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17 Slide Online Course Pitch Deck Template

Presentation and Pitch Expert. Ex Advertising.

$100mill In Funding. Bald Since 2010.

Ready to pitch that fantastic online course idea of yours?

Before you jump in, let’s make sure you’ve got all the essentials covered.

Sup. It’s Viktor, your pitch deck expert, presentation expert. I’ve been a pitch deck expert for the past 13 years and helped clients raise millions with my unique approach to creating pitch decks.

Here’s a no-nonsense template for an online course pitch deck. A touch of humor might sneak in, but only where it counts. Let’s dive in!

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Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.


Online Course Pitch Deck Template

Want a similar template for your pitch? Book a call free below to discuss more, or reach out through email.

Write me an email at viktor at viktori.net

1. Cover Slide:

Title: “MasterMind Courses”

Image: A captivating high-resolution image of a diverse group of students engaged in online learning, with laptops and tablets in front of them.

Tagline: “Empowering Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age.”

2. Introduction:

Title: “Welcome to MasterMind Courses”


  • “At MasterMind, we believe in the transformative power of education. Our platform offers a diverse range of courses tailored for the modern learner – from professionals seeking skill upgrades to enthusiasts exploring new hobbies.”

Image: A montage of course thumbnails showcasing the variety – coding, cooking, digital marketing, yoga, etc.

3. Problem Statement:

Title: “The Learning Gap in the Digital Era”


  • “The digital age has revolutionized how we work, play, and communicate. Yet, traditional educational systems often lag, unable to offer the flexibility, diversity, and immediacy today’s learners seek.”


  • A split image: On one side, a frustrated student with a pile of books and a clock showing late hours. On the other, a professional looking at a computer screen, appearing overwhelmed.

4. Solution:

Title: “MasterMind’s Modern Learning Solution”


  • “MasterMind bridges the learning gap. Our platform offers:
    • Flexibility: Learn at your own pace, anytime, anywhere.
    • Diversity: Courses across a wide range of subjects, from tech to arts.
    • Immediacy: Instant access to courses, with real-time feedback and support.”


  • Three icons representing each feature (a flexible ruler for Flexibility, a color palette for Diversity, and a lightning bolt for Immediacy) with short animations for each.

These slides provide a strong introduction to the pitch deck, setting the stage for deeper dives into the platform’s features, benefits, and potential. Remember, visuals play a crucial role in making the content engaging and memorable. If you’d like to proceed with the next slides or need any adjustments, please let me know!

Continuing from where we left off, let’s delve into the next four slides:

5. Course Content & Curriculum:

Title: “Diverse & Dynamic Learning Paths”


  • “MasterMind’s curriculum is crafted by industry experts, ensuring relevance and rigor. From bite-sized modules for quick learning to comprehensive masterclasses, we cater to all learning appetites.”


  • A flowchart showcasing the course structure: “Introduction” leading to “Core Modules” branching out to “Specialized Tracks” and culminating in “Certification.”

6. Target Audience:

Title: “Who Benefits from MasterMind?”


  • “Our courses are designed for:
    • Professionals: Upgrading skills or transitioning careers.
    • Students: Complementing formal education with practical knowledge.
    • Hobbyists: Exploring new passions and interests.
    • Enterprises: Upskilling teams for business growth.”


  • Four icons representing each segment: A briefcase for Professionals, a graduation cap for Students, a paintbrush for Hobbyists, and a skyscraper for Enterprises.

7. Competitive Landscape:

Title: “Standing Out in the E-Learning Arena”


  • “While the e-learning space is bustling, MasterMind’s unique value propositions set us apart:
    • Personalized Learning Paths: AI-driven recommendations tailored to individual goals.
    • Community Engagement: Forums, webinars, and collaborative projects to foster networking.
    • Hands-on Support: Dedicated mentors and 24/7 tech support.”


  • A bar chart comparing MasterMind to three competitors across parameters like “Course Diversity,” “User Engagement,” and “Support.”

8. Business Model & Monetization:

Title: “Sustainable & Scalable Growth”


  • “MasterMind adopts a multi-pronged monetization strategy:
    • Subscription Plans: Monthly, quarterly, and annual access to premium content.
    • One-off Purchases: For specialized masterclasses or exclusive content.
    • Enterprise Packages: Customized training solutions for businesses.
    • Affiliate Marketing: Collaborations with industry tools and platforms.”


  • A pie chart showcasing revenue distribution across the four monetization streams.

These slides delve deeper into the platform’s offerings, target audience, and business model, providing potential investors with a comprehensive understanding of the venture’s potential and value. If you’d like to continue with the subsequent slides or need any modifications, please let me know!

Certainly! Let’s continue with the next set of slides:

9. Marketing & User Acquisition:

Title: “Spreading the Word: Our Growth Strategy”


  • “MasterMind employs a multi-channel approach to reach and engage potential learners:
    • Content Marketing: Regular blogs, webinars, and e-books to establish thought leadership.
    • Social Media: Engaging posts, ads, and collaborations on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.
    • Affiliate Partnerships: Collaborations with influencers and industry leaders.
    • Referral Programs: Incentives for users to bring in their peers.”


