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Must Read Printing Pitch Deck Outline

Presentation and Pitch Expert. Ex Advertising.

$100mill In Funding. Bald Since 2010.

So, you’ve got a world-changing idea for the next big thing in printing—think 3D prosthetics that could make even Tony Stark do a double-take. But there’s a catch: your pitch deck’s current state might make investors snooze faster than my grandma during a blockbuster. Ouch, right? But hey, don’t sweat it—I’m here to help.

I’m Viktor, a pitch deck expert, and a presentation expert. Over the past 13 years, I’ve helped businesses secure millions of $ in funding thanks to my approach and I’m sharing it here in this pitch deck guide.

Stick with me, and this guide will have you crafting a pitch deck for your printing venture that’s bound to print its own success. Let’s roll up our sleeves and dive in—your future investors are waiting.

Book a free personalized pitch deck consultation and save over 20 hours of your time.

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.


Detailed printing pitch deck outline

1. Cover Slide

Objective: Make a strong first impression that encapsulates what your startup is all about.

  • Company Name and Logo: Place your logo prominently to start building brand recognition immediately.
  • Tagline/Brief Description: A concise, catchy tagline that encapsulates your unique value proposition. For example, “Revolutionizing Printing Through Sustainability and Innovation.”
  • Contact Information: Include your website and a general contact email to ensure anyone interested can easily reach out.

2. Introduction/Team Slide

Objective: Introduce the team behind the idea, emphasizing the expertise and passion driving the startup.

  • Team Photos and Titles: A photo of each key team member alongside their title and a brief description of their role.
  • Key Expertise Highlight: For each member, include a bullet point on their specific expertise relevant to the startup, such as “John Doe – 10+ years in sustainable material research.”
  • Why This Team: A sentence or two on why this team has the right combination of skills, experience, and vision to succeed in the printing industry.

3. Problem Slide

Objective: Clearly articulate the problem your startup aims to solve, making it relatable and urgent.

  • The Current Gap: Start with a statement or question that highlights the gap or issue in the printing industry, such as “Why is 90% of printed material still not environmentally sustainable?”
  • Supporting Stats: Include a statistic or fact to underscore the magnitude of the problem, like “Over 15 million tons of printing waste end up in landfills each year.”
  • Visual or Story: Use a visual (e.g., graph showing waste increase over time) or a short customer story to make the problem more tangible and emotionally resonant.

4. Solution Slide

Objective: Introduce your product or service as the answer to the problem outlined, showcasing its uniqueness and benefits.

  • Product Overview: A succinct description of your product or service. For instance, “EcoPrint – a range of 100% recyclable printing materials designed for high-quality printing.”
  • Key Features and Benefits: List the top 3-5 features and their direct benefits, like “Feature: Soy-based inks. Benefit: Reduces harmful emissions by 60% compared to traditional inks.”
  • Why It’s a Game-Changer: Briefly explain what makes your solution stand out in the market, perhaps with a comparison like, “Unlike traditional printing solutions, EcoPrint offers both environmental sustainability and superior print quality.”

These initial slides set the tone for your pitch, drawing in your audience with a clear narrative: the team behind the vision, the problem that needs solving, and the innovative solution your startup offers. Make sure each slide is visually engaging and keeps text concise to maintain attention and interest.

5. Technology/Product Slide

Objective: Dive deeper into the technology or product innovation that sets your startup apart.

  • Detailed Description: Expand on how your product works and its key technological components. For a printing startup, this might include innovative printing processes, proprietary software, or unique material formulations.
  • Visuals/Diagrams: Incorporate visuals like diagrams or flowcharts that illustrate the technology or production process, making complex information accessible.
  • Proof of Concept: Mention any prototypes, beta tests, or successful case studies that validate your technology’s effectiveness and readiness for the market.

6. Market Analysis Slide

Objective: Present a well-researched overview of the market landscape to demonstrate the demand and growth potential for your solution.

