges: “In today’s fast-paced digital era, many businesses grapple with outdated systems, manual redundancies, and a lack of integration. This not only hampers growth but also poses a risk in a competitive landscape.”
  • The Need for Change: “Digital transformation is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity. Businesses require agile processes, integrated systems, and the ability to adapt to changing market dynamics.”

4. Solution


  • Screenshots or short clips of digital tools, ERP systems, or platforms you’ve implemented.
  • Before-and-after visuals of a business process, highlighting the transformation.


  • Our Expertise: “With a deep understanding of both business and technology, we offer tailored solutions that address the unique challenges of each organization.”
  • Digital Transformation: “We help businesses reimagine their operations, leveraging technology to create efficient, scalable, and future-ready models.”
  • Business Process Digitalization: “By automating and digitalizing core processes, we ensure businesses can focus on growth rather than grappling with operational inefficiencies.”
  • ERP Implementation: “Our team specializes in [specific ERP systems, e.g., ‘SAP’, ‘Oracle’, ‘Microsoft Dynamics’], ensuring seamless integration, training, and support.”

5. Services Breakdown


  • Icons or infographics representing each service.
  • Screenshots or clips of digital tools and ERP systems in action.


  • Digital Transformation: “We guide businesses through a holistic transformation, ensuring they’re equipped for the digital age. This includes strategy formulation, technology selection, and change management.”
  • Business Process Digitalization: “Our approach focuses on automating repetitive tasks, introducing digital tools to enhance efficiency, and ensuring seamless data flow across departments.”
  • ERP Implementation: “Specializing in [specific ERP systems, e.g., ‘SAP’, ‘Oracle’, ‘Microsoft Dynamics’], we offer end-to-end services from system selection, customization, to training and support.”

6. Market Opportunity


  • Graphs or charts showcasing the growth of the digital transformation sector.
  • World map highlighting potential markets or regions of operation.


  • Market Size: “The global digital transformation market is expected to reach $X billion by [year], driven by businesses’ need to stay competitive and agile.”
  • Growth Potential: “With the increasing emphasis on digital operations post-pandemic and the rise of remote work, the demand for IT consulting and ERP implementation is surging.”
  • Industry Trends: “Businesses are not just looking to digitize but to innovate, seeking partners who can offer strategic insights and not just technical implementations. This is where we excel.”

7. Business Model


  • A flowchart or diagram illustrating how the company generates revenue.
  • Icons representing different revenue streams and client segments.


  • Monetization Strategy: “Our revenue model is based on [e.g., ‘project-based contracts’, ‘retainer agreements’, ‘subscription-based support services’].”
  • Pricing: “We offer tiered pricing, ensuring solutions for businesses of all sizes – from SMEs to large enterprises.”
  • Additional Revenue Streams: “Beyond our core services, we generate revenue through [e.g., ‘training workshops’, ‘licensing of proprietary tools’, ‘ongoing support and maintenance contracts’].”

8. Traction


  • A growth curve or bar graph showing client acquisition or project completions over time.
  • Logos of notable clients or partners.


  • Client Portfolio: “Since our inception in [year], we’ve partnered with over [number] businesses, ranging from [industry] to [industry], helping them navigate their digital journeys.”
  • Testimonials: “Hear from our partners: [e.g., ‘Their strategic insights transformed our operations’, ‘The ERP implementation was seamless and has revolutionized our data management’].”
  • Milestones: “Key achievements include [e.g., ‘successful digital transformation of a Fortune 500 company’, ‘implementation of ERP systems across 3 continents’, ‘recognition as the top IT consulting firm in [region/year]’].”

9. Competitive Landscape


  • A matrix or chart comparing your company’s services, expertise, and benefits against key competitors.
  • Logos of main competitors in the IT consulting and digital transformation space.


  • Competitive Overview: “The IT consulting domain is vibrant, with several firms offering a range of services. Here’s how we distinguish ourselves.”
  • Unique Value Proposition: “While many firms offer technical solutions, our holistic approach encompasses strategy, implementation, and continuous support. Our deep industry insights ensure tailored solutions that drive tangible business outcomes.”
  • Differentiators:
    • Strategic Approach: “We don’t just implement; we strategize to ensure alignment with business goals.”
    • Expertise: “Our team boasts specialists in both business processes and leading ERP systems.”
    • Client-Centric Model: “Our solutions are tailored to each client’s unique needs and industry nuances.”

10. Go-to-Market Strategy


  • A roadmap or timeline showcasing your expansion, marketing plans, and key milestones.
  • Icons representing different marketing channels and strategic partnerships.


