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15 Slide Supply Chain Management Pitch Deck Template

Presentation and Pitch Expert. Ex Advertising.

$100mill In Funding. Bald Since 2010.

Our comprehensive supply chain management pitch deck template is designed to empower businesses like yours. It’s not just a presentation; it’s a roadmap to revolutionizing your supply chain operations.

Imagine possessing a tool that not only streamlines your supply chain processes but also impresses stakeholders with its clarity and effectiveness. Our outline offers this and more, ensuring that every aspect of your supply chain management is covered, from logistics to inventory control, all crafted with expert insights.

Sup. I’m Viktor, a presentation expert, pitch deck expert, and burger lover. For the past 13 years I’ve helped clients raise millions, and win deals, funding and campaigns, with my unique approach to developing presentations. I’m sharing that approach in this pitch deck template guide.

Let’s dive in this template.

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Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.


15 Slides Simple Supply Chain Pitch Deck Template

Want a similar template for your pitch? Book a call free below to discuss more, or reach out through email.

Write me an email at viktor at viktori.net

Slide 1: Cover


  • Logo: Your company logo, ideally in a place that’s easily visible and memorable.
  • Tagline: Craft a succinct and catchy phrase that encapsulates your services. Example: “Optimizing Your Supply Chain, Maximizing Your Profit”
  • Date: Ensure the date of the presentation is clear.
  • Presenter’s Name and Title: E.g., “Presented by [Your Name], Founder & Lead Consultant.”


  • Ensure that this slide is clean and uncluttered. The logo and tagline should be the focal points.

Slide 2: Introduction


  • Who We Are:
    • Brief Introduction: “At [Your Company], we specialize in bespoke Supply Chain Management and Procurement consulting, crafting tailor-made strategies to streamline operations and enhance profitability.”
    • Use visuals: Consider adding a visual that represents your business, such as an optimized supply chain diagram or a relevant icon.
  • Our Mission:
    • Statement: “To empower businesses with robust, intelligent, and sustainable supply chain and procurement strategies, driving operational efficiency and fostering growth.”
  • Our Vision:
    • Statement: “Leading a future where businesses, large and small, operate with optimized supply chains, ensuring sustainability, reducing waste, and maximizing value across all operations.”
    • Visual: Integrate an uplifting image or graphic that can represent growth or a positive future outlook.


  • Use concise and impactful language that communicates confidence and expertise.
  • Visual elements should complement and not overpower the text.

Slide 3: The Challenge


  • Market Problem:
    • Definition: Discuss the prevalent issues in detail, for instance, “Companies across sectors grapple with challenges like supply chain disruptions, escalated costs, regulatory compliance, and technological integration in their procurement processes.”
    • Use impactful statistics or data points that highlight the severity or prevalence of the issues.
    • Visuals: Consider using charts or graphs to depict data and issues visually.
  • Impact:
    • Explanation: “These challenges not only stifle the seamless operation of supply chains but also impede financial performance, customer satisfaction, and scalability of businesses in a competitive market.”
    • Provide a brief real-world example or a short case snippet that illustrates the adverse impacts of these challenges.

Slide 4: Our Solution


  • Service Overview:
    • Bullet Points: Summarize key services like “Strategic Sourcing, Supplier Management, Procurement Transformation, Risk Management, etc.”
    • Visuals: Use imagery or icons related to solutions, like graphs showing improvement, a simplified workflow diagram, or related infographics.
  • Benefits:
    • Bullet Points: Highlight benefits such as “Cost Reduction, Enhanced Efficiency, Minimized Risks, Improved Supplier Relationships, etc.”
    • Visuals: Consider using comparative visuals illustrating before-and-after scenarios when your solutions are implemented.
  • Differentiation:
    • Text: Mention what makes you stand out, such as “Our AI-driven analytics, personalized approach, global market insights, or sustainable procurement strategies…”
    • Visuals: Showcase logos of any proprietary technology or awards and recognitions.


  • Align your solutions and benefits with the challenges discussed in the previous slide to create a coherent narrative.

Slide 5: Case Studies/Success Stories


  • Client Name & Logo: If permissible, include recognizable clients to enhance credibility.
  • Challenges Faced: Briefly describe the client’s situation before your engagement.
  • Solutions Provided: Summarize your intervention and strategy.
  • Outcomes: Quantify the impact of your work in tangible metrics, like “% increase in savings, % reduction in costs, etc.”
  • Visuals: Include graphs or charts that visibly demonstrate the impact of your services.


  • Utilize storytelling; briefly explain the journey from challenges through your strategic intervention to success.

Slide 6: Methodology


  • Assessment:
    • Text: Describe how you analyze a company’s existing supply chain and procurement processes, e.g., “Through comprehensive audits, stakeholder interviews, and data analysis…”
    • Visuals: Consider using a flowchart to illustrate the assessment process.
  • Strategy Development:
    • Text: Explain your approach towards developing actionable strategies, e.g., “Leveraging insights from the assessment, we engineer bespoke strategies…”
    • Visuals: Use infographics or icons that symbolize innovation and strategic thinking.
  • Implementation:
    • Text: Detail how strategies are put into action and how you ensure adherence and efficacy.
    • Visuals: A simplified Gantt chart or roadmap could visualize the implementation phase.
  • Optimization:
    • Text: Share how you provide ongoing support to refine and adapt strategies for continual improvement.
    • Visuals: Imagery symbolizing growth, improvement, or ongoing support can be integrated.

