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9 Slides TV Show Pitch Deck For Your Next Emmy Show

Presentation and Pitch Expert. Ex Advertising.

$100mill In Funding. Bald Since 2010.

In the kaleidoscopic realm of television, where stories unfold and worlds are constructed, there lies an untapped reservoir of tales yet to be told and universes yet to be explored.

A TV show does not merely flicker to life when it airs on screens; it is born much earlier, in the meticulous crafting of a pitch deck that manages to encapsulate its essence, potential, and promise.

Hey. I’m Viktor, a pitch deck expert, creative strategist and burger lover. Over the past 13 years I’ve helped clients like award winning tv show directors like Jon Sumple, Emmy award winner Eric Longs, and actor Austen Jaye, raise millions, and win pitches, with my unique approach to creating pitch decks.

This TV show pitch deck outline seeks to demystify the realms of crafting a compelling TV show pitch deck, orchestrating a path that navigates through the intricacies of concept formulation, character development, plot articulation, and strategic positioning in an ever-competitive marketplace.

Whether your concept is a seed awaiting nurture or a bud ready to blossom, this outline aims to provide the nourishment needed to elevate your idea from script to screen, ensuring that your narrative does not merely echo in boardrooms but reverberates through households across the world.

Book a free personalized pitch deck consultation and save over 20 hours of your time.

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.


TV Show Pitch Deck Template

Want a similar template for your pitch? Book a call free below to discuss more, or reach out through email.

Write me an email at viktor at viktori.net

Cover Slide

  • Title of the TV series: This should be prominently displayed, preferably in bold and larger font size. The title should capture the essence of your show and be memorable.
  • Your name and contact information: Clearly mention your name, role (e.g., Creator, Writer, Producer), email address, and phone number. If you have a co-creator or a team, include their names and roles as well.
  • Compelling Image: Choose an image that encapsulates the mood, tone, and essence of your show. This could be a concept art, a key scene, or even a symbolic representation. Ensure the image is of high quality and evokes curiosity.


  • Synopsis
    • Brief Overview: This is where you expand on the logline, providing a more detailed overview of the show’s concept. Discuss the setting, introduce the main characters, and set up the primary conflicts.
    • Example: “Set in the eerie town of Hollow Creek, ‘Shadows of the Past’ follows Detective Anna, who, after facing a traumatic event in the city, returns to her childhood home. As she delves into a 20-year-old unsolved case of a missing child, she unravels secrets that many in the town wanted to remain buried. With each revelation, Anna confronts her own demons and the shadowy figures of her past.”

Target Audience

  • Episode Breakdown
    • Pilot Episode Outline: Provide a detailed summary of the pilot episode, introducing the main characters, setting the tone, and establishing the primary conflict.
      • Example: “In the pilot, Detective Anna returns to Hollow Creek after a traumatic event in the city. She’s immediately confronted by the ghost of an unsolved case from her youth—a missing child. As she begins her investigation, she faces resistance from the town’s residents, hinting at a deeper conspiracy.”
    • Future Episodes: Give brief summaries of potential future episodes, showcasing the arc of the season and how the story progresses.
      • Example: “Episode 2: Anna discovers a clue linking the missing child to a local businessman. Episode 3: A surprise witness comes forward, but can they be trusted? Episode 4: Anna’s past intertwines with the case as she recalls a forgotten memory.”

Main Characters

  • Setting & World Building
    • Primary Locations: Describe the main settings where the story unfolds.
      • Example: “Hollow Creek: A picturesque small town with a dark underbelly. Key locations include Anna’s childhood home, the local police station, and the mysterious woods where many secrets are buried.”
    • Atmosphere & Culture: If relevant, especially for fantasy or sci-fi series, provide details about the world’s rules, traditions, politics, magic systems, technology, etc.
      • Example: “While Hollow Creek seems idyllic on the surface, there’s a palpable tension among its residents. Old superstitions about the woods persist, and there are whispers of a secret society that protects the town’s darkest secrets.”
  • Tone & Style
    • Mood of the Show: Clearly define the show’s atmosphere. Is it dark, comedic, dramatic, etc.?
      • Example: “‘Shadows of the Past’ is a dark, atmospheric psychological thriller with elements of mystery and drama. The tone is suspenseful, with moments of introspection and emotional depth.”
    • Visual & Aesthetic References: Include visual references or mood boards to convey the desired look and feel of the show. This could be in the form of images from similar shows, movies, paintings, or any visual that captures the intended style.
      • Example: “Visually, the series draws inspiration from shows like ‘True Detective’ and ‘Broadchurch’, with its moody cinematography, muted color palette, and emphasis on landscape to reflect the characters’ inner turmoil.”
  • Unique Selling Points (USPs)
    • Differentiators: Highlight what sets your show apart from others in the same genre or market.
      • Example: “While there are many crime dramas, ‘Shadows of the Past’ delves deep into the psychological impact of childhood trauma, intertwining personal redemption with the pursuit of justice. The series also explores the duality of small-town life—the picturesque facade versus the hidden darkness.”
    • Innovative Elements: Mention any unique narrative techniques, character dynamics, or themes that haven’t been explored extensively in other shows.
      • Example: “Our series introduces elements of local folklore and superstitions, blending the lines between reality and the supernatural, making viewers question what’s real and what’s a manifestation of the town’s collective guilt.”