  • Marketing Strategy: “Our marketing efforts are multi-pronged, leveraging [e.g., ‘industry webinars’, ‘targeted digital campaigns’, ‘thought leadership content’] to reach potential clients.”
  • Sales Approach: “Our sales team employs a consultative approach, understanding potential clients’ challenges and offering tailored solutions. We focus on [e.g., ‘B2B outreach’, ‘industry events’, ‘referral programs’].”
  • Strategic Partnerships: “We’re forging alliances with [e.g., ‘technology providers’, ‘industry associations’, ‘academic institutions’] to enhance our service offerings and expand our reach.”

11. Financial Projections


  • Graphs showcasing projected revenue, expenses, and profits over the next few years.
  • Pie charts illustrating revenue breakdown by service or client segment.


  • Revenue Forecasts: “Based on our current trajectory and market trends, we project a revenue growth of X% over the next [Y years], reaching $Z million by [year].”
  • Expense Breakdown: “Our primary expenses encompass [e.g., ‘R&D’, ‘marketing’, ‘team expansion’], with a strategic focus on reinvesting for sustainable growth.”
  • Profit Projections: “Given our scalable model and the increasing demand for digital transformation services, we anticipate a profit margin of X% by [year].”

12. Ask


  • A compelling slide design emphasizing collaboration, growth, and the future.
  • Imagery that evokes partnership, innovation, and transformation.


  • Investment Ask: “To accelerate our growth, expand our service offerings, and consolidate our market position, we’re seeking an investment of $X million.”
  • Terms: “In return, we’re offering [e.g., ‘Y% equity’, ‘a convertible note with Z% interest’].”
  • Use of Funds: “The investment will be allocated towards [e.g., ‘technology development’, ‘market expansion’, ‘talent acquisition’, ‘enhanced marketing campaigns’].”

13. Team


  • Professional photos of key team members.
  • Brief infographics or icons representing their expertise or achievements.


  • Introduction: “Behind our success is a team of dedicated professionals with a blend of business acumen and technical prowess.”
  • Key Members:
    • [CEO’s Name]: “With [X years] in IT consulting and a passion for business innovation, [CEO’s Name] leads our strategic vision.”
    • [CTO’s Name]: “An expert in [specific ERP systems or technologies], [CTO’s Name] ensures our solutions are cutting-edge and effective.”
    • [COO’s Name]: “With a background in [relevant experience], [COO’s Name] oversees our operations, ensuring client satisfaction and project success.”
    • [Other Key Members]: Brief descriptions highlighting their roles, expertise, and contributions to the company’s growth.
  • Collective Achievements: “Our team has collectively overseen [e.g., ‘over 500 successful digital transformations’, ‘ERP implementations in 20+ industries’, ‘awards or recognitions in the IT consulting domain’].”

14. Vision & Future Plans


  • Inspirational imagery that aligns with the theme of digital growth, innovation, and global reach.
  • A roadmap or timeline showcasing future milestones and initiatives.


  • Our Vision: “We aim to be the go-to partner for businesses worldwide, guiding them through the complexities of the digital era and ensuring sustainable growth.”
  • Expansion Plans: “In the next [X years], we plan to [e.g., ‘enter new geographic markets’, ‘introduce AI-driven consulting solutions’, ‘expand our partnership network with leading tech providers’].”
  • Innovation Roadmap: “We’re investing in R&D to bring [e.g., ‘proprietary digital assessment tools’, ‘cloud-based ERP solutions’, ‘advanced data analytics capabilities’] to our clients.”

15. Closing/Thank You Slide


  • A compelling image that encapsulates the essence of your company—perhaps a global digital network, a team collaboration scene, or a symbolic representation of growth and innovation.


  • Gratitude: “Thank you for considering a partnership with us. Together, we can drive the digital revolution for businesses globally.”
  • Call to Action: “Let’s collaborate to shape the future of business in the digital age.”
  • Contact Details: “For further discussions or inquiries, please reach out to [Contact Name, Email, Phone Number].”

Last Words

With this template, you’re not just preparing a presentation; you’re crafting an unforgettable narrative about your ERP solution. This tool guides you in highlighting the unique benefits and features of your ERP system in a way that resonates deeply with your audience, making your pitch not just heard, but remembered. You got this.

But if you don’t got it:

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.

If you want to really dive into the world of pitch decks, check out our complete collection of pitch deck guidespitch deck outlines and pitch deck examples. Got a pressing issue? Check out our forum and post your questions there.

For more guidance, check out my ERP pitch deck guide.

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