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16 Slide Auto Manufacturers Pitch Deck Template

Presentation and Pitch Expert. Ex Advertising.

$100mill In Funding. Bald Since 2010.

In the fast-paced world of automotive innovation, capturing the attention of investors is more than just a goal—it’s a necessity.

Imagine having a blueprint that not only showcases your groundbreaking vehicle but also steers potential backers right to your doorstep. This auto manufacturers pitch deck template focuses on achieving just that.

From pinpointing the unique challenges of the automotive landscape to unveiling your revolutionary solution, this outline is your roadmap to ignition.

I’m Viktor, a pitch deck expert, and a presentation expert. Over the past 13 years, I’ve helped businesses secure millions of $ in funding thanks to my approach and I’m sharing it here in this pitch deck guide.

Let’s shift gears and transform your vision into an irresistible investment opportunity.

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Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.


16 slide auto manufacturer pitch deck template

Want a similar template for your pitch? Book a call free below to discuss more, or reach out through email.

Write me an email at viktor at viktori.net

Creating a detailed auto manufacturer pitch deck requires a strategic approach that clearly communicates your vision, innovation, and business model to potential investors. Here’s a comprehensive outline designed to guide you through crafting an impactful pitch:

1. Cover Slide

Visuals: Your company’s logo should be prominently displayed against a sleek, professional background. Consider using an image of your flagship vehicle or a conceptual design that represents your innovation. The design should be clean and visually appealing, setting a professional tone for the presentation.


  • Company Name: [Your Company Name]
  • Tagline/Mission Statement: A concise statement that encapsulates your company’s mission or the core value proposition. For example, “Driving the Future of Sustainable Mobility.”
  • Presenter’s Name and Contact Information: Include the name of the presenter and contact details to facilitate easy communication post-presentation.

2. Introduction

Visuals: Use a slide that combines both imagery and text effectively. An impactful image or a collage that visually represents your company’s journey, vision, or the problem you’re addressing can set the stage for your narrative.


  • Company Overview: A brief introduction to your company, highlighting the foundation year, core focus areas, and major achievements.
  • Vision: Share the overarching vision of your company. For example, “To revolutionize urban mobility through cutting-edge electric vehicles.”
  • The Problem: Introduce the broader problem or market gap your company aims to address, setting the context for your solution.

3. The Problem

Visuals: Graphs, images, or infographics that illustrate the problem. This could include data on pollution levels from traditional vehicles, congestion in urban areas, or the lack of affordable electric vehicles. The visual should make the problem palpable to the audience.


  • Description of the Problem: Detail the specific issues within the automotive industry your company is poised to solve. For example, “Despite growing environmental awareness, consumers face a dearth of affordable, high-performance electric vehicles designed for everyday use.”
  • Current Solutions and Limitations: Briefly mention existing solutions and their shortcomings, setting the stage for your innovative approach. Highlight why these solutions fail to fully address the problem, such as high costs, limited range, or inadequate infrastructure.

4. The Solution

Visuals: Showcase your vehicle or technology with high-quality images, renderings, or animations. If your solution emphasizes technological innovation, diagrams or schematics can be effective. The visuals should capture the unique features and benefits of your solution.


  • Your Product as the Solution: Clearly articulate how your vehicle or technology addresses the identified problems. Highlight the unique selling points and competitive advantages. For instance, “ElectraCar introduces an affordable electric sedan with a 500-mile range, rapid charging capabilities, and state-of-the-art driver assistance features.”
  • How It Addresses the Problem Effectively: Connect the dots between the problem and your solution. Explain how your product overcomes the limitations of current solutions, backed by data or research where possible.

These initial slides are crucial for capturing the attention of your audience, setting the tone for the rest of the presentation. They should succinctly convey who you are, the significance of the problem you’re tackling, and the innovative solution you’re proposing, compelling the audience to want to learn more.

Continuing from the initial four slides, let’s flesh out the next four slides of an auto manufacturer pitch deck, focusing on product showcasing, market analysis, competitive landscape, and the business model.

5. Product/Technology Showcase

Visuals: Use dynamic images or videos of your product in action, detailed 3D renderings of the vehicle, or animations that highlight key technological features. For technology-focused pitches, schematics or diagrams explaining the innovation can be effective.


