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3 Advertising Pitch Deck Example Outlines

Presentation and Pitch Expert. Ex Advertising.

$100mill In Funding. Bald Since 2010.

Alright, let’s dive into some cool business ideas for advertising.

I’m Viktor, a pitch deck expert, and a presentation expert. Over the past 13 years, I’ve helped businesses secure millions of $ in funding thanks to my approach and I’m sharing it here in this pitch deck guide.

This guide was made based on my experience with adtech startups, and in particular a startup called PipTech. You will find samples of the slides I created for that startup, in the pitch deck examples section of this guide.

These aren’t your everyday concepts; they’re a fresh take on where the advertising world could head next. Grab a coffee, get comfy, and let’s explore what’s on the horizon!

Book a free personalized pitch deck consultation and save over 20 hours of your time.

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.


AdTech AI – Revolutionizing Ad Placement with Artificial Intelligence

1. Introduction:

  • Overview: AdTech AI is a cutting-edge platform that leverages the power of artificial intelligence to optimize ad placements in real-time, ensuring maximum engagement and ROI for advertisers.

2. Problem Statement:

  • Market Gap: Despite the vast digital landscape, many advertisers struggle with placing their ads effectively. Traditional methods often lead to mis-targeted ads, resulting in wasted resources and missed opportunities.

3. Solution:

  • AI-Driven Ad Placements: AdTech AI’s algorithms analyze user behavior, preferences, and real-time engagement to determine the optimal placement for each ad.
  • Dynamic Adjustments: The platform can adjust ad placements on-the-fly based on changing user behavior and market trends.

4. Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

  • Precision: Achieve pinpoint accuracy in ad placements, ensuring ads reach the most relevant audience.
  • Cost-Efficiency: Reduce ad spend wastage by targeting only the most engaged and relevant users.
  • Real-time Analytics: Gain instant insights into ad performance, allowing for quick strategy adjustments.

5. Product Features:

  • Behavioral Analysis: Understand user preferences, browsing habits, and purchase intent.
  • Market Trend Insights: Stay updated with real-time market trends and adjust ad strategies accordingly.
  • Integration Capabilities: Seamlessly integrate with existing marketing tools and platforms.

6. Target Market:

  • E-commerce Platforms: Enhance product ad placements to boost sales.
  • Content Creators & Bloggers: Monetize content more effectively.
  • Digital Marketing Agencies: Offer clients superior ad placement services.

7. Business Model:

  • Subscription-Based: Tiered plans catering to businesses of all sizes.
  • Premium Features: Offer advanced analytics and integration support for an additional fee.

8. Competitive Advantage:

  • Data Privacy: Prioritize user data protection, ensuring GDPR and CCPA compliance.
  • Continuous Learning: The AI model continuously learns and evolves, ensuring it stays ahead of market changes.

9. Marketing Strategy:

  • Content Marketing: Publish articles, case studies, and whitepapers on the importance of AI in ad placements.
  • Webinars & Workshops: Host sessions on “The Future of AI in Advertising” to attract potential clients.

10. Future Roadmap:

  • Expansion: Extend services to video ads and interactive media.
  • Collaborations: Partner with leading ad agencies and platforms to integrate AdTech AI’s solutions.

11. Funding & Growth:

  • Initial Investment: Seek funding to enhance AI capabilities, expand the team, and invest in marketing.
  • Growth Projections: Aim for a 30% YoY growth in user base and a 25% increase in revenue.

12. Conclusion:

  • The Future of Advertising: With AdTech AI, the future of advertising is here. By harnessing the power of AI, we aim to redefine ad placements, ensuring brands connect with their audience like never before.

This fleshed-out business idea provides a comprehensive overview of AdTech AI’s potential, showcasing its capabilities, market relevance, and growth prospects. The focus on AI-driven solutions positions it as a game-changer in the advertising industry.

Pitch deck outline for the AdTech AI: Revolutionizing Ad Placement with Artificial Intelligence

1. Cover Slide:

  • Logo: AdTech AI
  • Tagline: “Revolutionizing Ad Placement with Artificial Intelligence”
  • Date and Presentation Venue

2. Introduction:

  • Brief overview of AdTech AI
  • The fusion of advertising and AI technology

3. Problem Statement:

  • Challenges in traditional ad placements
  • The inefficiencies and missed opportunities in the current market

4. Solution:

  • Introduction to AdTech AI’s platform
  • How AI-driven ad placements optimize advertising in real-time

5. Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

  • Precision in ad placements
  • Cost-efficiency and real-time analytics

6. Product Features:

  • Behavioral analysis for understanding user preferences
  • Market trend insights for staying updated
  • Seamless integration capabilities with other marketing tools

7. Target Market:

  • E-commerce platforms
  • Content creators and bloggers
  • Digital marketing agencies