Potential for Merchandising & Spin-offs

  • Merchandise Opportunities: Discuss any tangible products that could be derived from the show.
    • Example: “Given the rich lore of Hollow Creek, there’s potential for novels expanding on the town’s history, collectible items based on key series symbols, and even a detective board game inspired by Anna’s investigations.”
  • Spin-off Ideas: If there are characters or subplots that could be expanded into their own series or movies, mention them.
    • Example: “A spin-off could explore the earlier days of Hollow Creek, focusing on the origins of the town’s superstitions and the foundation of the secret society.”

Market & Competition

  • Similar Shows: List shows that are similar in tone, theme, or genre, and discuss how yours stands out.
    • Example: “While ‘Broadchurch’ and ‘Twin Peaks’ explore small-town mysteries, ‘Shadows of the Past’ differentiates itself with its deep psychological exploration and the blending of crime drama with elements of supernatural folklore.”
  • Market Trends: Highlight any current trends in the TV industry that your show aligns with or capitalizes on.
    • Example: “With the rising popularity of series that blend genres, like the mix of horror and drama in ‘The Haunting of Hill House’, our show taps into the audience’s desire for multifaceted narratives that challenge traditional genre boundaries.”

Budget & Production Requirements

  • Budget Estimate: Provide a rough estimate of the budget required for the pilot and subsequent episodes. Break it down into categories like casting, location, post-production, etc., if possible.
    • Example: “Estimated budget for the pilot: $2 million, which includes casting, location scouting in authentic small towns, special effects for supernatural elements, and post-production.”
  • Special Requirements: Mention any unique needs, such as specific filming locations, CGI, stunts, or specialized equipment.
    • Example: “The series requires on-location filming in a town with dense woods, a few scenes with advanced CGI for supernatural manifestations, and specialized camera equipment for certain atmospheric shots.”

Team & Credentials

  • Introduction: Present yourself and any other key team members involved in the project.
    • Example: “Jane Doe: Creator and Writer – With a background in psychological thrillers, Jane has previously written for shows like ‘Mystic River’ and ‘Hidden Shadows’.”
  • Relevant Experience: Highlight any significant achievements, awards, or past successes in the industry that would boost confidence in your project.
    • Example: “John Smith: Co-producer – John has over a decade of experience in TV production, having worked on hit series like ‘River’s Edge’ and ‘Dark Town’. He brings a wealth of industry knowledge and connections to the table.”
  • Collaborations: If you’ve secured or are in talks with any notable actors, directors, or other industry professionals, mention them.
    • Example: “We’re in preliminary discussions with Director Alan Brown, known for his work on ‘Twilight Streets’, to helm the pilot episode.”
  • Testimonials & Support
  • Feedback: Share any positive feedback or endorsements you’ve received from industry professionals, script readers, or pilot testers.
    • Example: “The script for ‘Shadows of the Past’ is a masterclass in suspense and character development. It’s one of the most promising pilots I’ve read this year.” – Laura White, Script Consultant.
  • Letters of Intent: If you’ve received any commitments or letters of intent from actors, producers, or networks, highlight them here.
    • Example: “Actress Emily Clarke has expressed strong interest in the lead role of Detective Anna, pending final negotiations.”

Closing Slide

  • Thank You & Call to Action: Express gratitude for the opportunity to present and encourage further discussion or action.
    • Example: “Thank you for considering ‘Shadows of the Past’. We believe this series has the potential to captivate audiences worldwide. Let’s bring this story to life together!”
  • Contact Details: Reiterate your contact information for easy reference.
    • Example: “Jane Doe – Creator & Writer | Email: [email protected] | Phone: (123) 456-7890”


Crafting a narrative that echoes through the hearts and minds of viewers begins with a pitch deck that marries the soul and sinew of storytelling with the compelling allure of potential and possibility.

This guide has aimed to sculpt a pathway through the labyrinth of pitch deck creation, enabling your story to leap from pages to production, illuminating screens and igniting imaginations.

Your story awaits its stage; let the journey from pitch to premiere begin.

You got this.

But if you don’t got it:

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.

If you want to really dive into the world of pitch decks, check out our complete collection of pitch deck guides, pitch deck outlines and pitch deck examples.

Want more guidance? Check out my indepth tv show pitch deck guide where I show you exactly how to build a tv show deck, step by step.

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