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Charging Ahead: Revolutionary On Demand EV Charge Pitch Deck Outline to Electrify the Auto Industry

Presentation and Pitch Expert. Ex Advertising.

$100mill In Funding. Bald Since 2010.

You’ve just revved up a concept for on-demand EV charging that’s as slick as a new Tesla on a showroom floor, but your pitch? It’s sputtering more than a clunker. It’s not your tech-savvy audience or the eco-conscious market; it’s your pitch deck. It’s like explaining the benefits of electric cars at a vintage gas station rally.

I’m Viktor, a pitch deck expert, and a presentation expert. Over the past 13 years, I’ve helped businesses secure millions of $ in funding thanks to my approach and I’m sharing it here in this pitch deck guide.

This guide is your roadmap to creating a pitch deck that sparks interest and powers up investments. Ready to juice up your presentation and drive your vision forward? Let’s plug in and go full throttle!

Book a free personalized pitch deck consultation and save over 20 hours of your time.

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.


[Slide 1: Cover Slide]

  • Title: “On-Demand EV Charging: Anytime, Anywhere”
  • Subtitle: “Bringing EV Charging Stations to You”
  • Company Logo

[Slide 2: Introduction]

  • Introduction to the company: Our company, [Company Name], is at the forefront of innovation in the electric vehicle (EV) industry, dedicated to enhancing the EV ownership experience.
  • Brief overview of the problem: Traditional EV charging stations pose significant challenges for EV owners, ranging from limited availability to the inconvenience of planning routes around them.
  • Statement of purpose: At [Company Name], we’re on a mission to revolutionize the EV charging experience by offering on-demand services that bring charging stations directly to the user, wherever they are.

[Slide 3: Market Opportunity]

  • Market size and growth potential of the EV industry: The global electric vehicle market is experiencing rapid growth, with an estimated CAGR of X% from 2020 to 2025, reaching a market size of $Y billion.
  • Increasing adoption of electric vehicles globally: Governments worldwide are incentivizing the transition to electric vehicles to combat climate change and reduce dependence on fossil fuels.
  • Growing demand for convenient charging solutions: As EV adoption rises, the need for accessible and hassle-free charging solutions becomes increasingly critical.
  • Potential market segments: Our on-demand EV charging service caters to a wide range of market segments, including residential users, commercial fleets, urban areas, and more.

[Slide 4: Problem Statement]

  • Challenges faced by EV owners in finding and accessing charging stations: Traditional charging stations are often clustered in specific locations, leading to long wait times and inconvenient detours for users.
  • Limited availability of charging infrastructure, especially in certain areas: Rural and suburban areas often lack adequate charging infrastructure, hindering EV adoption in these regions.
  • Inconvenience of planning routes around charging stations: EV owners must meticulously plan their routes to ensure access to charging stations, limiting spontaneity and flexibility.
  • Potential range anxiety among EV users: The fear of running out of battery power before reaching a charging station is a significant concern for many EV owners, particularly on long journeys.

[Slide 5: Solution Overview]

  • Introduction to on-demand EV charging service: Our innovative solution eliminates the need for EV owners to search for charging stations by bringing the charging station directly to them.
  • Explanation of how the service works: Users simply request a charging session via our user-friendly mobile app, and a mobile charging unit is dispatched to their location within minutes.
  • Flexibility and convenience: Whether at home, work, or on the go, our on-demand service ensures that EV owners can access fast and reliable charging wherever they are, saving them time and hassle.
  • Sustainability focus: In addition to convenience, our service prioritizes sustainability by utilizing renewable energy sources and energy-efficient technology in our mobile charging units.

[Slide 6: Technology & Infrastructure]

  • Overview of the mobile charging unit technology: Our mobile charging units are equipped with state-of-the-art technology capable of delivering fast and efficient charging to all compatible EV models.
  • Fast-charging capabilities: Our units utilize cutting-edge fast-charging technology, significantly reducing charging times compared to traditional charging stations.
  • Compatibility with various EV models: Whether it’s a compact electric sedan or a larger electric SUV, our mobile charging units are compatible with a wide range of EVs on the market.
  • Sustainability features: We prioritize sustainability by incorporating renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power into our mobile charging units, minimizing our carbon footprint.