8. Business Model:

  • Subscription-based model details
  • Premium feature offerings

9. Competitive Advantage:

  • Data privacy and compliance
  • Continuous learning and evolution of the AI model

10. Marketing Strategy:

  • Content marketing plans
  • Webinars and workshops to attract potential clients

11. Traction & Milestones:

  • Key achievements so far
  • User testimonials and growth metrics

12. Financial Projections:

  • Revenue forecasts for the next few years
  • Profit and loss projections
  • Key financial metrics like CAC, LTV, and ROAS

13. Team:

  • Profiles of key team members
  • Relevant experience and expertise

14. Funding Ask:

  • Amount of funding being sought
  • Use of funds breakdown
  • Equity or terms being offered

15. Testimonials & Case Studies:

  • Quotes from satisfied clients
  • Highlighted case studies showcasing the platform’s success

16. FAQ Section:

  • Anticipated questions and their answers
  • Addressing potential concerns of investors

17. Call to Action:

  • Encouraging potential investors to take the next step
  • Contact details for further discussions

18. Thank You & Q&A:

  • Expressing gratitude for the audience’s time
  • Opening the floor for questions and discussions

This pitch deck outline provides a structured approach to presenting AdTech AI’s vision, achievements, and potential to potential investors. Each slide is designed to convey key information concisely and compellingly, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the business proposition.

GreenAds – Eco-friendly Advertising Solutions

1. Introduction:

  • Overview: GreenAds is a pioneering platform dedicated to providing eco-friendly advertising solutions. In an age of environmental consciousness, GreenAds bridges the gap between marketing needs and sustainable practices.

2. Problem Statement:

  • Environmental Concerns: Traditional advertising methods, especially print, contribute to environmental degradation through deforestation, waste, and pollution.
  • Consumer Demand: Modern consumers prefer brands that demonstrate environmental responsibility, making green advertising not just an ethical choice, but a strategic one.

3. Solution:

  • Sustainable Materials: GreenAds offers print advertising solutions using recycled materials and eco-friendly inks.
  • Digital Solutions: Advanced digital ad placements that reduce the carbon footprint by minimizing server loads and energy consumption.

4. Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

  • Eco-Conscious: The only platform dedicated entirely to sustainable advertising.
  • Brand Image Enhancement: Collaborating with GreenAds boosts a brand’s image by showcasing its commitment to the environment.
  • Cost-Efficient: Sustainable practices often lead to reduced costs in the long run.

5. Product Features:

  • Eco-Friendly Billboards: Made from recycled materials and designed for longevity.
  • Green Digital Ads: Optimized for minimal energy consumption.
  • Sustainable Merchandise: Advertising merchandise like T-shirts, bags, and mugs made from organic or recycled materials.

6. Target Market:

  • Eco-Conscious Brands: Brands that have sustainability at the core of their values.
  • Start-ups: New companies looking to establish a green image from the outset.
  • Local Businesses: Small businesses aiming to appeal to a community that values sustainability.

7. Business Model:

  • Subscription-Based: Monthly plans that offer a range of sustainable advertising solutions.
  • Custom Campaigns: Tailored advertising campaigns designed for maximum eco-friendliness at a premium price.

8. Competitive Advantage:

  • First-Mover: Being one of the first platforms dedicated to green advertising.
  • Expertise: Collaborations with environmental experts to ensure all practices are genuinely sustainable.
  • Community Building: Creating a community of brands and consumers dedicated to eco-friendly practices.

9. Marketing Strategy:

  • Eco-Events: Hosting and participating in environmental events, workshops, and webinars.
  • Content Marketing: Articles and videos highlighting the importance of green advertising and its impact.
  • Partnerships: Collaborating with environmental NGOs and influencers to boost credibility and reach.

10. Future Roadmap:

  • R&D: Investing in research to discover even more sustainable advertising methods.
  • Global Expansion: Taking GreenAds solutions to international markets.
  • Eco-Certifications: Achieving certifications from environmental bodies to further establish credibility.

11. Funding & Growth:

  • Seed Funding: Seek initial investment to kickstart operations, research, and marketing.
  • Growth Projections: Target a 20% YoY growth in user base, with a focus on retaining eco-conscious brands.

12. Conclusion:

  • The Green Revolution: With GreenAds, the advertising industry is set to undergo a green revolution. We’re not just selling ad space; we’re offering a vision for a sustainable future where business growth and environmental responsibility go hand in hand.

This fleshed-out business idea provides a comprehensive overview of GreenAds’ potential, emphasizing its unique position in the intersection of advertising and sustainability. The focus on eco-friendly solutions positions it as an innovative leader in the advertising industry.

