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Fintech Fund Pitch Deck Case Study to Secure Lucrative Venture Capital Funding

Presentation and Pitch Expert. Ex Advertising.

$100mill In Funding. Bald Since 2010.

The venture capital (VC) industry is a cornerstone of the startup ecosystem, particularly within the fintech sector. In 2019, global VC investments in fintech reached an all-time high, with $24.6 billion raised by Q3 alone. Southeast Asia, China, and India are notable hubs, each seeing substantial deal flow and record-breaking funding rounds. With fintech adoption rates climbing, especially in mobile payments and digital banking, the sector offers immense potential for high returns, making it an attractive target for investors​​.

fintech fund pitch deck slides samples

The Client’s Challenges

Fint Ventures, an early-stage VC fund focusing on fintech, faced several challenges in developing a pitch deck that could effectively communicate their value proposition and attract substantial investments. The specific issues included:

  1. Design: Their existing materials were visually unappealing and lacked a professional touch, making it difficult to capture and retain investor interest.
  2. Copy: The narrative was inconsistent, with unclear messaging that failed to succinctly convey their mission and competitive edge.
  3. Research: The market data was outdated and insufficiently detailed, undermining the credibility of their investment thesis.
  4. Narrative: There was no coherent storyline to guide potential investors through the deck, leading to confusion about Fint Ventures’ unique position and strategy.
  5. Financials: The financial projections were either missing or poorly presented, making it hard for investors to gauge potential returns.
  6. Strategy: The overall strategy was not clearly outlined, with a lack of detail on how they planned to achieve their investment goals.

Our Approach and Solution

To address these challenges, our approach was comprehensive and tailored, focusing on enhancing every aspect of the pitch deck:

  1. Design: We revamped the entire visual layout to create a sleek, modern design that would captivate investors. This included a cohesive color scheme, professional typography, and high-quality graphics.
  2. Copy: Our team refined the narrative, ensuring that each slide communicated a clear and compelling message about Fint Ventures’ vision, mission, and market positioning.
  3. Research: We conducted thorough market research to provide up-to-date and relevant data, bolstering the credibility of the pitch with compelling statistics and trends.
  4. Narrative: We crafted a coherent storyline that flowed logically from problem identification to solution, demonstrating Fint Ventures’ unique value proposition and strategic approach.
  5. Financials: Detailed and visually appealing financial projections were developed, including clear charts and graphs to illustrate potential returns and financial health.
  6. Strategy: A detailed strategy section was included, outlining specific steps Fint Ventures would take to achieve their investment goals, supported by robust market analysis and strategic planning.

Overview of the Work Done


  • We created a modern, visually appealing deck using a clean layout, professional typography, and a cohesive color scheme. Specific examples include the use of high-quality graphics to depict market trends and financial projections.


  • Refined the text to ensure clarity and impact. For instance, the “About Us” section was rewritten to succinctly describe Fint Ventures’ focus on fintech and their investment strategy.


  • Conducted extensive market research to include up-to-date statistics and industry trends. An example is the inclusion of data on global VC investments in fintech and regional market insights from Southeast Asia, China, and India.


  • Developed a clear and engaging storyline that guided investors through Fint Ventures’ unique value proposition. This included a logical flow from market opportunity to Fint Ventures’ strategic approach.


  • Enhanced the financial section with detailed projections and visually engaging charts, such as potential ROI calculations and funding milestones.


  • Detailed the strategic plan with specific goals and timelines. For example, outlining the target of investing in 10-15 companies with multi-billion dollar opportunities per portfolio.

By taking care of every aspect of the pitch deck development, from design to strategy, we positioned Fint Ventures as a premium opportunity for investors, demonstrating our capability to deliver comprehensive and highly effective pitch decks regardless of the industry’s specificity.

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.

For more guidance, check out my fintech pitch deck guide or check out the forums if you have any questions for us!

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