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Electric RV Pitch Deck Case Study: Driving Investment For AC Future & Pininfarina

Presentation and Pitch Expert. Ex Advertising.

$100mill In Funding. Bald Since 2010.

Ever wondered why some startups zoom past the competition while others can barely get off the starting line? Hint: It’s not just about having a groundbreaking idea—it’s about how you present it. Hi, I’m Viktor, your behind-the-scenes maestro in transforming so-so presentations into pitch decks that pack a punch.

You might say I’ve got a knack for turning complex concepts into compelling stories. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a good story? Especially when it’s about paving the way for a more sustainable future with electric RVs, right?

Over the years, I’ve fine-tuned my approach to ensure every slide, every statistic, and every statement in your pitch deck drives your message home. Whether it’s about snagging investors or dazzling at a demo day, I’m here to make sure your pitch not only sings but also resonates.

So, buckle up as we dive into this case study of AC Future, where we shifted gears to not just participate but dominate in the electric RV market. Let’s get rolling!

ac future, a luxury electric RV pitch deck slides mockup

Quick Overview of the Electric RV Industry

The Electric RV industry is fast emerging as a lucrative segment within the broader automotive market, driven by growing consumer interest in sustainable and innovative travel solutions. As environmental concerns and advancements in technology drive demand, this sector presents significant opportunities for investors, especially with the increasing governmental support and incentives for eco-friendly vehicles.

The Problem

AC Future approached us with several challenges that hindered their ability to effectively attract investors:

  • Design: Their existing pitch deck was visually unappealing and failed to capture the essence of their innovative products.
  • Copy: The language used was too technical, lacking persuasive power and clarity.
  • Research: Insufficient market and competitive analysis, leading to a weak justification of the market opportunity.
  • Narrative: The storytelling was disjointed, making it difficult for potential investors to connect with the brand’s mission.
  • Financials: The financial projections were not clearly articulated, missing critical data that would build investor confidence.
  • Strategy: There was no clear go-to-market strategy, leaving doubts about the feasibility of their business model.

Our Approach and Solution

To address these issues, we undertook a holistic approach:

  • Design: Revamped the entire design layout to be more engaging and reflective of AC Future’s innovative brand, incorporating dynamic visuals and a cohesive color scheme.
  • Copy: Rewrote the pitch deck with compelling, clear language tailored to resonate with both seasoned investors and industry newcomers.
  • Research: Conducted extensive industry analysis to bolster the pitch deck with robust data on market trends, competitive landscape, and growth potential.
  • Narrative: Crafted a compelling story that clearly outlined AC Future’s journey, mission, and impact, enhancing emotional engagement with potential investors.
  • Financials: Developed detailed, transparent financial models that clearly outlined the investment opportunity, expected returns, and use of funds.
  • Strategy: Formulated a clear, executable go-to-market strategy demonstrating how AC Future plans to capture and grow market share.


  • Original: We revamped the visual presentation to be sleek and aligned with AC Future’s futuristic brand identity.
  • Example: Implemented a modern, engaging design featuring dynamic animations that demonstrate the eTH’s transformation capabilities, using high-quality images and a color scheme that reflects energy and innovation.


  • Original: Refined the language to ensure it was compelling, clear, and persuasive.
  • Example: Developed clear, engaging text that simplifies technical descriptions of the eTH’s features while highlighting the environmental benefits and cutting-edge technology, making it accessible and attractive to potential investors.


  • Original: Conducted extensive industry analysis to provide robust data supporting the market opportunity and competitive landscape.
  • Example: Integrated market growth statistics, competitor analysis, and consumer trends from reputable industry sources to establish AC Future’s market position and growth potential within the electric RV industry.


  • Original: Crafted a compelling story that clearly articulated AC Future’s mission, innovation, and the impact of their offerings.
  • Example: Wove a narrative that began with the founder’s inspiration derived from a personal experience, linking it to the company’s mission to revolutionize RV travel with sustainability, which resonated well with the environmental trends and investor interests.


  • Original: Developed clear, detailed financial models to highlight investment returns and financial strategy.
  • Example: Created detailed projections including revenue forecasts, break-even analysis, and expected ROI based on market analysis, pricing strategy, and anticipated sales volumes, presented in easy-to-understand charts and graphs.


  • Original: Outlined a clear, detailed go-to-market strategy that demonstrated how AC Future plans to capture and grow their market share.
  • Example: Developed a phased market entry plan starting with targeted launches in eco-friendly states, followed by scaling to national and international markets, supported by strategic partnerships with major automotive and tech companies to enhance distribution and visibility.

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.

For more guidance, check out my electric vehicle deck guide or check out the forums if you have any questions for us!

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