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12 Slide Documentary Pitch Deck Template That Netflix Execs Would Chill For

Presentation and Pitch Expert. Ex Advertising.

$100mill In Funding. Bald Since 2010.

In the compelling world of storytelling, documentaries have emerged as a crucial medium, weaving threads of truth, reality, and raw emotion into tapestries that speak to the human experience.

However, navigating the journey from a spark of an idea to a fully realized documentary is no straightforward feat – it demands dedication, strategic planning, and a comprehensive roadmap.

Sup. I’m Viktor, a pitch deck expert, presentation expert and Netflix (no chill) guy. I’ve been a pitch deck expert for the last 13 years and helped Emmy winners like Eric Longs raise millions, and win pitches, with my approach to creating pitch decks.

I’m sharing that knowledge in this documentary pitch deck template.

Whether an experienced documentarian or a novice filmmaker, this guide will empower your storytelling journey, ensuring your documentary not only finds its voice but is also heard by the world.


Book a free personalized pitch deck consultation and save over 20 hours of your time.

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.


The Documentary Pitch Deck Template

Want a similar template for your pitch? Book a call free below to discuss more, or reach out through email.

Write me an email at viktor at viktori.net

1. Title Page

  • Documentary Title: “[Insert Title Here]”
  • Tagline or Subtitle: “[Insert a brief and engaging tagline that encapsulates the theme of the documentary]”
  • Logo: [Insert a relevant logo that represents the documentary’s subject or theme]
  • Contact Information: [Your Name, Email, Phone Number, Social Media Handles]

Note: The title page is the first impression of your documentary. Make sure it’s visually appealing and aligns with the theme of your project.

2. Introduction

Brief Overview of the Documentary:

  • “[Insert Title Here]” is a [describe the genre or style, e.g., thought-provoking, inspiring] documentary that explores [briefly describe the main subject or theme]. Through [mention the methods, e.g., interviews, storytelling, visuals], we will [state the main goal or what the documentary aims to achieve].

Statement of Purpose:

  • Our purpose is to [clearly articulate the main objective or mission of the documentary, e.g., educate, entertain, inspire, provoke thought] about [state the specific topic or issue the documentary addresses].

Target Audience:

  • Our target audience includes [list the primary demographics or groups the documentary is intended for, e.g., students, professionals, families, specific communities]. This documentary is designed to appeal to [describe the broader appeal or why it’s relevant to various audiences].

Note: The introduction is your chance to hook the audience with a concise summary of what the documentary is about, why it’s important, and who it’s for.

3. Synopsis

Summary of the Subject Matter:

  • “[Insert Title Here]” will [provide a detailed overview of the main subject or theme, including key aspects or elements that will be explored in the documentary].

Key Questions to be Explored:

  • [List the main questions or issues that the documentary will address or investigate]
  • [Include additional questions or points of inquiry that guide the narrative]
  • Relevance to Current Events or Cultural Significance: [Explain how the documentary aligns with current trends, events, or cultural themes, and why it’s timely or relevant in today’s context].

Note: The synopsis is where you delve into the content of the documentary, providing a clear and engaging overview of what the audience can expect. It should reflect the depth and breadth of the subject matter.

4. Treatment

  • Style and Tone of the Documentary: The documentary will adopt a [describe the style, e.g., cinematic, journalistic, observational] approach, with a tone that is [describe the tone, e.g., serious, humorous, contemplative]. The visual and auditory elements will be crafted to [explain the intended emotional or intellectual impact on the audience].
  • Narrative Structure: The story will unfold through [describe the structure, e.g., chronological order, thematic segments, parallel narratives]. [Provide details on how the story will be told, including any unique storytelling techniques or devices that will be used].
  • Visual and Aesthetic Approach: Visually, the documentary will feature [describe the visual elements, e.g., high-quality cinematography, animation, archival footage]. The aesthetic will be [describe the overall look and feel, e.g., modern, vintage, realistic], complementing the subject matter and enhancing the viewer’s experience.

Note: The treatment section is where you convey the creative vision for the documentary, explaining how the story will be told and what it will look and feel like.

5. Characters & Interviews

  • Main Characters or Subjects:
    • [Describe the primary characters or subjects, including their relevance to the story and what they represent in the context of the documentary]
    • [Include additional characters or subjects as needed]
  • Potential Interviewees:
    • [List potential interviewees, including their expertise or connection to the subject matter]
    • [Include additional interviewees as needed]
  • Relationship to the Theme: [Explain how the characters and interviews contribute to the overall theme or message of the documentary, and how they will help to engage and inform the audience].

Note: This section provides an overview of the people who will be featured in the documentary, whether as subjects, experts, or commentators. Their inclusion should align with and enrich the overall narrative.

6. Research & Background

  • Historical or Cultural Context: [Provide an overview of the relevant historical or cultural background that informs the subject matter, including any key events, trends, or societal factors]
  • Existing Research and Data: [Summarize the existing research, studies, or data that support the documentary’s focus, including any key findings or insights that will be explored]
  • Gaps in Current Understanding: [Identify any gaps or unanswered questions in the current understanding of the subject matter, and explain how the documentary aims to address or explore these areas]

Note: The research and background section establishes the factual foundation for the documentary. It demonstrates the depth of understanding and preparation that has gone into the project, and helps to build credibility with potential backers or collaborators.

