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2 Printing Industry Pitch Deck Example Outlines

Presentation and Pitch Expert. Ex Advertising.

$100mill In Funding. Bald Since 2010.

Ever wonder why your brilliant printing startup idea isn’t stirring the pot of investor gold? Maybe it’s not your innovation that’s lacking—it’s your pitch deck playing it too safe, blending in like camouflage in a dense forest.

I’m Viktor, a pitch deck expert, and a presentation expert. Over the past 13 years, I’ve helped businesses secure millions of $ in funding thanks to my approach and I’m sharing it here in this pitch deck guide.

Whether you’re aiming to revolutionize 3D printing prosthetics or pushing the boundaries with eco-friendly packaging solutions, I’m here to turbocharge your pitch deck. Ready to transform your startup story into an investor magnet? Let’s make it happen together—because your idea deserves the big stage.

Book a free personalized pitch deck consultation and save over 20 hours of your time.

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.


3D Printing Solutions for Custom Prosthetics – “PrintProsthetics”


“PrintProsthetics” leverages cutting-edge 3D printing technology to create affordable, custom-fit prosthetics, revolutionizing accessibility and comfort for amputees. By offering personalized prosthetic solutions, PrintProsthetics aims to dramatically improve the quality of life for its users, making innovative use of 3D scanning and printing to produce limbs that are as unique as the individuals who need them. Problem

Traditional prosthetics are often expensive, can take weeks or months to produce, and may not offer a perfect fit, leading to discomfort and limited functionality. Many amputees, especially in underserved regions, lack access to these crucial devices, affecting their mobility and day-to-day life. Solution

PrintProsthetics proposes a cost-effective, highly adaptable solution with the following features:

  • Custom Fit: Utilizing 3D scanning technology to create a digital model of the amputee’s limb, ensuring a precise and comfortable fit.
  • Rapid Production: Reducing wait times from months to a matter of days, thanks to the speed of 3D printing.
  • Affordability: Lowering costs significantly by using durable, yet less expensive, materials and streamlined production processes.
  • Accessibility: Offering remote consultation and fitting services, extending reach to underserved areas.

Market Analysis

The global prosthetics market is expected to grow steadily, driven by advancements in technology and an increasing prevalence of conditions leading to amputation. There’s a specific and growing demand for personalized, adaptive solutions that current market offerings have yet to fully address. Business Model

PrintProsthetics will operate on a direct-to-consumer model, with additional revenue streams from partnerships with hospitals and rehabilitation centers. The company will also explore subscription models for regular adjustments, updates, or replacements. Competitive Advantage

  • Customization and Comfort: Unmatched level of personalization for each prosthetic.
  • Speed: Ability to deliver custom prosthetics significantly faster than traditional methods.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: More affordable options without compromising quality.
  • Innovation: Continuous R&D to explore new materials and technologies for even better solutions.

Marketing and Sales Strategy

  • Digital Marketing: Focused campaigns targeting both end-users and healthcare professionals, leveraging social media, SEO, and content marketing.
  • Partnerships: Collaborations with healthcare providers and advocacy groups to reach a broader audience.
  • Community Engagement: Active participation in community events and forums to build brand awareness and trust.


PrintProsthetics is committed to environmental sustainability, exploring the use of biodegradable materials for prosthetic production and implementing recycling programs for old or unused prosthetics. Financial Projections

Initial funding will support R&D, market entry, and scaling operations, with projected profitability within the first three years. Revenue streams will diversify as the company explores new markets and product lines. Team

The founding team combines expertise in biomedical engineering, 3D printing technology, and business development, supported by advisors from the medical and prosthetic community. Conclusion

PrintProsthetics stands at the intersection of technology and healthcare, offering a groundbreaking solution that addresses a critical need. With a clear focus on customization, accessibility, and affordability, PrintProsthetics is poised to make a significant impact on the lives of amputees worldwide.

PrintProsthetics pitch deck example mockup
mockup of the actual deck slides

Pitch deck outline for the 3D Printing Solutions for Custom Prosthetics – “PrintProsthetics”

Creating a compelling pitch deck for “PrintProsthetics,” a startup focusing on 3D Printing Solutions for Custom Prosthetics, requires a structured approach that clearly communicates the value proposition, market need, and business strategy. Here’s an outline tailored for such a pitch: 1. Cover Slide

  • Company logo and name: PrintProsthetics
  • Tagline: “Personalizing Prosthetics with Precision and Care”
  • Presenter’s name and contact information

2. Introduction

  • Brief overview of the company
  • Mission statement: To revolutionize prosthetic solutions through 3D printing technology, ensuring accessibility, affordability, and customization.

3. The Problem

  • Current challenges in the prosthetics market: Lack of customization, high costs, and long waiting periods.
  • Personal stories or testimonials to highlight the impact of these issues on individuals’ lives.

4. Our Solution

  • Introduction to PrintProsthetics’ innovative approach using 3D printing.
  • Benefits: Customization, reduced production time, and cost-effectiveness.