  • Overview of the Vehicle/Technology: Provide a succinct overview of your product, including model name, category (e.g., SUV, sedan, electric motorcycle), and key features.
  • Unique Selling Points: Highlight the innovations and features that set your product apart, such as battery technology, autonomy levels, software integration, or sustainability aspects.
  • Development Stage and Roadmap: Briefly outline where your product currently stands in terms of development and provide a roadmap for future milestones, including testing, production, and launch dates.

6. Market Analysis

Visuals: Graphs and charts that illustrate market size, growth trends, and consumer demographics. Maps can also be useful to show targeted geographical markets or global expansion plans.


  • Target Market Size and Growth Potential: Detail the current size of your target market and projected growth, backed by reliable sources. Explain how market trends support the need for your product.
  • Customer Demographics: Describe your ideal customer profile, including demographic details, preferences, and buying behaviors that align with your product offering.
  • Market Needs: Connect your product directly to the needs of the market, explaining how consumer trends, such as a shift towards sustainability or demand for smart vehicle features, are addressed by your vehicle.

7. Competitive Landscape

Visuals: A comparative matrix or table that visually contrasts your product with key competitors based on features, price, performance, and other relevant criteria.


  • Key Competitors: List major competitors and briefly describe their market position and offerings.
  • Competitive Advantages: Clearly articulate how your product differentiates from competitors. This might include proprietary technology, superior performance, better value, or innovative features.
  • Market Positioning: Explain your product’s positioning strategy in the competitive landscape. Discuss how your unique value proposition appeals to unmet needs in the market.

8. Business Model

Visuals: Flowcharts or diagrams that depict the revenue streams, cost structure, and logistics of your business model. Visual representations can help simplify complex business models.


  • Revenue Generation: Describe how your company will make money, detailing pricing strategies, sales channels (direct sales, dealerships, online), and any ancillary revenue streams (maintenance services, software subscriptions).
  • Cost Structure: Provide an overview of the cost components associated with your product, including manufacturing, marketing, and operational costs. Highlight any efficiencies or cost-saving strategies you plan to implement.
  • Scalability: Discuss how your business model supports scaling. This could include plans for expanding production, entering new markets, or evolving the product line to meet different consumer segments.

These slides are crucial for deepening investors’ understanding of your product’s market fit, competitive edge, and financial viability. By clearly articulating the unique value proposition of your product, demonstrating a thorough understanding of the market landscape, and presenting a viable business model, you’re better positioned to build confidence in your company’s potential for success.

Continuing to build on the detailed auto manufacturer pitch deck, let’s flesh out the next four slides, focusing on the financial projections, funding requirements, regulatory compliance and safety standards, and sustainability and social impact. These components are crucial for demonstrating the viability, responsibility, and long-term vision of your auto manufacturing startup.

9. Financial Projections

Visuals: Use clear, concise graphs and charts to depict revenue projections, cost breakdowns, and profitability over time. A line graph showing revenue growth and a bar chart for expenses over the next 3-5 years can be particularly effective.


  • Revenue Projections: Detail your expected revenue for the next 3-5 years, emphasizing the growth trajectory and key drivers behind these projections.
  • Cost and Expenses: Provide an overview of major expenses, including production, R&D, marketing, and operational costs, explaining how these will scale with your growth.
  • Profitability Timeline: Highlight when you expect the company to reach profitability, backed by data and realistic assumptions.
  • Key Financial Metrics: Include important financial metrics such as break-even point, gross margin, and EBITDA margins to give investors a clear view of your financial health and efficiency.

10. Funding Requirements

Visuals: A pie chart or segmented bar graph can effectively illustrate how the requested funding will be allocated across different areas of the business.


  • Total Funding Required: Specify the amount of funding you are seeking and the equity or terms you are offering in return.
  • Use of Funds: Break down how the investment will be used (e.g., product development, manufacturing scale-up, market entry, working capital) and why each area is critical for your growth.
  • Expected Milestones: Connect the funding request to specific milestones you plan to achieve, providing a timeline that outlines how and when the funds will propel your business forward.
  • Future Funding Rounds: If applicable, mention any anticipated future funding rounds, giving investors a sense of your long-term financing strategy.