Slide 7: Our Team


  • Key Team Members:
    • Showcase photographs, names, and titles of primary team members.
    • Highlight brief credentials and relevant expertise. E.g., “[Name], our Lead Consultant, brings over 15 years of hands-on experience in optimizing global supply chains across various industries…”
  • Expertise:
    • List and briefly describe the areas of expertise within your team, such as “Strategic Sourcing, Technology Integration, Sustainability, etc.”
    • Visuals: Consider including icons that represent each area of expertise.


  • Make it personal, help the audience connect with your team, and ensure they see the deep expertise that supports your solutions.

Slide 8: Service Offerings


  • Consulting Packages:
    • Briefly detail your offerings. E.g., “We offer a range of consulting packages from comprehensive SCM and Procurement strategy development to targeted solutions focusing on supplier management, cost reduction, etc.”
    • Visuals: Utilize icons or imagery to represent each package.
  • Pricing Model:
    • Without giving exhaustive details, provide an overview. E.g., “Our pricing models are flexible, with options for project-based pricing, retainer models, or customized solutions tailored to your specific needs.”


  • Be clear about the variety and flexibility of your services, ensuring they appear customizable to various business needs and sizes.

Slide 9: Target Market and Customer Segmentation


  • Target Clients:
    • Define who your ideal clients are. E.g., “Our services are meticulously crafted for mid to large-scale enterprises in Manufacturing, Retail, and Logistics sectors seeking to optimize their supply chains and enhance procurement efficiency.”
  • Value Proposition:
    • Convey the unique benefits and values you bring to these segments. E.g., “We enable our clients to not only realize cost savings but also to establish a resilient, agile, and sustainable supply chain that’s pivotal in today’s volatile market.”
    • Visuals: Consider using graphs or charts that depict improvements in key metrics or showcase short testimonials.

Slide 10: Testimonials


  • Quotes: Include genuine, positive feedback from past clients. E.g., “[Your Company] transformed our supply chain, reducing costs by 20% and significantly improving supplier relationships…” – [Client Name, Position, Company]
  • Impact Visuals: Consider incorporating visuals like before/after graphs or key impact numbers that align with the testimonials.


  • Use high-impact testimonials that are relatable to the prospects in the room, focusing on tangible outcomes and client satisfaction.

Slide 11: Implementation and Onboarding Process


  • Step-by-Step Guide: Provide a clear, easy-to-understand guide on how businesses start working with you. E.g.,
    • Initial Consultation
    • Comprehensive Assessment
    • Strategy Development
    • Implementation
    • Continuous Optimization
  • Timelines: Give a rough estimate of the time required for each step.
  • Visuals: Utilize a flowchart or a roadmap graphic to represent the process visually.


  • Demonstrate that your onboarding process is smooth, clearly defined, and free from complexities, alleviating apprehensions related to transition challenges.

Slide 12: Technology and Tools


  • Proprietary Technology: If applicable, briefly showcase any proprietary technology and its benefits. E.g., “Our cutting-edge, AI-driven ProcureTech ensures real-time analytics and data-driven decision-making…”
  • Partnerships: Mention collaborations with tech providers or platforms that enhance your service quality.
  • Visuals: Screen grabs of technology interfaces, logos of tech partners, or visuals that symbolize advanced technology use.
  • Impact: Highlight the value-add these technologies bring to clients – be it in analytics, automation, or any relevant domain.

Slide 13: Q&A Section


  • Invitation for Questions: A simple, welcoming statement like, “We welcome any questions you might have!”
  • Contact Information: Ensure your email and phone number are displayed for future reference.
  • Visuals: Consider a background image or graphic that aligns with the theme of engagement and communication.


  • While you may not have material content on this slide, verbally express openness and eagerness to discuss their queries and concerns.

Slide 14: Future Roadmap & Scalability


  • Future Plans: Briefly outline your upcoming strategies, technology adoptions, or service expansions.
  • Scalability: Describe how your services scale with growing businesses, ensuring you’re a fit for the long-term.
  • Visuals: Utilize a dynamic-looking roadmap graphic to depict future plans and potential growth.


  • This slide should convey your stability, forward-thinking, and long-term value to prospective clients, assuring them of a progressive partnership.

Slide 15: Closing/Thank You


  • Thank You Note: Express gratitude for their time and attention.
  • Recap Value Proposition: A brief, impactful reminder of your key value, such as, “Empowering Your Business with Intelligent, Sustainable, and Optimized Supply Chain Solutions.”
  • Call-to-Action: A clear next step, like “Let’s Begin Your Journey Towards an Optimized Supply Chain – Contact Us Today!”
  • Contact Details: Include your contact information (email, phone number) and social media handles for further engagement.
  • Visuals: Consistent branding and a friendly, engaging image to leave a positive impression.


  • The closing should be warm and encouraging, leaving the door wide open for future interactions and collaborations.

Last Words

You’ve explored the potential of our supply chain management pitch deck template. It’s designed to streamline your process, presenting clear, actionable insights for you and your stakeholders.

You got this!

But if you don’t got it:

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.

If you want to really dive into the world of pitch decks, check out our complete collection of pitch deck guidespitch deck outlines and pitch deck examples. Got a pressing issue? Check out our forum and post your questions there.

For more guidance, check out my pitch deck guide for manufacturing startups.

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