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Hormone Therapy Pitch Deck Case Study For Harmon Health

Presentation and Pitch Expert. Ex Advertising.

$100mill In Funding. Bald Since 2010.

The Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) market is experiencing significant growth, driven by increasing awareness of hormone health’s impact on aging and quality of life.

As of 2023, the global hormone replacement therapy market is valued at approximately $9.1 billion, with projections to reach $10.10 billion by 2030. This growth is fueled by a rise in the aging population and a greater focus on personalized healthcare solutions.

The UK market alone contributes around $189 million, highlighting the lucrative opportunities for raising funding within this sector​​.

Harmon Health pitch deck case study slide samples

The Problem


Harmon Health needed a visually compelling pitch deck that could effectively communicate its innovative approach to potential investors. The previous design was cluttered and failed to capture the sleek, tech-driven nature of Harmon’s service.


The existing text lacked clarity and failed to convey the complex benefits of Harmon’s personalized hormone therapy. It needed a concise, persuasive narrative to highlight the unique selling points effectively.


There was a lack of comprehensive market analysis and data to support the business’s potential growth. The existing pitch did not convincingly present the market opportunities or the competitive advantage of Harmon Health.


The storyline of the pitch deck was disjointed, making it difficult for investors to understand Harmon’s journey, mission, and future plans. A cohesive narrative that guided the reader through Harmon’s value proposition was missing.


The financial projections were either overly simplistic or too complex, lacking a clear explanation of revenue models, market penetration strategies, and long-term financial health.

Our Approach and Solution


We redesigned the pitch deck to reflect Harmon’s modern, tech-forward brand. This included a clean, minimalistic layout with consistent color schemes and typography. Specific examples include:

  • Utilizing visuals that replicate the UX/UI of Harmon’s app to give investors a feel of the product experience.
  • Incorporating high-quality images and infographics to illustrate the customer journey and business model.


Our team crafted compelling copy that clearly articulated Harmon’s mission, benefits, and market position. Specific examples include:

  • Simplifying complex medical jargon into easily understandable language.
  • Highlighting key benefits with bullet points for quick readability.


We conducted extensive market research to provide robust data supporting Harmon’s business model. Specific examples include:

  • Detailed market size statistics and growth projections.
  • Competitor analysis showcasing Harmon’s unique value proposition.


We structured the pitch deck to tell a cohesive story from problem identification to solution, market opportunity, and financial outlook. Specific examples include:

  • Starting with a strong introduction about the problem of hormone health management.
  • Seamlessly transitioning into Harmon’s innovative solution and its benefits for both patients and healthcare providers.


Our financial experts developed clear, detailed financial projections that included revenue models, cost structures, and profitability timelines. Specific examples include:

  • Visual financial charts illustrating projected growth in membership and revenue.
  • Clear explanations of the high lifetime value (LTV) and retention rates of Harmon’s customers.

Overview of the Work Done


  • Created a sleek, user-friendly design that mirrored Harmon’s app interface.
  • Used high-resolution images and infographics to enhance visual appeal and clarity.


  • Developed engaging, straightforward text that highlighted Harmon’s benefits and market potential.
  • Structured content to flow logically, making it easy for investors to follow the narrative.


  • Integrated comprehensive market data, including market size, growth projections, and competitive analysis.
  • Supported claims with reliable sources and statistics to build credibility.


  • Crafted a compelling story that aligned with Harmon’s mission and vision.
  • Ensured each slide contributed to a clear, cohesive message about Harmon’s value proposition.


  • Presented detailed financial models with clear assumptions and projections.
  • Visualized financial data through charts and graphs for better understanding.


  • Highlighted Harmon’s strategic approach to market entry and growth, including targeted customer segments and marketing strategies.
  • Explained the unique benefits of Harmon’s subscription model and automated processes.

By providing a comprehensive solution that included design, copy, research, narrative, financials, and strategy, we positioned Harmon Health to effectively attract investors and secure the necessary funding to advance their innovative hormone health platform.

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For more guidance, check out my biotech pitch deck guide, medical pitch deck guide, or check out the forums if you have any questions for us!

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