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17 Slide Industrial Robotics Pitch Deck Template

Presentation and Pitch Expert. Ex Advertising.

$100mill In Funding. Bald Since 2010.

Crafting a pitch deck for an industrial robotics venture can be daunting. You’re faced with the challenge of not only showcasing your innovative product but also capturing the attention and trust of potential investors in a highly competitive market.

Without a well-structured pitch deck, your groundbreaking ideas might not get the recognition they deserve. Generic templates often fall short in conveying the unique aspects of your robotics solution, leaving you struggling to align your presentation with your brand’s vision and potential.

Hey, It’s Viktor, the pitch deck expert, and presentation expert. Over the past 13 years, I’ve helped businesses secure millions of $ in funding thanks to my approach and I’m sharing it here in this pitch deck outline. I also share a lot of my experiences through Linkedin as well. Let’s connect!

This template provides a streamlined, no-nonsense guide to creating an industrial robotics pitch deck. We focus on a tailored template that highlights your product’s strengths and aligns with your brand, ensuring your pitch resonates with investors.

Dive in to discover how to structure your deck for maximum impact and secure the funding your innovation needs to thrive.

Book a free personalized pitch deck consultation and save over 20 hours of your time.

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.


17 Slides Industrial Robotics Pitch Deck Template

Want a similar template for your pitch? Book a call free below to discuss more, or reach out through email.

Write me an email at viktor at viktori.net

Slide 1: Title Slide

  • Company Name: RoboTech Innovations
  • Logo: [Insert high-resolution company logo]
  • Tagline: “Engineering the Future of Industrial Automation”
  • Presenter’s Name and Title: Jane Doe, CEO & Founder
  • Contact Information: [Email, Phone Number, Company Address, Social Media Handles]

Visuals: A sleek, futuristic background with the company’s logo prominently displayed. The tagline is positioned for impact, and the presenter’s details are clear and professional.

Slide 2: Introduction

  • Welcome Statement: “Good morning, I’m Jane Doe, and I’m thrilled to introduce RoboTech Innovations, a pioneer in the industrial robotics landscape.”
  • Mission Statement: “Our mission is to enhance industrial efficiency and safety through cutting-edge robotic solutions.”
  • Overview: “Today, I’ll take you through our journey, the industrial challenges we address, our innovative solutions, and the vast market opportunity ahead of us.”

Visuals: A photo of the team or the product in a dynamic industrial setting. A brief agenda or bullet points of what will be covered in the pitch for clarity.

Slide 3: The Problem

  • Industry Pain Points: “The industrial sector faces significant challenges with manual labor – high costs, safety risks, and inefficiencies.”
  • Limitations of Current Solutions: “Existing automation solutions are often rigid, complex, and lack the adaptability needed for today’s rapidly changing production demands.”
  • Real-world Example: “For instance, in the automotive industry, traditional assembly lines cannot quickly adapt to new car models, leading to downtime and lost revenue.”

Visuals: Graphs or images illustrating the pain points, such as a graph showing rising costs or photos from industrial sites that highlight the problem.

Slide 4: The Solution

  • Our Robotic Solution: “RoboTech Innovations introduces ‘FlexiArm,’ an adaptable, AI-powered robotic arm that revolutionizes assembly lines with its versatility and ease of integration.”
  • Key Features: “FlexiArm features real-time learning capabilities, modular design for easy customization, and intuitive controls accessible to non-technical staff.”
  • Benefits: “With FlexiArm, industries can reduce costs by 30%, improve safety, and increase production efficiency by adapting on-the-fly to new tasks.”

Visuals: A sleek image or rendering of ‘FlexiArm,’ possibly a side-by-side comparison of industrial settings with and without the product. Highlight key features with icons or short bursts of text for easy reading.