11. Regulatory Compliance and Safety Standards

Visuals: Icons or badges representing compliance certifications or safety awards can visually underscore your commitment to these areas.


  • Regulatory Landscape: Briefly describe the regulatory environment relevant to your vehicles, including any national or international standards you must comply with.
  • Compliance Strategy: Outline the steps you’ve taken or plan to take to ensure full compliance with automotive safety and environmental regulations.
  • Certifications and Awards: List any certifications or safety awards your vehicle has received, reinforcing the reliability and safety of your product.
  • Future Compliance Plans: Discuss your approach to staying ahead of regulatory changes, ensuring your vehicles continue to meet all legal and safety standards.

12. Sustainability and Social Impact

Visuals: High-quality images or infographics that highlight eco-friendly materials, green manufacturing processes, or community engagement initiatives can effectively communicate your commitment to sustainability and social impact.


  • Environmental Impact: Detail the environmental considerations of your vehicle design and manufacturing process, including any efforts to reduce emissions, improve energy efficiency, or use sustainable materials.
  • Social Responsibility Initiatives: Describe any CSR initiatives your company is involved in, such as community outreach programs, educational initiatives, or partnerships with environmental organizations.
  • Long-term Sustainability Goals: Share your vision for how your company intends to further reduce its environmental footprint and contribute positively to society in the long term.
  • Recognition and Partnerships: Highlight any recognitions your company has received for its sustainability efforts or notable partnerships with environmental or social impact organizations.

These slides serve to reassure investors of your company’s financial planning, ethical considerations, and preparedness to navigate the regulatory landscape—all crucial factors in building a sustainable, profitable, and responsible auto manufacturing business.

Continuing from where we left off, let’s develop the next four slides of an auto manufacturer pitch deck, focusing on The Team, Testimonials/Case Studies, Regulatory Compliance and Safety Standards, and the Closing & Call to Action.

13. The Team

Visuals: Professional photos of key team members, accompanied by brief overlays of their roles and expertise areas. Consider using icons or graphics to represent their skills or areas of contribution (e.g., engineering gear for technical expertise, a light bulb for innovation).


  • Introduction to Key Team Members: Provide names, titles, and a brief description of the experience and expertise each member brings to the startup. Highlight previous achievements, relevant industry experience, or unique skills that contribute to the team’s strength.
  • Advisory Board: If applicable, introduce advisory board members, noting their industry credentials, achievements, and how their guidance positions the company for success.
  • Team Dynamics: Briefly touch on how the team’s combination of skills, experience, and vision uniquely qualifies them to execute the business plan and overcome industry challenges.

14. Testimonials/Case Studies

Visuals: Use quotes and images from satisfied customers or partners, or graphical representations of case study results. Videos or interactive content can also be highly engaging if the platform allows.


  • Customer Testimonials: Share positive feedback from early users, pilot program participants, or industry partners that underscore the value and potential of your product.
  • Case Studies: Present one or two short case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of your vehicle or technology in real-world applications. Include specific results, such as performance data, cost savings, or environmental impact metrics.
  • Industry Recognition: Mention any awards, accolades, or recognitions your company or product has received, reinforcing credibility and market acceptance.

15. Regulatory Compliance and Safety Standards (Revised Focus: Future Vision and Growth)

Visuals: Concept art, future roadmaps, or visionary graphics that illustrate the company’s long-term goals and upcoming projects.


  • Long-term Vision: Describe the future direction of the company, including long-term goals and how you plan to evolve in the automotive industry.
  • Upcoming Products: Briefly introduce any planned expansions to the product line or new technologies currently in development.
  • Growth Strategy: Outline strategic initiatives for growth, such as market expansion, partnerships, or diversification.
  • Industry Impact: Share your vision for how your company aims to influence the automotive industry, whether through innovation, sustainability efforts, or changing consumer behaviors.

16. Closing & Call to Action

Visuals: A compelling image that encapsulates your company’s mission or vision, such as a futuristic vehicle design, a happy customer, or a cleaner planet.