Pitch deck outline for the GreenAds: Eco-friendly Advertising Solutions

1. Cover Slide:

  • Logo: GreenAds
  • Tagline: “Eco-friendly Advertising for a Sustainable Future”
  • Date and Presentation Venue

2. Introduction:

  • Brief overview of GreenAds
  • The intersection of advertising and sustainability

3. Problem Statement:

  • Environmental impact of traditional advertising methods
  • The demand from consumers for brands to be environmentally responsible

4. Solution:

  • Introduction to GreenAds’ sustainable advertising solutions
  • How GreenAds bridges the gap between marketing needs and eco-friendly practices

5. Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

  • The only platform dedicated entirely to sustainable advertising
  • Enhancing brand image through eco-conscious advertising
  • Long-term cost efficiencies of sustainable practices

6. Product Features:

  • Eco-friendly billboards and print materials
  • Green digital ads optimized for minimal energy consumption
  • Sustainable promotional merchandise

7. Target Market:

  • Eco-conscious brands and businesses
  • Start-ups aiming for a green brand image from inception
  • Local businesses catering to eco-aware communities

8. Business Model:

  • Pay-per-impression for brands
  • Subscription plans for advanced analytics and ad management
  • Affiliate marketing opportunities

9. Competitive Advantage:

  • First-mover advantage in the green advertising niche
  • Collaborations with environmental experts and organizations
  • Building a community of eco-conscious brands and consumers

10. Marketing Strategy:

  • Presence at eco-events and green conventions
  • Content marketing focusing on the importance of sustainable advertising
  • Partnerships with eco-influencers and green bloggers

11. Traction & Milestones:

  • Key achievements and milestones reached
  • Testimonials from brands and businesses
  • Growth metrics showcasing the platform’s success

12. Financial Projections:

  • Revenue forecasts for upcoming years
  • Breakdown of costs and expected profits
  • Key financial metrics showcasing sustainability in business operations

13. Team:

  • Profiles of core team members
  • Their expertise in both advertising and sustainability sectors

14. Funding Ask:

  • Amount of funding being sought
  • Breakdown of how funds will be utilized
  • Equity or terms being offered to investors

15. Testimonials & Case Studies:

  • Quotes from satisfied clients
  • Case studies highlighting the impact of GreenAds’ solutions

16. FAQ Section:

  • Addressing potential concerns about the efficacy and reach of green advertising
  • Clarifying the environmental impact and benefits of the platform

17. Call to Action:

  • Encouraging potential investors to join the green advertising revolution
  • Contact details for further discussions and collaborations

18. Thank You & Q&A:

  • Expressing gratitude for the audience’s time and consideration
  • Opening the floor for questions, discussions, and feedback

This pitch deck outline provides a comprehensive framework for presenting GreenAds’ mission, achievements, and potential to prospective investors. Each slide is crafted to convey essential information, emphasizing the unique value proposition of eco-friendly advertising in today’s market.

AdGamer – In-game Advertising Platform

1. Introduction:

  • Overview: AdGamer is an innovative platform that integrates advertising seamlessly into the gaming environment. As gaming becomes a dominant form of entertainment, AdGamer offers brands a unique avenue to reach a highly engaged audience.

2. Problem Statement:

  • Untapped Potential: The gaming industry is booming, but advertising within games remains underutilized.
  • Intrusive Ads: Traditional ad placements can disrupt the gaming experience, leading to negative user feedback.

3. Solution:

  • Contextual Advertising: Ads are integrated into the game environment, such as billboards in racing games or branded items in role-playing games.
  • Dynamic Ad Placements: Real-time ad placements based on player behavior and preferences.

4. Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

  • Engaged Audience: Gamers are deeply immersed, making in-game advertising more impactful.
  • Non-Intrusive: Ads enhance rather than disrupt the gaming experience.
  • Data-Driven: Utilize player data to optimize ad placements and strategies.

5. Product Features:

  • Real-time Analytics: Track ad performance, player engagement, and conversion rates in real-time.
  • Customizable Campaigns: Tailor ad campaigns based on game genre, player demographics, and more.
  • Multi-Platform Support: Compatible with PC, console, and mobile games.

6. Target Market:

  • AAA Game Developers: Big studios producing blockbuster titles.
  • Indie Developers: Smaller studios looking for monetization strategies.
  • Brands: Companies aiming to reach the younger, tech-savvy demographic prevalent in gaming.

7. Business Model:

  • Pay-per-Impression: Brands pay based on the number of impressions their ads receive.
  • Subscription Plans: Game developers can subscribe for advanced analytics and ad management tools.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Promote in-game purchases or external products and earn a commission.

8. Competitive Advantage:

  • First-Mover: Pioneering the sophisticated in-game advertising niche.
  • Gaming Industry Collaborations: Partnerships with leading game developers and studios.
  • AI-Driven: Advanced algorithms to ensure optimal ad placements and maximize ROI.