Slide 5: Product Demonstration

  • Live Demo Introduction: “Let’s see FlexiArm in action.”
  • Video Demonstration: A video clip showing FlexiArm seamlessly transitioning between tasks on an assembly line.
  • Testimonials: “Here’s what our pilot customers are saying.” (Include short, impactful testimonials from industry leaders who have tested FlexiArm.)
  • Case Studies: “In a recent deployment at an automotive plant, FlexiArm reduced setup times by 50%.”

Visuals: A high-quality video plays center stage, flanked by customer quotes and impactful stats from case studies. The design should be clean to keep the focus on the video content.

Slide 6: Technology

  • Core Technology: “FlexiArm is powered by our proprietary AI, ‘RoboBrain,’ which allows real-time learning and decision-making.”
  • Innovation Highlights: “Our technology is protected by patents and has been recognized by industry awards for its innovation.”
  • R&D Efforts: “We’re continually advancing our technology, with current research focusing on enhancing sensory feedback for even more precise operations.”

Visuals: Diagrams or animations explaining the technology, icons representing patents and awards, and a roadmap graphic for R&D efforts.

Slide 7: Market Analysis

  • Market Size: “The global market for industrial robotics is expected to reach $70 billion by 2028.”
  • Target Segments: “We’re targeting the automotive, aerospace, and electronics sectors, which are the largest adopters of industrial robotics.”
  • Growth Drivers: “Key drivers include the push for automation, Industry 4.0, and the need for flexible production lines.”

Visuals: Infographics showing market size and growth, pie charts of target segments, and icons or images representing growth drivers.

Slide 8: Business Model

  • Revenue Streams: “Our primary revenue comes from direct sales of FlexiArm, complemented by a subscription model for ongoing software updates and support.”
  • Pricing Strategy: “We offer competitive pricing with a tiered model based on the customization and scale of deployment.”
  • Sales Channels: “We sell directly to end-users and through strategic partnerships with industrial equipment suppliers.”

Visuals: A flowchart or graphic illustrating the revenue streams, a pricing table with tiers, and a map showing sales channels and partnerships.

Slide 9: Go-to-Market Strategy

  • Market Entry: “Our initial focus is on the North American automotive industry, where we’ve already established pilot programs.”
  • Marketing Plan: “We will leverage industry trade shows, digital marketing, and direct sales to engage our target market.”
  • Partnerships: “Strategic partnerships with major industrial equipment distributors are underway to expand our reach.”
  • Customer Acquisition: “Our customer acquisition strategy includes offering on-site demonstrations, pilot programs, and competitive financing options.”

Visuals: A timeline of market entry, icons representing marketing channels, logos of potential or existing partners, and a graph showing the planned customer acquisition growth curve.

Slide 10: Competitive Analysis

  • Market Positioning: “FlexiArm stands out for its adaptability and ease of use in a market crowded with more rigid systems.”
  • Competitor Comparison: “Here’s how we stack up against the leading competitors on key features such as adaptability, learning capabilities, and cost.”
  • Our Edge: “Our commitment to R&D has positioned us at the forefront of the next wave of industrial robotics innovation.”

Visuals: A comparison matrix with competitors, highlighting FlexiArm’s advantages, and a visual representation of the product’s unique selling points.

Slide 11: Traction

  • Milestones Achieved: “Since our inception, we’ve secured 3 patents, completed 10 successful pilot programs, and have 5 production contracts in negotiation.”
  • User Feedback: “Our pilot users report a 40% increase in production efficiency and a significant reduction in downtime.”
  • Growth Metrics: “We’ve seen a month-over-month growth in inquiries and a rapidly expanding sales pipeline.”

Visuals: A timeline or milestone tracker, quotes from user feedback, and charts showing growth metrics and sales pipeline expansion.

Slide 12: Financials

  • Revenue Projections: “Based on our current contracts and pipeline, we project $5M in revenue in Year 1, growing to $30M by Year 3.”
  • Profit and Loss Statement: “Here’s a snapshot of our projected P&L, showing a path to profitability within the first 18 months.”
  • Cash Flow Forecast: “Our cash flow forecast demonstrates the sustainability of our business model, with reinvestment in R&D and market expansion.”

