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12 Slides EV Podcast Pitch Deck Template

Presentation and Pitch Expert. Ex Advertising.

$100mill In Funding. Bald Since 2010.

You’ve got the next great idea for a podcast that could shake up the EV industry, but every pitch you make hits a dead end faster than a gas-guzzler in an empty tank. Here’s the deal: it’s not you, it’s your pitch deck.

No worries, though. I’m here to jumpstart your pitching game. Think of me as your personal pit crew chief, ready to tune up your presentation and get it racing toward success.

I’m Viktor, a pitch deck expert, and a presentation expert. Over the past 13 years, I’ve helped businesses secure millions of $ in funding thanks to my approach and I’m sharing it here in this pitch deck guide.

This template is your blueprint for creating an EV podcast pitch deck that’ll make investors and listeners sit up and take notice.

Let’s get started and make your podcast the Tesla of the airwaves.

Book a free personalized pitch deck consultation and save over 20 hours of your time.

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.


EV Podcast Pitch Deck Template

Want a similar template for your pitch? Book a call free below to discuss more, or reach out through email.

Write me an email at viktor at viktori.net

Slide 1: Title Slide

Title: EV Revolution Podcast

Tagline: Driving the Future of Mobility


  • Background: Image of a sleek electric vehicle or a futuristic cityscape with EV charging stations.
  • Elements: Podcast logo, your name and title, date, and presentation to whom.
  • Layout: Center-aligned text with high contrast for readability.

Slide 2: Vision and Mission


  • “To be the leading podcast providing insights and trends in the electric vehicle industry.”


  • “To educate, inform, and inspire listeners about the latest advancements, challenges, and opportunities in the EV sector.”


  • Background: Clean, minimalistic design with a light gradient or solid color.
  • Icons: Use icons that represent innovation, education, and sustainability.
  • Layout: Split the slide into two sections, one for Vision and one for Mission, with brief descriptions under each heading.

Slide 3: Problem Statement

Key Points:

  • Lack of Accessible Content: “Many consumers and professionals struggle to find reliable and engaging content about the electric vehicle industry.”
  • Growing Interest: “There is a rapidly increasing interest in EVs among consumers, investors, and industry professionals.”
  • Information Gap: “Current media often fails to provide in-depth analysis and expert insights tailored to the EV sector.”


  • Background: Use a relevant image, such as a busy city street or a collage of various media types.
  • Visuals: Incorporate infographics or icons to highlight the key points.
  • Layout: Use bullet points for clarity and readability.

Slide 4: Solution

Introduction to the EV Revolution Podcast:

  • Key Features:
    • Expert Interviews: “Conversations with industry leaders and innovators.”
    • Industry News: “Weekly updates on the latest trends and developments.”
    • Market Analysis: “In-depth analysis of market dynamics and forecasts.”
    • Listener Engagement: “Interactive Q&A sessions and feedback loops.”


  • Background: Image of a podcast setup or waveform graphic.
  • Elements: Icons for each key feature (microphone for interviews, newspaper for news, graph for analysis, and chat bubble for engagement).
  • Layout: Visually highlight each feature with a brief description next to the corresponding icon.

Slide 5: Market Opportunity

EV Industry Growth:

  • “The global electric vehicle market is expected to grow from USD 162.34 billion in 2020 to USD 802.81 billion in 2028, at a CAGR of 24.3%.”

Podcast Industry Growth:

  • “Podcast listenership has grown exponentially, with an estimated 120 million podcast listeners in the US alone in 2021, expected to reach 160 million by 2023.”


  • Background: Use a combination of images and graphics (e.g., a rising graph for EV market growth and headphones for podcast growth).
  • Charts/Graphs: Display a bar chart or line graph to visualize market growth statistics.
  • Layout: Divide the slide into two sections, one for EV industry stats and one for podcast industry stats, each with relevant visuals.

Slide 6: Target Audience


  • Age: 25-45 years
  • Gender: Predominantly male but increasingly female
  • Profession: Tech enthusiasts, automotive professionals, environmental advocates


  • Interests: Sustainable living, latest tech trends, automotive advancements
  • Behavior: Early adopters, frequent podcast listeners, engaged in online communities


  • Background: Use a light, neutral background to keep the focus on the content.
  • Visuals: Images representing diverse audience members (e.g., a young professional, a tech-savvy individual, an environmentalist).
  • Layout: Use icons and short descriptions to illustrate demographic and psychographic traits. Consider a two-column layout for clarity.

Slide 7: Content Strategy

Types of Content:

  • Interviews: “Exclusive conversations with industry leaders and innovators.”
  • News Analysis: “Weekly updates on the latest EV trends and developments.”
  • Panel Discussions: “Expert panels discussing key topics and future predictions.”
  • Q&A Sessions: “Interactive sessions where listeners can ask questions and engage with experts.”

Frequency and Length:

  • “New episodes released every Monday and Thursday.”
  • “Average episode length: 30-45 minutes.”

Sample Episode Topics:

  • “The Future of Autonomous EVs”
  • “Battery Technology Innovations”
  • “Policy and Regulations Impacting EV Adoption”
  • “EV Market Trends and Forecasts”


  • Background: Light background with subtle patterns or graphics.
  • Elements: Use icons or images representing different types of content (microphone for interviews, newspaper for news, discussion bubble for panels, question mark for Q&A).
  • Layout: Use a structured grid layout to present content types, frequency, and sample topics clearly.