5. How It Works

  • Overview of the process from scanning to fitting.
  • Highlight proprietary technology or software, if any.

6. Market Analysis

  • Size of the prosthetics market and growth potential.
  • Target market segmentation: Who benefits most from PrintProsthetics.

7. Competitive Advantage

  • Comparison with existing prosthetic providers.
  • Unique selling points: customization level, technology use, cost and time efficiency.

8. Business Model

  • Explanation of how PrintProsthetics generates revenue.
  • Pricing strategy and cost structure.
  • Partnership opportunities or channels for distribution.

9. Marketing and Sales Strategy

  • Overview of marketing channels and strategies to reach the target audience.
  • Sales funnel and customer acquisition plan.

10. Sustainability and Impact

  • Environmental considerations in materials and production.
  • Social impact: Improving accessibility and quality of life.

11. Traction and Validation

  • Milestones achieved so far (e.g., prototypes developed, successful fittings).
  • Feedback from initial users or testimonials.
  • Any partnerships, awards, or recognitions.

12. Financial Projections

  • Revenue forecasts for the next 3-5 years.
  • Break-even analysis.
  • Future funding needs or investment opportunities.

13. The Team

  • Introduction to the core team members, highlighting relevant expertise and experience.
  • Advisory board or industry partners, if applicable.

14. Funding Request

  • Amount being raised and valuation, if applicable.
  • Use of funds: detailed breakdown of how the investment will be utilized.
  • Potential return for investors.

15. Call to Action

  • Invitation for questions, further discussions, or demo scheduling.
  • Contact details for follow-up.

16. Thank You Slide

  • A closing thank you note to the audience for their time and consideration.
  • Reminder of contact information and next steps.

This outline provides a comprehensive framework for presenting PrintProsthetics to potential investors, focusing on the transformative potential of 3D printing in the prosthetics industry. Each section builds on the narrative that PrintProsthetics is not only a viable business venture but also a socially impactful innovation.

Sustainable Packaging Printing – “EcoPackPrint”


EcoPackPrint is revolutionizing the packaging industry by offering sustainable, eco-friendly printing solutions. Recognizing the urgent need for businesses to reduce their environmental footprint, EcoPackPrint provides innovative packaging options that are both biodegradable and aesthetically pleasing, catering to companies keen on aligning their products with sustainability goals. Problem

The packaging sector is a major contributor to global waste, with a significant portion of products ending up in landfills or oceans. Traditional packaging materials and inks can be harmful to the environment, persisting for centuries. Additionally, consumers are increasingly demanding environmentally responsible packaging, challenging businesses to find green alternatives. Solution

EcoPackPrint addresses these challenges by introducing:

  • Biodegradable Materials: Using materials that break down naturally, such as plant-based plastics and recycled paper, for all packaging needs.
  • Soy-based and Vegetable Inks: Replacing conventional petroleum-based inks with sustainable alternatives that offer high-quality print results without harming the environment.
  • Customizable Designs: Providing businesses with the ability to customize their sustainable packaging, ensuring brand aesthetics don’t have to be compromised for eco-friendliness.

Market Analysis

With the rise of eco-conscious consumers and tightening regulations on single-use plastics and non-recyclable materials, the demand for sustainable packaging solutions is soaring. EcoPackPrint targets a fast-growing market segment, positioning itself as a key player in the transition towards greener business practices. Business Model

EcoPackPrint operates on a B2B model, targeting businesses across various sectors – from food and beverage to retail and e-commerce – that require packaging solutions. The company plans to introduce a tiered pricing strategy based on order volume, complexity of design, and specific material requirements, ensuring accessibility for small and large businesses alike. Competitive Advantage

  • Sustainability: A steadfast commitment to environmental responsibility, from materials to manufacturing processes.
  • Innovation: Continuous investment in R&D to explore new sustainable materials and improve printing techniques.
  • Customization: High levels of personalization for packaging, allowing brands to maintain their visual identity while being eco-friendly.
  • Full-service Solutions: Offering design consultation, prototyping, and production, making EcoPackPrint a one-stop-shop for sustainable packaging.

Marketing and Sales Strategy

  • Content Marketing: Educating businesses on the importance of sustainable packaging through blogs, whitepapers, and case studies.
  • Partnerships: Collaborating with environmental organizations and sustainable product manufacturers to broaden market reach.
  • Trade Shows and Conferences: Participating in industry events to showcase products and network with potential clients.
  • Direct Sales and Outreach: Targeted outreach to companies with known sustainability goals or those publicly seeking greener packaging solutions.