Visuals: Bar graphs or line charts for revenue projections, a simplified P&L statement, and a cash flow forecast graph. The visuals should be clear and easy to interpret at a glance.

Slide 13: The Team

  • Leadership Profiles: “Meet the innovators behind RoboTech Innovations. Our leadership team combines decades of experience in robotics, AI, and industrial engineering.”
  • Founder’s Story: “Our CEO, Jane Doe, brings her expertise from leading engineering teams at major tech firms and her passion for robotics innovation.”
  • Team Strengths: “Our team’s strengths lie in a deep understanding of robotics technology, a track record in scaling tech startups, and a shared vision for the future of industrial automation.”
  • Advisory Board: “Supporting our journey is an advisory board comprised of industry veterans, tech entrepreneurs, and academic leaders in robotics research.”

Visuals: Professional headshots of the team members, brief bio highlights, and logos of previous companies or institutions associated with them.

Slide 14: Funding Request

  • Investment Sought: “We are seeking $10 million in Series A funding to accelerate our go-to-market strategy and further our R&D efforts.”
  • Use of Funds: “The investment will be allocated as follows: 40% for product development, 30% for market expansion, 20% for building our team, and 10% for operational reserves.”
  • Investment Terms: “We’re offering an equity stake at a valuation that reflects our potential market share and the scalability of our technology.”

Visuals: Pie chart showing the use of funds, a valuation table, and potential equity distribution.

Slide 15: The Ask

  • Call to Action: “Join us in shaping the future of industrial automation by investing in RoboTech Innovations. Let’s build a smarter, safer, and more efficient industrial world together.”
  • Contact Information: “For more details and to discuss this investment opportunity, please reach out to us at [contact details].”
  • Next Steps: “We invite you to visit our facilities, meet our team, and see FlexiArm in action.”

Visuals: A bold and clear call to action, contact details designed for easy note-taking, and an inviting image of the company’s facilities or team.

Slide 16: Q&A

  • Invitation for Questions: “We welcome your questions and are ready to provide further insights into RoboTech Innovations.”
  • Anticipated Questions: “To start, here are some questions we frequently encounter…” (List 2-3 anticipated questions with concise answers.)
  • Further Discussion: “We are open for a deeper dive into any specific areas of interest to our potential investors.”

Visuals: A simple, clean slide with an open-ended question graphic, providing a comfortable space for dialogue.

Slide 17: Closing Slide

  • Thank You: “Thank you for considering an investment in RoboTech Innovations. We are committed to leading the charge in industrial robotics and appreciate your time and interest.”
  • Vision Recap: “With FlexiArm, we’re not just creating robots; we’re crafting the future of industrial operations. Be a part of this transformative journey.”
  • Final Call to Action: “Let’s connect and discuss how we can collaborate to achieve mutual success.”

Visuals: A memorable closing image that encapsulates the company’s vision, perhaps a collage of industrial robots in various settings, with contact information subtly included.


In conclusion, mastering the art of creating an impactful industrial robotics pitch deck is a vital step towards turning your visionary ideas into reality.

By focusing on a structured, brand-aligned presentation, you can effectively communicate the value and potential of your robotics solutions to investors. Remember, a well-crafted pitch deck is more than just a presentation; it’s a storytelling tool that can captivate, convince, and convert.

With the structure outlined in this template, you’re now equipped to create a pitch deck that not only showcases your innovation but also sets the stage for your success in the dynamic world of industrial robotics.

You got this.

But if you don’t got it:

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.

If you want to really dive into the world of pitch decks, check out our complete collection of pitch deck guides, pitch deck outlines and pitch deck examples.

For more guidance, check out my industrial robotics pitch deck guide and my industrial robotics pitch deck examples article.

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