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14 Slides DeFi Pitch Deck Template

Presentation and Pitch Expert. Ex Advertising.

$100mill In Funding. Bald Since 2010.

Are you ready to revolutionize your understanding of decentralized finance?

Introducing the ‘Must Read DeFi Pitch Deck Template’ – your ultimate guide to mastering the world of DeFi. This template is not just another document; it’s a game-changer in the DeFi space.

Imagine having the power to communicate complex DeFi concepts in a simple, yet compelling three-page format. Our outline is designed to captivate investors, educate beginners, and intrigue experts. With this tool, you’re not just presenting information; you’re telling a story that resonates with the heart of DeFi.

I’m Viktor, a pitch deck expert, and a presentation expert. Over the past 13 years, I’ve helped businesses secure millions of $ in funding thanks to my approach and I’m sharing it here in this pitch deck guide.

Just In: 
Crypto Protocol Pitch Deck Case Study. Find out how we helped Quintes build an investor ready deck.
Defi Asset Management Pitch Deck Case Study. Turning a challenging blockchain idea in an investor approved deck.

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Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

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14 Slides DeFi Pitch Deck Template

Want a similar template for your pitch? Book a call free below to discuss more, or reach out through email.

Write me an email at viktor at viktori.net

1. Title Slide

  • Project Name: This should be prominent. If your project has a logo, make sure it’s visually appealing and represents the essence of your project.
  • Tagline or Brief Description: A catchy and concise phrase that encapsulates what your DeFi protocol is about.
  • Presenter’s Name and Contact Information: Include your full name, position (if applicable), and contact details (email, phone number, LinkedIn profile, etc.).
    • Project Name: “ChainFinance”
    • Tagline: “Revolutionizing Finance with Blockchain”
    • Presenter: Alex Smith, Co-founder & CEO, [email protected]

2. Problem Statement

  • Description of the Problem or Market Need:
    • Outline the specific financial problem or inefficiency your DeFi protocol aims to solve.
    • Use statistics or real-world examples to emphasize the magnitude of the problem.
  • Example:
    • “In traditional finance, over 1.7 billion adults remain unbanked. Our DeFi protocol aims to bridge this gap by providing decentralized financial services that are accessible to everyone, everywhere.”
  • Inadequacy of Current Solutions:
    • Discuss the limitations of existing solutions in traditional finance or current DeFi projects.
    • Highlight issues like high fees, lack of accessibility, or centralized control.
  • Example:
    • “Current financial systems are burdened with high transaction fees and slow processing times. Existing DeFi solutions, while promising, still struggle with scalability and user-friendliness.”

3. Solution Overview

  • Introduction to Your DeFi Protocol:
    • Present a high-level overview of your protocol, focusing on how it solves the problems you’ve identified.
    • Mention the core technology or innovation your project is based on.
  • Example:
    • “ChainFinance is a decentralized platform built on Ethereum that offers fast, low-cost financial services, from banking to lending, without the need for traditional intermediaries.”
  • Key Features and How It Addresses the Problem:
    • Enumerate the main features of your protocol. For instance, smart contract functionality, automated market makers, liquidity pools, etc.
    • Explain how these features directly tackle the identified problems.
  • Example:
    • “Our protocol features an automated liquidity pool that ensures lower fees and higher transaction speeds, making financial services more affordable and efficient.”
  • Unique Selling Points (USPs):
    • What sets your DeFi protocol apart from others? This could be advanced security measures, innovative technology, unique partnerships, etc.
    • Highlight these USPs to make your solution stand out.
  • Example:
    • “ChainFinance’s unique dual-layer security protocol guarantees unparalleled safety for user assets, setting a new standard in DeFi security.”

4. Technology and Architecture

  • Technical Description of the Protocol:
    • Briefly describe the underlying blockchain technology.
    • Mention any innovative algorithms, consensus mechanisms, or smart contract functionalities.
  • Example:
    • “ChainFinance leverages Ethereum’s secure and versatile blockchain, utilizing an advanced proof-of-stake algorithm to ensure fast and energy-efficient transactions.”
  • Architecture Diagram:
    • Include a simplified diagram showing the protocol’s architecture.
    • Highlight how different components interact with each other (e.g., user interfaces, smart contracts, blockchain network).
  • Example:
    • “The diagram illustrates ChainFinance’s layered architecture, showcasing user interfaces, smart contract layer, and blockchain network for clarity and transparency.”
  • Security Features and Compliance Aspects:
    • Detail the security measures in place to protect user assets and data.
    • Mention compliance with regulatory standards, if applicable.
  • Example:
    • “Our protocol includes multi-factor authentication, encryption, and regular security audits. We’re committed to adhering to global regulatory standards for DeFi platforms.”