  • Recap of Key Points: Summarize the core message of your pitch, emphasizing your unique value proposition, market opportunity, and why your company is a worthwhile investment.
  • Call to Action: Clearly state what you are asking from investors, whether it’s funding, partnerships, or another form of support. Provide clear next steps for interested parties to follow.
  • Thank You: Express gratitude for the opportunity to present, and offer contact information for further discussions or questions.

These slides are designed to round off the pitch deck by emphasizing the human element behind the company, showcasing real-world validation, painting a picture of the future, and leaving a memorable final impression with a clear call to action. Together, they provide a comprehensive view of your startup’s potential, readiness, and ambition, aimed at securing investor interest and support.

Appendices (Optional)

The appendices of an auto manufacturer pitch deck serve as a repository for additional data, detailed analyses, and supplementary information that supports the main content of the presentation. While not all investors will delve into these details during a pitch, having them readily available can demonstrate thoroughness, preparedness, and transparency. Let’s flesh out what might be included in the appendices for an auto manufacturer startup.

A1. Technical Specifications


  • Detailed specifications of your vehicle(s) or automotive technology, including powertrain details, battery capacity and range, charging times, dimensions, weight, and safety features.
  • Comparison charts that highlight how your specs measure up against key competitors, showcasing areas of superiority or innovation.

A2. Detailed Financial Models


  • A comprehensive breakdown of your financial projections, including monthly or quarterly sales forecasts, detailed cost analysis (production, operations, marketing), and cash flow projections.
  • Sensitivity analyses that show how changes in market conditions or business assumptions could impact your financial performance.
  • Historic financial data if available, including burn rate and use of any previous funding rounds.

A3. Market Research Data


  • Full reports or summaries of market research studies conducted to validate your product market fit, customer demand, pricing strategy, and competitive positioning.
  • Surveys, focus group findings, or customer interviews that provide qualitative insights into consumer preferences and behaviors.
  • Industry reports and analyses that support your market size and growth projections, including sources and methodologies used.

A4. Legal Documents or Certifications


  • Copies of any patents or pending patent applications related to your vehicle technology or manufacturing processes.
  • Certifications or compliance documents that verify your vehicle meets national or international safety and environmental standards.
  • Any regulatory approvals or licenses required to produce or sell your vehicles, particularly in markets with stringent automotive regulations.

A5. Manufacturing and Supply Chain Details


  • Detailed overview of your manufacturing process, including information on production facilities, key suppliers, and quality control measures.
  • Risk management strategies for supply chain disruptions, including alternative suppliers and inventory management practices.
  • Plans for scaling production to meet market demand, including timelines, capital investments required, and potential bottlenecks.

A6. Product Roadmap and R&D Pipeline


  • A visual roadmap outlining the development timeline for current and future products, highlighting major milestones such as prototype completion, testing phases, and market launch dates.
  • Information on research and development activities, including descriptions of ongoing projects, anticipated innovations, and how R&D efforts are aligned with long-term business strategy.

A7. Team Bios and Experience


  • Extended biographies of key team members and advisory board members, detailing their professional backgrounds, relevant achievements, and specific contributions to the startup’s success.
  • Information on the company culture, values, and how the team’s composition supports innovation, execution, and growth in the automotive sector.

Having a well-organized and informative appendix section can significantly enhance the credibility of your pitch. It allows interested investors to delve deeper into the aspects of your startup that interest them most, providing a solid foundation for due diligence and further discussions.

Last Words

By following the outlined steps, you’re not just presenting a business idea; you’re unveiling a vision for the future of mobility. This template serves as your co-pilot, navigating through the essentials of demonstrating your innovation, market strategy, and sustainability efforts.

Remember, in the race for funding, your pitch deck is your vehicle. Make it powerful, make it persuasive, and most importantly, make it drive your audience to action. You got this!

But if you don’t got it:

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.

If you want to really dive into the world of pitch decks, check out our complete collection of pitch deck guidespitch deck outlines and pitch deck examples. Got a pressing issue? Check out our forum and post your questions there.

For more guidance, check out my auto manufacturers pitch deck guide and my pitch deck examples for auto manufacturers business ideas.

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