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Empowering Alpha International: Crafting a Food Producer Pitch Deck Case Study

Presentation and Pitch Expert. Ex Advertising.

$100mill In Funding. Bald Since 2010.

The processed egg industry, particularly within the HoReCa (Hotels, Restaurants, Cafes) and industrial food manufacturing sectors, is burgeoning. The global egg processing market is expected to grow from USD 27.5 billion in 2021 to USD 32.2 billion by 2026, at a CAGR of 3.2%. This growth is driven by increasing demand for convenient, high-quality egg products in various forms such as liquid, frozen, and powdered eggs, which cater to diverse culinary and industrial applications.

The Problem: Pitch Deck Development Challenges

Design: Alpha International’s original pitch deck lacked visual appeal and professional polish, making it hard to capture the interest of potential investors.

Copy: The messaging was unclear and lacked the punch needed to highlight Alpha’s unique value proposition effectively.

Research: Insufficient market research data was included, leading to a weak presentation of the market potential and competitive landscape.

Narrative: The storyline was disjointed, failing to weave together Alpha’s mission, market opportunity, and strategic vision into a compelling narrative.

Financials: The financial projections were not presented in a clear, concise, and investor-friendly manner, making it difficult for investors to see the potential return on investment.

Strategy: The go-to-market strategy and long-term plans were not well-articulated, leaving investors uncertain about the company’s growth trajectory.

Our Approach and Solution

Design: We revamped the design to create a sleek, modern look using high-quality graphics, cohesive color schemes, and clear typography to enhance readability and engagement.

Copy: The content was rewritten to be concise, compelling, and reflective of Alpha’s industry leadership and innovative capabilities.

Research: We incorporated comprehensive market research, showcasing the lucrative opportunities within the processed egg market with relevant statistics and trends.

Narrative: A strong, cohesive storyline was developed to connect Alpha’s vision, market need, and strategic execution, making the pitch more compelling.

Financials: Financial data was reorganized into clear, visually appealing charts and tables, highlighting key metrics and growth projections.

Strategy: The strategy section was expanded to detail Alpha’s go-to-market plans, competitive advantages, and long-term growth prospects.

Overview of the Work Done


  • Example: Replaced outdated slides with a modern template featuring high-resolution images of Alpha’s products and state-of-the-art facilities.
  • Outcome: Enhanced visual appeal, making the deck more engaging and professional.


  • Example: Original copy: “We are a premier processed egg manufacturer.” Revised copy: “Alpha International leads the processed egg industry with unparalleled quality and innovative solutions tailored to the HoReCa sector.”
  • Outcome: Clearer messaging that effectively communicated Alpha’s unique selling points.


  • Example: Added data on the market size in KSA, including the SAR 600 million valuation and 60,000-ton liquid egg demand, alongside global market growth projections.
  • Outcome: Strengthened the pitch with solid evidence of market demand and growth potential.


  • Example: Structured the presentation to start with Alpha’s vision, followed by market analysis, product benefits, and ending with financial projections and strategic plans.
  • Outcome: Created a compelling narrative flow that kept investors engaged throughout the presentation.


  • Example: Transformed raw financial data into clear charts showing optimistic and conservative revenue projections, capacity growth, and net income margins.
  • Outcome: Made financial information more accessible and attractive to investors.


  • Example: Detailed phases of market entry, from local market penetration to expanding production lines and introducing retail packaging.
  • Outcome: Provided a clear, strategic roadmap that demonstrated Alpha’s growth potential and readiness to scale.


This case study illustrates the comprehensive approach taken to develop Alpha International’s pitch deck. By addressing design, copy, research, narrative, financials, and strategy, we created a robust, investor-ready presentation that effectively communicated Alpha’s potential, leading to a stronger market position and increased investor confidence. This showcases our capability to handle all aspects of pitch deck development, setting us apart as a premium service provider capable of delivering high-quality results across any industry.

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

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The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.

For more guidance, check out my manufacturing pitch deck guide or check out the forums if you have any questions for us!

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