5. Market Analysis

  • Target Market and Size:
    • Define your primary target market (e.g., unbanked populations, crypto investors, fintech companies).
    • Provide data to showcase the market size and potential growth.
  • Example:
    • “Our primary market targets the unbanked in emerging economies, representing an opportunity to reach over 1 billion potential users as per World Bank reports.”
  • Current Market Trends in DeFi:
    • Discuss current trends in the DeFi space, like the rise of yield farming, liquidity mining, or NFT integration.
    • How does your project align with or capitalize on these trends?
  • Example:
    • “With the growing interest in yield farming, ChainFinance is perfectly positioned to attract users looking for innovative and secure ways to maximize their returns.”
  • Competitive Landscape:
    • Analyze key competitors and their offerings.
    • Highlight what makes your protocol different or better.
  • Example:
    • “While there are established players like Compound and Aave, ChainFinance differentiates itself through its focus on emerging markets and user-friendly interface.”

6. Product Demo or Use Cases

  • Walkthrough of the Protocol in Action:
    • If possible, include screenshots or mockups showing the user interface and key functionalities.
    • Demonstrating a typical user journey can be very effective.
  • Example:
    • “These slides show how a user can easily create an account, deposit funds, and start earning interest within minutes, all with a few clicks.”
  • Real-world Applications and Case Studies:
    • Provide examples or case studies where your protocol could have a significant impact.
    • This could include scenarios like microloans in developing countries, international remittances, etc.
  • Example:
    • “Our case study on microloans in Kenya demonstrates how ChainFinance can empower small businesses with quick, low-interest loans, fostering local economies.”

7. Business Model

  • How the Protocol Generates Revenue:
    • Explain your protocol’s revenue model. This could be through transaction fees, service fees, staking rewards, etc.
    • Be clear about how these revenue streams are sustainable in the long term.
  • Example:
    • “ChainFinance earns revenue through nominal transaction fees on trades and loans. These fees are competitively priced and designed to ensure sustainability.”
  • Pricing Strategy:
    • Detail your pricing strategy. How do you ensure it’s competitive yet profitable?
    • Discuss any tiered pricing or special offers if applicable.
  • Example:
    • “Our pricing strategy includes tiered fees based on transaction volume, incentivizing high-volume users while remaining accessible for smaller users.”
  • Long-term Sustainability Plan:
    • Outline your plan to ensure long-term growth and sustainability.
    • This could include diversifying revenue streams, scaling strategies, or plans for protocol upgrades.
  • Example:
    • “To ensure sustainability, we plan to introduce new services like token swaps and NFT marketplaces, expanding our user base and revenue potential.”

8. Roadmap

  • Development Milestones Achieved:
    • List key milestones already accomplished, such as the completion of a proof of concept, beta launch, smart contract audits, etc.
    • Use a timeline or graphic to visually represent these achievements.
  • Example:
    • “Our journey began in 2021 with a successful proof of concept, followed by a beta launch in Q2 2022, and a comprehensive smart contract audit in Q3 2022.”
  • Future Milestones and Timelines:
    • Outline upcoming goals and objectives with projected timelines. This might include full product launch, new feature rollouts, partnerships, etc.
    • Demonstrating a clear and realistic roadmap builds credibility and trust.
  • Example:
    • “Looking ahead, we plan to launch our mainnet in Q1 2023, introduce cross-chain functionality in Q3 2023, and expand into Asian markets by the end of 2024.”
  • Long-term Vision:
    • Share your long-term vision for the protocol. Where do you see it in 5 or 10 years?
    • This is your opportunity to inspire and excite your audience about the future impact of your project.
  • Example:
    • “Our vision is to become a leading DeFi platform globally, serving millions of users with innovative financial solutions that are secure, accessible, and equitable.”

9. Team and Advisors

  • Bios of Key Team Members and Advisors:
    • Highlight the experience and expertise of your core team members and advisors.
    • Include brief bios that focus on their relevant background, achievements, and how they contribute to the project.
  • Example:
    • “Our CEO, Alex Smith, has over a decade of experience in fintech, and our advisory board includes renowned blockchain experts and successful entrepreneurs.”

