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16 Slide Sports VR Pitch Deck Template

Presentation and Pitch Expert. Ex Advertising.

$100mill In Funding. Bald Since 2010.

Are you ready to explore the next frontier in sports entertainment? Our sports VR pitch deck template is here to transform your perspective on sports engagement.

This template will show you how to specifically build a sports VR pitch deck.

I’m Viktor, a pitch deck expert, and a presentation expert. Over the past 13 years, I’ve helped businesses secure millions of $ in funding thanks to my approach and I’m sharing it here in this pitch deck guide.

If you’re in the hunt for some guidelines on making a great VR pitch deck, this template is here to help you do that.

Book a free personalized pitch deck consultation and save over 20 hours of your time.

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.


16 Slides Sports VR Pitch Deck Template

Want a similar template for your pitch? Book a call free below to discuss more, or reach out through email.

Write me an email at viktor at viktori.net

Slide 1: Title


  • Company Name: VR Sports Pro
  • Logo: [Insert your company logo here]
  • Ensure your company name and logo are prominently displayed on this slide to establish your brand identity right from the start.

Slide 2: Problem Statement

  • The Problem:
    • Traditional sports training methods lack engagement and personalization.
    • Athletes struggle to simulate real-game scenarios for practice.
    • Training can be expensive, inaccessible, and limited in scope.


  • Use this slide to clearly outline the issues that your VR sports training solution aims to address.
  • Consider adding relevant statistics or anecdotes to emphasize the severity of these problems.

Slide 3: Solution

  • Our Solution:
    • Introducing VR Sports Pro, a revolutionary VR sports training platform.
    • Immersive, personalized, and accessible training for athletes of all levels.
    • Realistic simulations, data analytics, and progress tracking.


  • Highlight the uniqueness and effectiveness of your solution in solving the problems mentioned in the previous slide.
  • Use visuals or concept images to give a glimpse of your VR sports training platform.

Slide 4: Market Opportunity

  • Market Size:
    • Global sports training market worth $15 billion and growing.
  • Trends:
    • Growing interest in VR technologies in sports.
    • Increasing demand for remote training solutions.


  • Provide data to support the market opportunity and the trends that make this an attractive space.
  • Mention the potential for growth and expansion in the sports training market.

Slide 5: Target Audience

  • Who Benefits:
    • Athletes, coaches, and sports enthusiasts.
    • Schools, sports academies, and professional teams.
    • Anyone seeking effective sports training.


  • Expand on how each of these target groups benefits from your VR sports training platform.
  • Explain why your solution is relevant and valuable to them.

Slide 6: Competitive Advantage

  • Why Us:
    • Advanced VR technology for realistic experiences.
    • Customizable training programs for all sports.
    • Real-time performance analytics and feedback.
    • Cost-effective and accessible from anywhere.


  • Elaborate on each of these advantages and how they set your VR sports training solution apart from competitors.
  • Provide examples or testimonials if available to validate your claims.

Slide 7: Product Overview

  • VR Sports Pro Features:
    • VR headset compatibility.
    • Wide range of sports simulations.
    • Interactive coaching and feedback.
    • Progress tracking and analytics.


  • Dive into more detail about the features of your VR sports training platform.
  • Use images or screenshots to showcase the interface and user experience.

Slide 8: How It Works

  • Step-by-Step:
    • User puts on VR headset.
    • Selects desired sport and training scenario.
    • Receives real-time coaching and feedback.
    • Tracks progress through the user dashboard.


  • Walk through the user journey step by step to give a clear understanding of how your product works.
  • Visual aids such as diagrams or flowcharts can help illustrate this process effectively.

Slide 9: Business Model

  • Revenue Streams:
    • Subscription model: Monthly and annual plans for users.
    • In-app purchases: Access to premium training content and features.
    • Partnerships: Collaborations with sports organizations for licensing and promotion.


  • Provide details on how your company plans to generate revenue.
  • Mention pricing strategies, monetization methods, and any partnerships that are part of your business model.

Slide 10: Marketing Strategy

  • Getting the Word Out:
    • Social media marketing: Active presence on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
    • Influencer partnerships: Collaborations with sports influencers and athletes.
    • Sports events and trade shows: Showcasing your product at relevant industry events.
    • Online advertising: Utilizing Google Ads and other online advertising channels.


  • Explain how you plan to market your VR sports training platform.
  • Include budget allocation, key marketing channels, and expected outcomes.

Slide 11: Traction & Milestones

  • Key Milestones:
    • Number of users and subscriptions.
    • Partnerships with sports organizations.
    • Revenue growth.


  • Highlight your company’s achievements and milestones up to this point.
  • Provide data and metrics that showcase your progress and growth.

Slide 12: Financial Projections

  • Financial Highlights:
    • Revenue projections for the next 3-5 years.
    • Break-even point.
    • Funding requirements.


  • Present financial projections, including revenue forecasts, expenses, and profitability.
  • Explain your funding needs and how the investment will be utilized to achieve your financial goals.

Slide 13: Team

  • Our Team:
    • [Founder/CEO Name]: Provide a brief background and expertise.
    • [CTO/Technical Lead Name]: Describe their technical skills and experience.
    • [Head of Marketing Name]: Explain their marketing and branding experience.
    • [Head of Sales Name]: Highlight their sales and partnerships track record.


  • Emphasize the strengths and qualifications of your core team members.
  • Explain how their expertise and backgrounds make them well-suited to drive the success of your VR sports training platform.

Slide 14: Funding

  • Investment Opportunity:
    • Amount of funding needed: [Specify the funding amount you are seeking].
    • Allocation of funds: Break down how the funds will be used (e.g., product development, marketing, hiring).
    • Potential ROI for investors: Provide an overview of the potential return on investment for investors.


  • Clearly state your funding needs and how the funds will be utilized.
  • Highlight the growth potential and value proposition for potential investors.

Slide 15: Contact Information

  • Contact Us:
    • Email: [Your contact email]
    • Phone: [Your contact phone number]
    • Website: [Your website URL]
    • Social Media Links: Include links to your company’s social media profiles (e.g., LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook).


  • Make it easy for investors or partners to reach out to you.
  • Ensure all contact information is up-to-date and easily accessible.

Slide 16: Q&A

  • Open the Floor for Questions:
    • Encourage investors to ask questions and seek clarifications.
    • Provide your availability for follow-up discussions or meetings.


  • Use this slide to transition into a Q&A session where potential investors can ask questions and seek further information.
  • Be prepared to address inquiries confidently and provide additional insights as needed.

Last Words

We hope this template helps you develop an investor ready pitch deck for your sports VR startup. You got this!

But if you don’t got it:

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.

If you want to really dive into the world of pitch decks, check out our complete collection of pitch deck guidespitch deck outlines and pitch deck examples. Got a pressing issue? Check out our forum and post your questions there.

For more guidance, check out my VR pitch deck guide, my sports pitch deck guide, and my fitness pitch deck guide.

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