[Slide 7: Competitive Landscape]

  • Analysis of existing competitors in the EV charging market: While traditional charging station networks dominate the market, there is a growing demand for more flexible and convenient charging solutions.
  • Comparison of traditional charging stations vs. on-demand services: Unlike traditional charging stations that require users to seek them out, our on-demand service brings the charging station directly to the user, offering unparalleled convenience.
  • Highlight unique selling points and advantages of on-demand charging: Our on-demand service eliminates range anxiety, reduces wait times, and provides flexibility for EV owners to charge their vehicles wherever and whenever they need it.

[Slide 8: Business Model]

  • Revenue streams: Our primary revenue stream comes from charging fees, which are calculated based on factors such as charging duration and energy consumed. Additionally, we offer subscription plans for frequent users and explore partnerships with EV manufacturers or ride-sharing companies to generate additional revenue.
  • Cost structure: Our main expenses include equipment acquisition and maintenance, operational costs such as fleet management and personnel, as well as marketing and administrative expenses.
  • Pricing strategy: We aim to offer competitive pricing for our on-demand charging services while ensuring profitability through efficient resource utilization and economies of scale.

[Slide 9: Go-to-Market Strategy]

  • Target customer segments and demographics: Our target customers include individual EV owners, commercial fleet operators, and urban planners looking to improve EV infrastructure. We tailor our marketing efforts to reach each segment effectively.
  • Marketing channels: We leverage digital advertising, social media platforms, and partnerships with EV manufacturers and dealerships to raise awareness and attract customers. Additionally, we utilize targeted advertising campaigns to reach specific geographic regions and demographics.
  • Expansion plans: We plan to initially launch our on-demand EV charging service in select cities known for their high EV adoption rates. Following a successful rollout, we aim to gradually expand into new markets, both domestically and internationally.

[Slide 10: Financial Projections]

  • Projected revenue growth over the next 3-5 years: Based on market research and demand projections, we anticipate significant revenue growth, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of X% over the forecast period.
  • Breakdown of expenses and investments required: We outline our anticipated expenses, including equipment procurement, operational costs, marketing expenses, and personnel salaries. Additionally, we identify potential investment opportunities to fuel our expansion and growth initiatives.
  • Profitability timeline and key financial milestones: We project achieving profitability within [X] years of operation, with key milestones such as reaching breakeven and achieving positive cash flow outlined in our financial roadmap.

[Slide 11: Funding Needs]

  • Amount of funding required for initial launch and scaling operations: We are seeking [Amount] in funding to cover initial setup costs, including equipment procurement, infrastructure development, marketing initiatives, and operational expenses for the first [X] years of operation.
  • Allocation of funds: The funding will be allocated as follows: [Percentage] for equipment acquisition and fleet expansion, [Percentage] for marketing and customer acquisition efforts, [Percentage] for operational expenses such as personnel salaries and administrative costs, and [Percentage] for research and development to enhance our technology and service offerings.
  • Potential sources of funding: We are open to various funding sources, including venture capital investment, angel investors, strategic partnerships, and government grants or incentives aimed at promoting sustainable transportation initiatives.

[Slide 12: Team]

  • Introduction to the founding team and key personnel: Our team comprises seasoned professionals with extensive experience in the EV industry, technology development, and business management.
  • Founder(s) background: [Founder’s Name(s)] brings [X] years of experience in [relevant industry/sector], with a proven track record of [relevant achievements]. Their passion for sustainability and innovation drives the vision and mission of our company.
  • Key team members: Our team includes experts in areas such as technology development, operations management, marketing, and finance, each bringing valuable insights and skills to propel the success of our on-demand EV charging venture.