Sustainability Efforts

EcoPackPrint not only advocates for sustainable packaging but also practices corporate sustainability by minimizing waste in its operations, using renewable energy sources, and implementing a recycling program for its clients’ used packaging. Financial Projections

EcoPackPrint anticipates rapid growth, driven by the increasing market demand for eco-friendly packaging. The startup aims to achieve break-even within two years, with revenue streams bolstered by expanding its client base and exploring ancillary services such as eco-friendly labeling and branding. Team

The founding team comprises individuals with expertise in sustainable materials science, print technology, and environmental policy, supported by a creative team experienced in design and branding for sustainability. Conclusion

EcoPackPrint is positioned to make a significant impact in the packaging industry by offering a sustainable alternative that meets the needs of modern businesses and the demands of eco-conscious consumers. With a focus on innovation, sustainability, and customer service, EcoPackPrint aims to lead the charge towards a greener future.

EcoPackPrint pitch deck example mockup
mockup of the actual slides

Pitch deck outline for the Sustainable Packaging Printing – “EcoPackPrint”

For “EcoPackPrint,” a startup dedicated to revolutionizing the packaging industry with sustainable printing solutions, crafting a pitch deck that effectively communicates the business’s unique value proposition, market potential, and vision is crucial. Here’s a tailored outline to guide the presentation: 1. Cover Slide

  • Company Name: EcoPackPrint
  • Tagline: “Eco-Friendly Packaging Solutions for a Greener World”
  • Presenter’s Name and Contact Information

2. Introduction

  • Brief introduction to EcoPackPrint
  • Vision Statement: To lead the packaging industry towards a sustainable future with innovative, eco-friendly printing solutions.

3. The Problem

  • Overview of environmental challenges posed by traditional packaging methods
  • Statistics on waste, pollution, and consumer demand for sustainable options

4. Our Solution

  • Introduction to EcoPackPrint’s sustainable packaging printing solutions
  • Key features: biodegradable materials, soy-based inks, recyclable packaging designs

5. How It Works

  • Description of the sustainable printing process from design to delivery
  • Highlight proprietary technologies or processes, if applicable

6. Market Analysis

  • Size and growth of the eco-friendly packaging market
  • Target market identification and segmentation
  • Consumer trends and demand for sustainable packaging solutions

7. Competitive Advantage

  • Analysis of the current market landscape and competitors
  • EcoPackPrint’s differentiators: material innovation, printing technology, customization capabilities

8. Business Model

  • How EcoPackPrint generates revenue: direct sales, partnerships, subscription models
  • Pricing strategy and cost structure overview
  • Potential for scalability and market expansion

9. Marketing and Sales Strategy

  • Targeted marketing channels and strategies to engage businesses and consumers
  • Sales approach: B2B sales, online platforms, industry partnerships
  • Customer acquisition and retention plans

10. Sustainability and Impact

  • Detailed explanation of EcoPackPrint’s commitment to sustainability across the supply chain
  • Environmental impact: reduction in waste, carbon footprint, and conservation efforts
  • Social impact: supporting a circular economy, community initiatives

11. Traction and Validation

  • Key milestones and achievements to date
  • Customer testimonials or case studies demonstrating market validation
  • Partnerships or collaborations with environmentally-focused organizations

12. Financial Projections

  • Revenue forecasts and growth expectations for the next 3-5 years
  • Key financial metrics and break-even analysis
  • Future funding rounds or investment opportunities

13. The Team

  • Profiles of the founding team and key members, emphasizing expertise in sustainability, packaging, and business
  • Advisory board or industry experts supporting EcoPackPrint

14. Funding Request

  • Details of the current funding round: amount being raised, valuation, and terms
  • Use of funds: R&D, marketing, scaling operations, and sustainability initiatives
  • Expected impact of the investment on business growth and market reach

15. Call to Action

  • Invitation for further discussion, questions, or demo requests
  • Encouragement to join EcoPackPrint on its mission to transform the packaging industry

16. Thank You Slide

  • Appreciation for the audience’s time and consideration
  • Reminders of contact details for follow-up and engagement

This outline ensures that EcoPackPrint’s pitch deck systematically addresses the critical aspects investors need to understand: the problem, the innovative solution, market potential, and how the business plans to succeed and grow within the sustainable packaging industry. Each section is designed to engage, inform, and inspire action, driving home the message that EcoPackPrint is not just a business, but a movement towards a more sustainable future.

Last Words

In crafting your pitch deck, drawing inspiration from these hypothetical examples is not just about presenting facts and figures; it’s about storytelling that aligns your vision with the values and interests of your audience. The effectiveness of these pitch examples lies in their ability to demonstrate the potential of innovative printing solutions, from enhancing sustainability to revolutionizing customization, all while navigating the complexities of market demands and competitive landscapes.

By integrating these structured narratives into your pitch deck, you’re equipped to not only showcase the viability and necessity of your product but also to inspire and captivate potential investors. These examples serve as a blueprint for transforming innovative ideas into compelling stories, encouraging entrepreneurs to think creatively about their approach and, ultimately, to build great products and pitch decks that resonate on a deeper level. You got this.

But if you don’t got it:

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.

For more guidance, check out my printing pitch deck guide and my printing pitch deck outline article.

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