7. Production Plan

Timeline and Milestones:

  • Pre-production: [Provide dates and key tasks, such as research, scriptwriting, location scouting]
  • Production: [Provide dates and key tasks, such as shooting, interviews, gathering footage]
  • Post-production: [Provide dates and key tasks, such as editing, sound design, visual effects]
  • Release: [Provide the planned release date and any associated events or promotions]

Locations and Shooting Schedule:

  • [List the primary locations where filming will take place, including any special considerations or permissions needed]
  • [Provide a general shooting schedule, including the sequence of locations and any season-specific requirements]

Equipment and Technical Requirements:

  • [Detail the equipment needed, such as cameras, lighting, sound]
  • [Include any special technical requirements or considerations, such as specialized software, crew expertise]

Note: The production plan outlines the practical aspects of making the documentary, providing a clear roadmap for how it will be brought to life.

8. Budget & Funding

Detailed Budget Breakdown:

  • Production Costs: [Include costs for equipment, crew, locations]
  • Post-production Costs: [Include costs for editing, sound design, music licensing]
  • Marketing & Distribution Costs: [Include costs for promotion, distribution channels]
  • Other Costs: [Include any additional costs, such as insurance, legal fees]
  • Total Budget: [Provide the total budget for the project]
  • Funding Sources and Partnerships:
    • [List potential or secured funding sources, such as grants, investors, crowdfunding]
    • [Detail any partnerships or collaborations that contribute to funding or resources]
    • Return on Investment (if applicable):
      • [If relevant, provide an analysis of potential financial returns, including revenue streams and profit projections]
      • Note: The budget and funding section provides a transparent and detailed overview of the financial aspects of the project, demonstrating fiscal responsibility and feasibility.

9. Marketing & Distribution

  • Target Platforms (TV, Streaming, Theatrical, etc.): [List the intended platforms for distribution, including any specific channels or services]
  • Marketing and Promotion Strategy:
    • Prerelease: [Detail the pre-release marketing efforts, such as trailers, social media campaigns]
    • Release: [Detail the release marketing efforts, such as premieres, press coverage]
    • Post-release: [Detail the ongoing marketing efforts, such as community engagement, educational outreach]
  • Partnerships and Collaborations
    • [List any partnerships or collaborations that will aid in marketing and distribution, such as media outlets, educational institutions]

10. Social Impact & Engagement

Community Involvement:

  • [Detail how the documentary will engage with local communities or specific groups, including any planned events, discussions, or collaborations]
  • [Explain how community feedback or participation will be integrated into the project]

Educational Outreach:

  • [Describe any educational components, such as accompanying lesson plans, school screenings, or educational partnerships]
  • [Explain how the documentary aligns with educational goals or curricula]

Potential for Social Change:

  • [Discuss the broader social impact of the documentary, including how it may influence attitudes, policies, or behaviors]
  • [Detail any specific social change goals or metrics for success]

Note: The social impact and engagement section highlights the documentary’s potential to make a positive difference beyond entertainment. It demonstrates a commitment to community, education, and social progress.

11. Risks & Challenges

Potential Obstacles:

  • [Identify any potential challenges or obstacles that could arise during production, such as legal issues, access to subjects, weather-related delays]
  • [Discuss how these challenges have been anticipated and planned for]

Contingency Plans:

  • [Detail any backup plans or alternative strategies that have been developed to address potential challenges]
  • [Explain how flexibility and adaptability have been built into the project plan]

Ethical Considerations:

  • [Discuss any ethical considerations relevant to the subject matter, production process, or other aspects of the documentary]
  • [Detail how these considerations have been addressed, including any guidelines or principles that will be followed]

Note: The risks and challenges section provides an honest and transparent assessment of potential difficulties, demonstrating thoughtful planning and responsible decision-making.

12. Appendices (if needed)

Supporting Documents:

  • [Include any additional documents that support the pitch, such as research papers, letters of support, legal agreements]

Visuals, Storyboards, or Trailers:

  • [Provide any visual materials that help to convey the vision or content of the documentary, such as concept art, storyboards, trailers]

Letters of Support or Endorsements:

  • [Include any endorsements or letters of support from relevant individuals or organizations, such as experts, community leaders, potential collaborators]

Last Few Words

I’ll keep this short, as most of the follow up emails I send to unsuspecting leads.

With this pitch deck template, filmmakers can translate passion into palpable potential, inviting collaborators to become co-navigators in this intricate journey.

May this guide act as a catalyst, propelling your narrative into the limelight, where it rightfully belongs.

You got this.

But if you don’t got it:

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.

If you want to really dive into the world of pitch decks, check out our complete collection of pitch deck guidespitch deck outlines and pitch deck examples.

Looking for help building the documentary pitch deck? Check my in depth documentary pitch deck guide.

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