[Slide 13: Milestones]

  • Major milestones achieved to date: We have made significant progress in [key areas/initiatives], including technology development, pilot program implementation, strategic partnerships, and market research and validation.
  • Future milestones: Our roadmap includes milestones such as the official launch of our on-demand EV charging service in [Target City/Cities], expansion into additional markets, scaling our fleet and infrastructure, securing strategic partnerships with EV manufacturers and ride-sharing companies, and achieving profitability within [X] years of operation.

[Slide 14: Summary & Call to Action]

  • Recap of key points: Our on-demand EV charging service offers a revolutionary solution to the challenges faced by EV owners, providing convenience, flexibility, and sustainability.
  • Call to action: We invite investors and strategic partners to join us in reshaping the future of transportation by investing in our innovative on-demand EV charging service. Together, we can accelerate the transition to sustainable mobility and create lasting impact for generations to come.

[Slide 15: Questions]

  • Open floor for questions and answers: We welcome any questions from investors, partners, and stakeholders interested in learning more about our on-demand EV charging venture. Our team is here to provide further insights and address any inquiries to ensure a comprehensive understanding of our business and its potential.

On Demand EV Business Plan Example

1. Executive Summary

  • Business Name: ChargePoint On-Demand
  • Business Model: Mobile app-based service providing on-demand electric vehicle (EV) charging at the user’s location.
  • Mission Statement: To make EV charging convenient and accessible, enhancing the EV ownership experience and supporting sustainable transportation.
  • Vision Statement: To be a leader in the on-demand services market for electric vehicles, innovating the way EV drivers recharge.
  • Goals: Reach 50,000 service uses within the first year and expand to additional major cities by year two.

2. Market Analysis

  • Industry Overview: The EV market is rapidly expanding due to environmental concerns, technology improvements, and supportive government policies.
  • Target Market: EV owners who face limited access to charging stations, including apartment dwellers and frequent travelers.
  • Competition Analysis: Main competitors include fixed-location charging stations and other emerging mobile charging services. Differentiation through faster, more flexible service.

3. Service Description

  • Core Services: Mobile charging units that travel to the vehicle’s location to provide charging services.
  • Unique Features:
    • Quick deployment capabilities for emergency charge needs.
    • Subscription plans for regular users, offering discounted rates.
    • Integration with smart home systems for seamless service scheduling.

4. Marketing Strategy

  • Branding: Focus on reliability, convenience, and innovation.
  • Promotions: Introductory discount, loyalty rewards, and partnership deals with EV manufacturers.
  • Social Media: Engage with the community on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, highlighting customer stories and service updates.
  • Partnerships: Collaborate with parking lots, malls, and workplaces to offer exclusive charging services.

5. Operational Plan

  • Technology: Robust app for easy booking, real-time tracking of charging units, and payment processing.
  • Customer Support: Dedicated support team available via app, phone, and chat to ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Logistics: Fleet of mobile charging units equipped with fast charging technology, managed via a central control system.

6. Financial Projections

  • Startup Costs: Estimated at $800,000 for technology development, purchasing charging units, and initial marketing.
  • Revenue Streams: Charges per use, subscription fees, and corporate partnerships.
  • Break-even Analysis: Projected to reach break-even within the first 24 months.

7. Funding Requirements

  • Total Funding Needed: $1.2 million to cover startup expenses and scale operations.
  • Funding Use: Initial fleet setup, app development, and market expansion activities.

8. Milestones and Timeline

  • App Development and Unit Procurement: 4 months
  • Initial Market Launch: 6 months
  • Assess Expansion Opportunities: 12 months

Last Words

Now armed with insights from the on-demand EV charge pitch deck outline, it’s time to take the next step towards transforming the EV charging landscape.

Whether you’re an investor seeking to capitalize on a burgeoning market or an entrepreneur looking to lead the charge in sustainable transportation, the opportunities are boundless.

You got this!

But if you don’t got it:

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.

If you want to really dive into the world of pitch decks, check out our complete collection of pitch deck guidespitch deck outlines and pitch deck examples. Got a pressing issue? Check out our forum and post your questions there.

For more guidance, check out my EV pitch deck guide.

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