  • A funnel graphic showing the journey from “Awareness” to “Conversion,” with icons representing each marketing channel feeding into the funnel.

10. Technology & Platform:

Title: “Tech-Powered Learning”


  • “MasterMind’s platform is built on cutting-edge technology, ensuring a seamless learning experience:
    • Cloud-Based: Accessible anytime, anywhere.
    • AI-Driven Recommendations: Personalized course suggestions.
    • Interactive Features: Quizzes, peer reviews, and live sessions.
    • Mobile-Optimized: Learn on-the-go with our mobile app.”


  • A schematic of a laptop, tablet, and smartphone displaying the MasterMind interface, with tech icons (cloud, AI chip, interactive elements) around them.

11. Testimonials & Success Stories:

Title: “Hear It from Our Learners”


  • “Jane Doe, Marketing Professional: ‘MasterMind transformed my career. The courses are top-notch, and the community is invaluable.'”
  • “John Smith, College Student: ‘The practical insights I gained on MasterMind complemented my formal education perfectly.'”
  • “XYZ Corp.: ‘Our team’s productivity soared after taking MasterMind’s specialized courses.'”


  • Photos of Jane, John, and the XYZ Corp logo, each accompanied by their respective quotes.

12. Financial Projections:

Title: “A Look Ahead: Our Financial Roadmap”


  • “Projected Revenue for Next 3 Years:
    • 2024: $1M
    • 2025: $2.5M
    • 2026: $5M”
  • “Anticipated Growth Factors:
    • Expansion into new markets.
    • Launch of additional courses.
    • Strategic partnerships.”


  • A bar graph showcasing the year-on-year projected revenue growth, with upward-pointing arrows indicating the growth trajectory.

These slides provide insights into MasterMind’s growth strategies, technological backbone, user feedback, and financial outlook. They aim to instill confidence in potential investors about the platform’s potential and future prospects. If you’d like to proceed with the remaining slides or need any adjustments, please let me know!

13. Team:

Title: “The MasterMinds Behind MasterMind”


  • “Meet our passionate and experienced team:
    • Alexa Grey, CEO: Former e-learning consultant with a decade of industry experience.
    • Raj Mehta, CTO: Tech visionary with a background in scalable platform development.
    • Liam O’Connor, CMO: Marketing guru with a knack for user acquisition and brand building.
    • Sophia Wang, Head of Content: Renowned educator with a rich network of industry experts.”


  • Photos of each team member with their respective titles and a brief description.

14. Ask:

Title: “Join Us on Our Journey”


  • “We’re seeking $2M in funding to:
    • Expand our course offerings and onboard more industry experts.
    • Enhance our platform’s tech capabilities.
    • Launch aggressive marketing campaigns targeting global markets.”


  • A pie chart showcasing the allocation of funds across the three main areas.

15. Future Vision:

Title: “MasterMind’s Horizon”


  • “Our vision for the next 5 years:
    • Become the go-to platform for professional upskilling.
    • Expand our user base to over 5 million learners globally.
    • Collaborate with universities and corporations for specialized training programs.
    • Introduce AR and VR-based immersive learning experiences.”


  • A horizon graphic with milestones plotted along the path, leading to a rising sun labeled “Future.”

16. Q&A:

Title: “Your Thoughts Matter”


  • “We’re eager to hear your insights, questions, and suggestions. Let’s collaborate to shape the future of e-learning!”


  • An illustration of a microphone, symbolizing the floor being open for questions, with thought bubbles around it indicating queries and feedback.

These slides delve deeper into the team’s credentials, the funding ask, the platform’s long-term vision, and opening the floor for investor interactions. They’re designed to provide a holistic view of the venture and its future trajectory. If you’d like to proceed with any additional content or require modifications, please let me know!

Certainly! Let’s flesh out the final slide:

17. Thank You & Contact Information:

Title: “Let’s Shape the Future Together”


  • “We deeply appreciate your time and consideration. MasterMind is more than just a platform; it’s a movement to revolutionize e-learning. With your support, we can make quality education accessible to all.”
  • Contact Details:


  • A background image of diverse learners, symbolizing the global community MasterMind aims to serve. Overlayed with the MasterMind logo and contact icons (email, phone, website, LinkedIn).

This slide serves as a warm and inviting conclusion to the pitch deck, leaving potential investors with a positive impression and clear avenues to reach out for further discussions or collaborations.

Wrap up

And there you have it! With this template in hand, you’re all set to craft a pitch deck that’ll make folks sit up and take notice. Remember, it’s all about showcasing your passion and the value of your course. A little chuckle here and there doesn’t hurt, but let’s keep it classy.

Best of luck, and go rock that pitch! You got this.

But if you don’t got it:

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.

If you want to really dive into the world of pitch decks, check out our complete collection of pitch deck guides, pitch deck outlines and pitch deck examples.

Want more guidance? Go back to my online course pitch deck guide or get inspired by some in-depth online course pitch examples.

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