10. Partnerships and Collaborations

  • Existing and Potential Partnerships:
    • Detail any current partnerships, such as with other blockchain projects, financial institutions, NGOs, etc.
    • Mention how these partnerships have contributed or will contribute to your project.
  • Example:
    • “We’ve partnered with XYZ Blockchain for enhanced security features and are in talks with several NGOs to facilitate microloans in emerging markets.”
  • Role of These Partnerships in Growth Strategy:
    • Explain how these partnerships align with and support your overall growth strategy.
    • This can include market access, technology sharing, joint ventures, etc.
  • Example:
    • “Our partnerships are strategically chosen to expand our market reach, enhance our technological capabilities, and align with our mission of financial inclusivity.”

11. Financial Projections

  • Revenue Projections and Key Financial Metrics:
    • Provide a projection of your revenue for the next few years. Include key financial metrics such as profit margins, user growth rates, etc.
    • Use graphs or charts to make the data easily understandable.
  • Example:
    • “Our financial projections show a steady increase in revenue, reaching $10 million by 2025, with a user base growth rate of 50% annually.”
  • Funding Received to Date (if any):
    • If you have received previous funding rounds, mention the amounts, sources, and how the funds were utilized.
    • This information helps to build credibility and show investor confidence in your project.
  • Example:
    • “To date, we’ve raised $2 million from angel investors and venture capitalists, used primarily for product development and market research.”
  • Use of Funds:
    • Clearly outline how you plan to use the funds you are currently seeking.
    • Break down the allocation, such as development costs, marketing, team expansion, etc.
  • Example:
    • “The current funding round will focus on expanding our development team, marketing activities to increase user adoption, and legal compliance across different regions.”

12. Investment Opportunity

  • Investment Terms (if seeking funding):
    • Clearly outline the terms of the investment you are seeking. This could include the type of investment (e.g., equity, tokens), the amount of capital you’re raising, and the valuation.
    • Be transparent about what investors will receive in return for their investment.
  • Example:
    • “We are looking to raise $5 million in Series A funding, offering 20% equity. This values ChainFinance at $25 million post-money.”
  • Expected Returns and Exit Strategy:
    • Provide realistic projections about potential returns for investors.
    • Discuss possible exit strategies, such as an acquisition, IPO, or token buyback plan.
  • Example:
    • “With our projected growth, we anticipate a significant return on investment within five years. Possible exit strategies include acquisition by a major fintech company or an IPO.”
  • Contact Information for Follow-up:
    • Provide direct contact information for investors to reach out for more detailed discussions.
    • This can include a dedicated email, phone number, or even a calendar link to schedule meetings.
  • Example:
    • “Interested investors can reach us at [email protected] or schedule a meeting directly through our calendar link for detailed discussions.”

13. Q&A

  • Open the Floor for Questions:
    • Allow time for the audience to ask questions. This is a crucial part of the pitch as it provides an opportunity to address concerns and clarify details.
    • Be prepared with comprehensive answers to potential questions.
  • Provide Additional Contact Information for Private Inquiries:
    • Sometimes, investors or partners may want to have one-on-one discussions. Make sure they know how to reach you for private conversations.
  • Example:
    • “For any further questions or private discussions, please feel free to contact me directly at [email protected].”

14. Closing Slide

  • Thank the Audience for Their Time:
    • A simple thank you goes a long way in showing your appreciation for the audience’s time and attention.
    • This is also a moment to briefly recap the main points of your presentation.
  • Example:
    • “Thank you for your time today. We are excited about the potential of ChainFinance to revolutionize the DeFi space and appreciate your interest in our journey.”
  • Recap of Key Takeaways:
    • Summarize the main points of your pitch, emphasizing the unique value proposition, market potential, and strength of your team.
  • Final Call-to-Action (CTA):
    • End with a clear CTA, whether it’s inviting investments, seeking partnerships, or encouraging further dialogue.
  • Example:
    • “We invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Let’s revolutionize finance together. Feel free to reach out for more information or to discuss potential collaborations.”

Last Words

As you stand at the forefront of the DeFi revolution, remember, the right tools make all the difference.

Your journey through the complexities of decentralized finance doesn’t have to be overwhelming. The ‘3 Page Must Read DeFi Pitch Deck template’ has been your guide, illuminating the path with clarity and precision.

You got this!

But if you don’t got it:

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.

If you want to really dive into the world of pitch decks, check out our complete collection of pitch deck guidespitch deck outlines and pitch deck examples. Got a pressing issue? Check out our forum and post your questions there.

For more guidance, check out my crypto pitch deck guide, blockchain sustainability pitch deck template, renewable energy blockchain pitch deck template, crypto house pitch deck template, or my web3 pitch deck template.

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