  • Market Size and Growth: Share the current market size and expected growth rate. Use graphs or charts to visualize market trends that support the need for your solution.
  • Target Market Segment: Define your primary target market within the broader printing industry. Detail the specific needs of this segment and how your product directly addresses those needs.
  • Opportunity Highlight: Identify a niche or gap in the market that your startup is uniquely positioned to fill. Use data points or market research findings to back up your claim.

7. Business Model Slide

Objective: Clearly explain how your startup will generate revenue and sustain its operations.

  • Revenue Streams: Outline the different ways your startup will make money, such as product sales, subscriptions, licensing, or service fees. Be specific about the primary drivers of your revenue.
  • Cost Structure: Provide a high-level overview of your cost structure, highlighting major expenses such as production costs, R&D, marketing, and operations.
  • Growth Strategy: Briefly mention how you plan to scale your business model. This could include expanding your product line, entering new markets, or leveraging partnerships.

8. Competitive Analysis Slide

Objective: Analyze your competition to demonstrate your understanding of the landscape and articulate your competitive edge.

  • Competitor Overview: List main competitors and their offerings. Use a table or matrix to compare key features, pricing, and market positioning against your startup.
  • Differentiators: Highlight what sets your product or service apart. This could include technology, cost-effectiveness, environmental impact, or customer service.
  • Strategic Advantage: Articulate your strategy for outperforming competitors. Whether it’s through innovation, market agility, or superior customer insights, explain how you plan to win market share.

These slides collectively build a strong argument for your startup’s potential by detailing the innovative aspect of your product, the market demand, how you intend to make money, and your competitive landscape. Ensure each slide is backed by solid research and presented in a visually engaging manner to keep your audience engaged and invested in your story.

9. Marketing and Sales Strategy Slide

Objective: Outline your approach to reaching your target market and converting leads into customers.

  • Marketing Channels: List the primary channels you’ll use to reach your target audience, such as digital marketing, trade shows, direct mail, or partnerships. Briefly explain the rationale behind each channel selection based on your audience’s behaviors.
  • Sales Process: Describe your sales funnel, from lead generation to closing deals. Highlight any tools or systems you’ll use to manage customer relationships and sales, like CRM software.
  • Key Metrics: Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring the success of your marketing and sales efforts, including customer acquisition cost (CAC), lifetime value (LTV), and conversion rates.

10. Sustainability Slide

Objective: Demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and how it’s integrated into your business model, particularly important in the printing industry due to environmental concerns.

  • Eco-friendly Practices: Detail the sustainable practices your startup employs, such as using recycled materials, minimizing waste, or employing green energy sources.
  • Sustainability Certifications: If applicable, mention any eco-certifications your business has obtained or is pursuing, which can add credibility and attract environmentally conscious customers and investors.
  • Market Advantage: Explain how your focus on sustainability not only contributes to environmental preservation but also gives you a competitive edge, appealing to a growing segment of eco-aware customers.

11. Traction Slide

Objective: Showcase any progress your startup has made to date, demonstrating market validation and momentum.

  • Milestones Achieved: Highlight significant milestones, such as product development stages completed, patents filed, or strategic partnerships formed.
  • Customer Feedback: Share positive feedback or testimonials from beta testers, early adopters, or pilot project partners, emphasizing the market’s response to your product.
  • Growth Indicators: Present any available metrics or indicators of growth, like user sign-ups, pre-orders, or social media engagement, to illustrate traction.

12. Financial Projections Slide

Objective: Provide a clear view of your financial outlook, showing investors the potential for profitability and growth.

  • Revenue Forecast: Offer a 3-5 year revenue forecast, underpinned by assumptions about market penetration, sales growth, and pricing strategies. Visual aids like graphs can effectively convey this information.
  • Break-even Analysis: Include a break-even analysis to illustrate when your startup expects to become profitable, highlighting your financial planning and understanding of cost management.
  • Funding Requirements: Detail the amount of funding you’re seeking, specifying how the funds will be used (e.g., product development, marketing, scaling operations) and how this investment will drive growth and revenue.