9. Marketing Strategy:

  • Gaming Conventions: Presence at events like E3, PAX, and Gamescom to network with developers and brands.
  • Content Marketing: Articles, webinars, and tutorials on the benefits and techniques of in-game advertising.
  • Influencer Collaborations: Partner with gaming influencers for promotional campaigns.

10. Future Roadmap:

  • VR & AR Integration: Expand into the rapidly growing virtual and augmented reality gaming sectors.
  • Gamer Feedback Loop: Introduce features allowing gamers to provide feedback on ads, ensuring a positive gaming experience.
  • Global Expansion: Adapt and expand services to cater to the global gaming market.

11. Funding & Growth:

  • Angel Investment: Seek initial funding to develop the platform, establish partnerships, and kickstart marketing.
  • Growth Projections: Aim for a 25% YoY growth, capitalizing on the exponential growth of the gaming industry.

12. Conclusion:

  • The Future of Advertising: AdGamer is set to redefine how brands connect with consumers. By merging the worlds of gaming and advertising, we offer an unparalleled opportunity for immersive and effective brand promotion.

This detailed overview of AdGamer showcases its potential to revolutionize advertising within the gaming industry. By tapping into the immersive world of games, it provides brands with a unique and effective platform to reach their target audience.

Pitch deck outline for the AdGamer: In-game Advertising Platform

1. Cover Slide:

  • Logo: AdGamer
  • Tagline: “Transforming the Gaming Realm with Immersive Advertising”
  • Date and Presentation Venue

2. Introduction:

  • Brief overview of AdGamer
  • The convergence of gaming and advertising

3. Problem Statement:

  • The rise of the gaming industry and its untapped advertising potential
  • The challenge of intrusive ads disrupting the gaming experience

4. Solution:

  • Introduction to AdGamer’s in-game advertising platform
  • How contextual advertising enhances the gaming experience

5. Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

  • Deeply engaged and immersive audience reach
  • Non-intrusive, contextually relevant ads
  • Data-driven approach for optimal ad placements

6. Product Features:

  • Real-time analytics for ad performance tracking
  • Customizable campaigns tailored to game genre and player demographics
  • Multi-platform support: PC, console, mobile

7. Target Market:

  • AAA game developers and studios
  • Indie game developers seeking monetization
  • Brands aiming to engage with a younger, tech-savvy audience

8. Business Model:

  • Pay-per-impression and pay-per-click models for brands
  • Subscription plans for game developers offering advanced analytics and ad management tools
  • Revenue-sharing models with game developers

9. Competitive Advantage:

  • First-mover advantage in sophisticated in-game advertising
  • Strong partnerships with leading game developers
  • Advanced AI algorithms ensuring optimal ad placements

10. Marketing Strategy:

  • Presence at major gaming conventions and events
  • Collaborations with gaming influencers and streamers
  • Content marketing focusing on the evolution and benefits of in-game advertising

11. Traction & Milestones:

  • Key partnerships and collaborations established
  • Testimonials from game developers and brands
  • User engagement and ad performance metrics

12. Financial Projections:

  • Revenue forecasts based on the growth of the gaming industry
  • Breakdown of costs, expected profits, and ROI
  • Key financial metrics showcasing platform’s growth potential

13. Team:

  • Profiles of the core team members
  • Their expertise in the gaming, advertising, and tech sectors

14. Funding Ask:

  • Amount of funding being sought
  • Detailed breakdown of how the funds will be utilized
  • Equity or terms being offered to investors

15. Testimonials & Case Studies:

  • Feedback from game developers and brands
  • Case studies showcasing successful in-game ad campaigns

16. FAQ Section:

  • Addressing potential concerns about in-game advertising’s efficacy
  • Clarifying the platform’s adaptability to different game genres and platforms

17. Call to Action:

  • Encouraging potential investors to be part of the next big thing in advertising
  • Contact details for further inquiries and collaborations

18. Thank You & Q&A:

  • Expressing gratitude for the audience’s time and interest
  • Inviting questions and discussions to delve deeper into the platform’s potential

This pitch deck outline provides a structured approach to presenting AdGamer’s vision, capabilities, and potential to prospective investors. Each slide is designed to convey key insights, emphasizing the transformative potential of in-game advertising in the rapidly growing gaming industry.

Advertising Pitch Examples: Wrap Up

So, those were some of our thoughts on the future of advertising. Pretty neat, right? We’re excited to see where these ideas could go. If any of them sparked your interest, let’s chat and make some waves in the ad world. Until then, keep those creative juices flowing! You got this!

But if you don’t got it:

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.

If you want to really dive into the world of pitch decks, check out our complete collection of pitch deck guides, pitch deck outlines and pitch deck examples.

Want more guidance? Go back to my advertising pitch deck guide or get inspired by my advertising pitch deck outline guide.


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