Slide 8: Monetization Plan

Revenue Streams:

  • Sponsorships: “Partner with EV manufacturers, charging networks, and green tech companies.”
  • Advertising: “Integrate ads for relevant products and services within episodes.”
  • Premium Content: “Offer exclusive interviews, early access, and bonus episodes for subscribers.”
  • Merchandise: “Sell branded merchandise such as t-shirts, hats, and accessories.”

Potential Sponsors and Partners:

  • “Tesla, Rivian, ChargePoint, Electrify America, Green Tech startups”


  • Background: Use a dynamic and engaging background, such as a gradient or a pattern.
  • Icons: Represent each revenue stream with relevant icons (e.g., handshake for sponsorships, ad icon for advertising, premium badge for exclusive content, t-shirt for merchandise).
  • Layout: Use a combination of bullet points and icons to clearly outline the monetization plan.

Slide 9: Marketing and Distribution

Marketing Strategies:

  • Social Media Campaigns: “Active presence on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook.”
  • Collaborations: “Guest appearances on other podcasts and partnerships with EV brands.”
  • SEO and Blog: “Optimize podcast episodes and create a companion blog for better discoverability.”
  • Email Newsletters: “Regular updates and exclusive content for subscribers.”

Distribution Platforms:

  • “Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher”


  • Background: A clean and simple background to highlight content.
  • Icons: Use social media icons and platform logos.
  • Layout: Use a flowchart or infographic to show the marketing and distribution strategy, emphasizing the connection between strategies and platforms.

Slide 10: Competitive Analysis

Comparison with Other EV and Tech Podcasts:

  • Podcast A: “Focuses mainly on automotive news.”
  • Podcast B: “Provides general tech updates, with occasional EV content.”
  • Podcast C: “Features interviews but lacks in-depth market analysis.”

Unique Selling Points:

  • Comprehensive Coverage: “In-depth analysis, market trends, and expert interviews.”
  • High-Quality Production: “Professional sound quality and engaging content.”
  • Engaged Community: “Interactive sessions and active listener engagement.”


  • Background: A light background with a simple pattern.
  • Comparison Table: Create a table comparing your podcast to competitors, highlighting your unique features.
  • Highlighting: Use color coding or checkmarks to emphasize your podcast’s strengths.

Slide 11: Team

Introduce the Podcast Team:

  • Host: “John Doe, EV Enthusiast with 10+ years in the automotive industry.”
  • Producer: “Jane Smith, Experienced Podcast Producer and Audio Engineer.”
  • Marketing Lead: “Alex Brown, Digital Marketing Specialist with a focus on tech and mobility.”
  • Research Analyst: “Emma White, Industry Analyst specializing in electric vehicles.”

Brief Bios and Experience:

  • “John Doe: Previously worked with leading automotive magazines and EV startups.”
  • “Jane Smith: Produced top-rated tech podcasts with a focus on quality and engagement.”
  • “Alex Brown: Managed digital campaigns for major automotive brands.”
  • “Emma White: Published research papers on EV market trends and sustainability.”


  • Background: A clean background with subtle design elements.
  • Headshots: Professional photos of each team member.
  • Layout: Use a grid layout with headshots, names, titles, and brief bios under each photo.

Slide 12: Roadmap and Milestones

Short-Term Goals:

  • “Launch the first season with 10 episodes.”
  • “Achieve 5,000 downloads in the first three months.”
  • “Secure initial sponsorship deals.”

Long-Term Goals:

  • “Expand to two seasons per year.”
  • “Reach 50,000 downloads within the first year.”
  • “Develop a premium content subscription model.”
  • “Host live events and webinars.”

Key Milestones:

  • “Q1 2024: Podcast Launch”
  • “Q2 2024: First Sponsorship Deal”
  • “Q3 2024: 10,000 Downloads”
  • “Q4 2024: Launch Premium Content”


  • Background: A timeline graphic with key milestones highlighted.
  • Icons: Use icons representing goals and milestones (e.g., rocket for launch, download icon, dollar sign for sponsorships).
  • Layout: A horizontal timeline with milestones placed chronologically.

Last Words

You’ve got the vision for the next big EV podcast that will electrify listeners and industry leaders alike.

Imagine having a pitch deck so compelling that potential investors and partners can’t help but buy into your vision.

With our EV Podcast pitch deck template, you’ll transform your brilliant idea into an irresistible presentation. This template provides you with a clear roadmap, expert tips, and all the essential elements to make your pitch a roaring success.

Don’t let your podcast idea stall. You got this!

But if you don’t got it:

Join hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who’ve transformed their pitch decks with my help.

Let me develop an investor ready deck by using my hands-off approach, which includes: market research, copy, design, financials, narrative and strategy.

One week turnaround time.

The least you will get is 10 actionable tips & strategies to own that next presentation, worth $599, for free.

If you want to really dive into the world of pitch decks, check out our complete collection of pitch deck guidespitch deck outlines and pitch deck examples. Got a pressing issue? Check out our forum and post your questions there.

For more guidance, check out my podcast pitch deck guide.

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