These slides further solidify your business case by detailing how you plan to attract and retain customers, your commitment to sustainability (a critical factor in the printing industry), the proof of concept through traction, and a clear financial pathway to success. Each slide should build investor confidence in your startup’s viability and growth potential.

13. Funding Request Slide

Objective: Clearly articulate the funding requirements, offering insights into how the investment will be allocated to fuel growth.

  • Amount and Valuation: Specify the amount of funding you’re seeking and, if applicable, the proposed company valuation. This transparency helps set the stage for investment discussions.
  • Use of Funds: Break down how the funds will be used, categorizing allocations such as product development, marketing, operations, and scaling efforts. Visual representations like pie charts can make this information digestible.
  • Projected Impact: Briefly outline the expected impact of the funding on your business milestones, growth trajectory, and market positioning. This shows investors the direct correlation between their investment and the company’s success.

14. The Team Slide

Objective: Reintroduce and emphasize the team’s role in driving the startup towards its goals, focusing on expertise, experience, and commitment.

  • Core Team Highlights: Expand on the introductions made earlier, providing more depth about each key member’s background, specific roles, and contributions to the startup’s progress.
  • Advisory Board: If you have an advisory board, highlight members whose expertise adds significant value, particularly those with notable industry experience or startup success stories.
  • Culture and Vision: Convey the team’s shared vision and culture, emphasizing qualities like innovation, resilience, and a commitment to sustainability, which are particularly relevant in the printing industry.

15. Exit Strategy Slide

Objective: Outline potential exit strategies to give investors a clear understanding of the pathways to realizing a return on their investment.

  • Long-Term Vision: Reiterate the long-term vision for your company, setting the stage for discussing exit possibilities.
  • Potential Exit Scenarios: Discuss realistic exit options, such as acquisitions by larger industry players, mergers with strategic partners, or a future initial public offering (IPO).
  • Success Stories: Reference any relevant industry exits or success stories, if applicable, to demonstrate the potential for a profitable exit.

16. Call to Action Slide

Objective: Close your pitch with a compelling call to action that encourages potential investors to take the next step.

  • Next Steps: Clearly state what you want from investors next—whether it’s setting up a meeting, reviewing more detailed financials, or visiting your operations.
  • Contact Information: Reiterate your contact information, including direct lines for key team members to facilitate easy follow-up.
  • Thank You: A brief but sincere thank you to the investors for their time and consideration, leaving a lasting positive impression.

This final section of your pitch deck is crucial for reinforcing your startup’s value proposition, demonstrating the depth of your team’s expertise, outlining the potential for investor returns, and inviting engagement. Each slide should be crafted to reinforce the confidence and enthusiasm you’ve built throughout your presentation, leaving investors with a clear sense of your startup’s potential and the steps to engage further.

Last Words

Navigating through the creation of a pitch deck can often feel like charting unknown territories. However, with the tailored outline provided, you’re equipped with a precise map to illuminate your path in the printing industry landscape.

This structured approach ensures that every crucial aspect of your business—from innovation and market analysis to sustainability and financial projections—is communicated effectively and compellingly. By adhering to this blueprint, you not only enhance the clarity and impact of your presentation but also significantly increase your chances of resonating with potential investors.

The effectiveness of your pitch deck lies in its ability to tell a compelling story, and with this outline, you’re set to captivate, convince, and convert your audience, turning your visionary printing solution into a tangible reality. You got this!

But if you don’t got it:

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.

If you want to really dive into the world of pitch decks, check out our complete collection of pitch deck guidespitch deck outlines and pitch deck examples. Got a pressing issue? Check out our forum and post your questions there.

For more guidance, check out my printing pitch deck guide and my printing business pitch deck example outline.

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